When Fujiwara Chika was on stage, mingling with the elementary school students in the audience and giving a passionate speech, Hiratsuka Shizuka, who had just suffered a severe blow, finally recovered.

"Come here, students. I want to tell you something......."

As Hiratsuka Shizuka finished speaking, the students gathered around to see what this iron fist teacher was up to.

"As you can see, there are actually quite a lot of children here, and we, along with the primary school teachers, are responsible for keeping an eye on them."

"So, after Fujiwara-san’s speech, you can go and talk to the kids. After all, wouldn’t it be better to find a kid whose personality you like?"

"Tsk......They are just a bunch of little ghosts, what's the difference?"

As expected, Miura Yumiko always jumps wildly in the thunder and lightning of Hiratsuka Shizuka.

This straightforward girl usually says whatever she thinks, without thinking at all.........


She, Hiratsuka Shizuka, is so fair that she beats even female students.

Okay......After encountering Hiratsuka Shizuhei's A, Yumiko Miura is now obedient.

"That's it, do you have any questions?"

Looking at Miura Yumiko with pearls around her eyes, the classmates couldn't help but shudder.

"No problem, no problem!!!"

Hearing the unanimous answer, Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded with satisfaction and glanced at Fujiwara Chika who had already finished her speech.

"Disband!!! Go choose your elementary school students!!!"

After Shizuka Hiratsuka announced the disbandment, all the students ran away in a swarm..........

Su Yun naturally chose to act with Kato Hui.

In the huge square, countless children and older children formed a stream.

All the elementary school students were communicating with the older brothers and sisters they were interested in. Then there was a bright spot......Why did no one care about the two-person team of Su Yun, who were the most handsome in the scene?

This was because Su Yun had studied and understood the reason for her low sense of presence through in-depth communication with Kato Megumi.

Therefore, Su Yun used Sukuna's unparalleled learning ability and his highly malleable cursed power to create similar skills.

Curses are amazing, kid!!!

"By the way, Hui-chan, do you have any favorite naughty kids? To be honest, I don’t like these kids very much........."

Hearing Su Yun handing the question to her, Kato Hui pointed directly at the two elementary school students she had been paying attention to.

There was nothing around these two elementary school students. It was obvious that they did not get along well with their so-called"companions"........

But there was no disappointment on their faces, as if they had already gotten used to it.

Su Yun also noticed them at this time. The girl had long black hair, her cute face was slightly lowered, a camera was hanging around her neck, and her face had a coldness that an elementary school student shouldn't have. She looked like a smaller version of Yukinoshita Yukino.........

Su Yun finally remembered who this was.........Tsurumi Rumi, this is a good kid, but what about the one next to her?

A messy head of hair, a pair of lifeless eyes, a lonely temperament, and a shy look when standing next to Tsurumi Rumi..........

This dead fish eye......Is that you? The Great Prison Master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yun couldn't hold it in any longer. Who on earth is this guy who looks like Hikigaya Hachiman?

It can't be that the Great Sensei has really turned into a child?

There has always been a saying in Oregairu: Three years earlier there was Haruno, ten years earlier there was Shizuka, and ten years later there was Tsurumi Rumi.

But this is just a joke among netizens......Now that it has come true, it is really a bit outrageous!

However, Kato Hui didn't know these twists and turns.

When she was sure that Su Yun next to her was very interested in the two children, Kato Hui went up to greet them with a gentle face.

""Two little friends, can you talk to your big sister?"

Kato Megumi's gentle and virtuous temperament made the two children feel like they saw their own mother.........

The little boy with dead eyes reacted immediately and blocked Tsurumi Rumi with his body.

"Big sister, why did you leave the group of children alone and come here to attack us?"

"If you and the big brother behind you are willing, you should wave your hands and countless children will come around you!"

Kato Hui was a little stunned by the question of this dead-eyed kid. This little guy seemed to have too much logic........

Unlike the great teacher in the original work, he has not experienced the tragedy of being rejected in junior high school. In addition, he has the unique vitality of children and has not stuttered when talking to strangers.

Hikigaya Hachiman's sharp question made Kato Megumi not know how to refute for a while.

But for Su Yun, it is not difficult to talk to this childhood with the ceiling of emotional intelligence in Oregairu.

After all, just be honest with this guy.

"Of course it's because there are few of you and you look very well behaved, so we who don't like trouble came to find you. Otherwise, what do you think, little ghost?"

"Is it because your dead fish eyes are rich in protein?"


Hikigaya Hachiman was stunned. He didn't know what to say. There was nothing wrong with this explanation.

"By the way, what are your names?"

"Hikigaya Hachiman!"

"Tsurumi Rumi........."

I'm a bitch......Wow, this guy is invincible!

The chief prison master and Tsurumi Rumi became childhood sweethearts.....The next question is: What about Hikigaya Komachi?

Has the age of the prison warden's sister in the original novel changed?

"Hikigaya Hachiman......Do you have a younger sister?"

Hearing Su Yun's words, Hikigaya Hachiman was stunned.

Sister? She doesn't have a younger sister? Only a sister who is much older than him.

Su Yun knew the answer from Hikigaya Hachiman's reaction.

The arrangement for the great prison master in this anime world is really gentle........

As the youngest son in the family, Hachiman Hikigaya should be able to get more care from his parents than in the original work.

And he is also paired with"Xiao Yukino", which is really good!!! Gentle and kind people should be treated gently by the world.......

With this arrangement, the chief jailer seems to have suffered less hardships than in the original book, which is not conducive to his thriving growth.......

Since they met by chance, it means that Su Yun and the Grand Prison Master are destined to be together, so Su Yun doesn't mind helping him grow. The value of him is no less than that of Ox and Horse No. 1 Silver Yuxing and Ox and Horse No. 2 Shi Shangyou. It's just that he still needs some polishing before he can achieve the Great Ox and Horse Saint Body.

Su Yun plans to add fuel to the fire, so that the Grand Prison Master can open his eyes and see the world in advance, which is not bad!

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