Xue No was about to obey and go forward, but the energy in her mind suddenly passed. She just reacted and felt a little shy that she was just like the soldier.

At the same time, the halo of the community bull also faded. Now she couldn't just go up and make a move on two strange girls she didn't know.

I was afraid that I would disappoint my mother again.......Yukino looked at Su Yun for help.

Is the time up? Su Yun looked at his phone. At this moment, more than half an hour had passed since he cast the spell.

The spell he used was actually a reversal of the appetite transformation spell. Unlike the forward spell that forced all kinds of emotions and common sense into appetite, the reversal of the spell can have the opposite effect.

Su Yun, who inherited Sukuna's talent, combined with this extremely special spell, barely constructed more than half an hour of social cow time for Yukino. It's really difficult, Yukinoshita-san, it's not that I don't want to help you, Su Yun sighed in his heart, and then followed Yukino's look for help and walked in front of Chitsuka and Takina.

"Two lovely waitresses, this kind of behavior is not good in broad daylight, please restrain yourself, at least do it in a private place."

Some people may not have seen the iron ball that gradually turns red under high temperature, but now they can open their eyes. At this time, Takina can perfectly interpret this scene. Qianzhu did not refute Su Yun's words, but cooperated with her with a little devil expression and looked at her partner who was gradually emitting steam on his side.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun also knew that the awkward atmosphere was gradually dissolving, and he should let Takina calm down and talk about business.

Deliberately putting his hands behind his back, Su Yun looked at the shy Takina with a serious look.

"You will disappoint the commander, Ms. Inoue........."

The word"commander" made Takina, whose mind was in a mess, seem to be poured with a glass of cold water. She woke up instantly, and her hands unconsciously fell to her sides. Her legs, which were weak due to shyness, were also stretched straight.

Su Yun shook his head when he saw this. It seemed that Takina still had obsessions in her heart. Then there was no doubt that all the girls in the coffee shop were problem girls.

The difficulty of training from low to high should be: Takina < Yukino < Chitsuka.

Let's solve the tricky white-haired one last. I believe that by then, the racial conflict between ghouls and humans should allow her to grow a lot.

As for now............

""Chizuki, red-clad operator, listen to my orders. I have been recognized by Commander Nanmu as"temporarily" taking over your command, so I will now issue you the first mission."

After hearing Su Yun's order, I can only say that Chizuki is indeed Chizuki. She has a realm that Xueno can hardly reach in her lifetime.

"Commander Su Yun, please give your instructions. Your loyal subordinates are always ready!"

After saying that, the beautiful and lively white-haired lady saluted Su Yun properly.

It must be said that the lively atmosphere next to Qian Shu can really make people feel a lot better. Su Yun can deeply feel it.

However, he will not be soft-hearted in the difficulty of the task.

"I see the confidence of an excellent Likolis operator in you, which is very good. Qianshu, so your first task is to find a way to make the cold lady at the door worship you as a teacher."

Huh? So sudden? The lovely white-haired lady was a little confused about Su Yun's instructions, but now she is a loyal soldier. No matter how high the wall is, how flat the plain is, how sharp the tongue is, as long as the commander wants it, she Qianshu will spare no effort to beat it down.

""Got it, Commander, I'll attack right away."

Miss Likolis in red rushed towards the bewildered Yukino at the door like a vicious dog, and with the irresistible strength of the second daughter of the rich family, she pulled her onto the cushions for receiving guests in the cafe.

Su Yun and Takina on the side watched this scene without saying a word.

As time passed, Qianzhu and Yukino exchanged no less than a thousand moves. Miss Baimao felt deeply that the guy in front of her was kind and cute, and he was the same person as her.........

But she was also quite difficult to deal with verbally. It was a pity that she was so smart that she finally discovered the weakness of this cute snow girl.

Qianshu used her unique skills to deal with children during volunteer activities. She slowly put her hand to her mouth, stuck out her pink tongue, and made the same movement as a cat licking its paw.

"Meow! ~"

Qianzhu's meow directly hit the hearts of several people in the coffee shop.

Xueno surrendered, Suyun smiled, and Takina - his fist hardened......

Su Yun noticed Takina's reaction and quietly approached Takina.

"Are you jealous? Miss Inoue"

Takina didn't reply, but tiny blue veins appeared on her clenched fists.

Su Yun was stimulated by Takina's subtle reaction and laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at? I didn't......."

Su Yun waved his hand to interrupt Takina's sophistry and warned earnestly

"Remember the jealousy and resentment you felt today. How did it feel to watch your best friend being taken away?"

"You know, Takina, Chizuka's character means you can't live in peace. In this cruel world, gentle people will not be treated well, and there will only be endless tragedies to find her."

Takina lowered her head after hearing Su Yun's words. She knew it all. The things she dealt with in the Likolis Direct Strike Force had already made her no longer innocent at an age when she should have been innocent. But she couldn't even fulfill her little wish to stay in the Direct Strike Force.

How could she help Chizuka?

But at this time, Su Yun broke her haze.

"Listen to me, Ms. Inoue, all the tragedies in this world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties involved, and you lack the power."

"Now there is a great opportunity. I will train you so that you can fight against the truly strong. If you don't want to die one day, then pick up the broom beside you and swing at me."

"I will show you what the real world is like.

Takina didn't want to stay where she was. She wanted to help her friend, so what was there to hesitate about?

Grabbing the broom, Takina swung it vigorously at Su Yun, who represented the"supreme authority" of Commander Nanmu.

In front of Takina, Su Yun flicked the broom into powder with one finger, and then said with relief.

"Well done, so you were fired by Rikolis for attacking the officer sent by Commander Kusunoki, Takina"

"In addition, congratulations on being incorporated into the Lycoris Special Forces. You can ask Commander Kusuno for confirmation afterwards. Now I know you are shocked, but congratulations anyway. The door to the new world will be open to you from now on."

Takina was so shocked by the string of information coming out of Su Yun's mouth that she couldn't speak. She just pointed her trembling fingers at Chitsuka who was being worshipped as a disciple by Yukino.

Su Yun smiled knowingly and dispelled Takina's last question.

"Don't worry, Chizuki will also be a member of the special forces."

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