In the LycoReco coffee shop, in a room with beige walls, two beautiful girls and a handsome young man sat in a circle on the tatami around a small table in front of them.

At this time, the lowest-ranking reserve player in the special forces, Yukinoshita, poured a cup of freshly brewed hot tea for her two future teammates and the boss. The white-haired regular player was the first to not sit still, and grabbed the teacup in front of him, pouring drops of green-yellow tea into his mouth.

"Apprentice, this is great tea. Of course, your craftsmanship is also quite good."

Hearing Qianzhu's words, Xueno bowed gracefully.

"It's just a small skill that can't be put on the table."

Su Yun saw that Xue Nai, the apprentice, had given her master some face, and shook his head. As a boss, he couldn't pretend that he didn't see anything.

He stepped forward and rubbed Qian's lovely white hair, then flicked his finger heavily on Bai Jing's forehead.


"Remembering Qian Shu, the more green the tea brewed, the clearer the more green, the better the quality of the tea. If you do n’t understand, do n’t talk nonsense. After all, you have lost your face as a direct officer."

After spitting out the tongue to Su Yun, after finishing the above action, the dandruff directly hid the guy who had been watching the drama beside him.........Forget it, Qianshu is a little naughty now, after all, she won't be able to laugh anymore soon

"Well, now that the Yukinoshita candidate members are back, let's officially start the meeting. Do you have any objections?"

Without waiting for Yukino and Takina to answer, Chitsuka raised her hand from behind Takina as if nothing had happened.

"Let’s get started quickly, let’s get started quickly. I never thought that I, Qianshu, would have the chance to attend a military-level meeting one day!"

"Well, it seems that Qianshu members are looking forward to it, so I will host this meeting."

Su Yun's words shattered Qianshu's little thoughts. This guy's thoughts were too easy to guess. She, a 0 wrapped in a 1, wanted to host a meeting? Don't even think about it!

""Hey? Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, can you let me host it? I won't cause any trouble."

Qian Shu's cheesy voice gave Su Yun goose bumps, and he said sternly

"Absolutely not!"

"How about we play rock-paper-scissors, and the winner will host it?" Qian Shu's eyes flashed with a cunning look.

"Okay, but I'll admit defeat."............

Ten minutes later, Su Yun, who was standing in front of the three women, looked around, then looked at Qian Shu, who was pouting and looking erratic, and said

"Team member Qianshu, please repeat what I just said."

"I'll call you Xiaoyun like a kitten, can you please not let me say it~~?"

Su Yun's mouth twitched as he looked at Qianshu who was stretching in the same posture as the kitten, and helplessly looked at Takina on the side.

""Ahem! Ahem! Takina, you repeat it again."

Compared to Chizuka, Takina was indeed much more serious, and simply summarized the key points that Su Yun had just said.

"First of all, our special forces' attacks must be carried out in the presence of Commander Su Yun. Secondly, we must regularly go to designated locations for training. Finally, we must independently carry out volunteer activities when Commander Su Yun is not around."

Su Yun looked at Takina and nodded with satisfaction. This will definitely become his right-hand man in the future.........

"I'll give you a little treat this weekend, Takina."

"Also, Chizuka, learn from Takina, this is what an elite team member should be like."

Chizuka looked like a child who had been criticized, with a depressed face, and answered weakly.


At this time, Xueno, who had been lurking for a long time, finally spoke.

"What are we doing here, Su Yun, what does it mean to attack? Am I not here to volunteer?"

Su Yun did not answer, but looked at Qian Shu who was winking at him.

"The opportunity to redeem oneself for meritorious service has come to Qianshu. You have five minutes to teach your apprentice the affairs and duties of the Lycoris Organization. If you complete it, you will be rewarded.

Seeing Su Yun told him that he could reveal the existence of the Lycoris Organization to Xue Na, Qianshu did not think much about it. It was just the boss's task.

Five minutes later......

After listening to Chizuka's explanation, Yukino looked at Chizuka and Takina in shock

, but then her shock was replaced by heartache.

"Aren’t you tired of living this way?......Inoue-san"

Chitose stepped forward and rubbed Yukino's cheek, then suddenly blew a breath into Yukino's ear with her mouth.

"Don't you think this is very passionate and mysterious? I like my cute apprentice, Meow."

Yukino didn't react, but Takina, who saw Chitsuka's actions, got anxious first.

""What are you doing, Chizuki? Don't touch girls."

After saying that, Takina pulled Chizuki away from Yukino.

At this time, Yukino finally reacted. She didn't care about Takina's abnormal reaction, and said to the two of them with a firm look in her eyes.

"Let me join you in the future, Master Qianzhu and Classmate Takina! I can't do nothing and just enjoy the peace that Likolis and others have worked hard to maintain. Although it's very weak, I can also contribute my share."

Qianzhu was touched by Yukino's words and realized that she had not accepted the wrong apprentice. Takina also changed her mind about this black and straight girl like her. However, before they could say anything, Su Yun stood up and rejected Yukino's request.

"No, Yukinoshita-san, let alone your mental qualities, even if we only look at your physical strength, I'm afraid Takina can kill you in various ways."

"Now asking you to join my special organization to carry out missions is simply asking you to die, so start by training as a candidate member. I will guide you well."

Yukino is not an unreasonable person. After Su Yun finished speaking, she understood that what he said was indeed correct. She did not insist, but nodded in approval.

Qianshu also cooperated and patted Yukino on the back.

"Don't worry, apprentice, the master will be waiting for you, and look forward to us fighting side by side."

After comforting the apprentice, Qian Shu turned around and looked at Su Yun who was smiling.

"So, Xiaoyun, what is our first mission? You already have an idea in your mind, right?"

As expected of Qianshu, his emotional intelligence and sensitivity are much higher than the two black straight girls next to him. Seeing that Qianshu has already discovered it, Su Yun no longer keeps it a secret.

"Recently, a batch of guns flowed into Chiba City. The purpose and source are unknown, but it is suspected that they flowed into the market."

"Therefore, even a small robber or gangster on the street may have dangerous weapons such as guns."

Qian Shu rubbed his hands expectantly.

"So our mission is.....?"

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