"Of course, we need to find a technician who can help us understand the dynamics of Chiba City."

Qianshu shook her head in disappointment. She thought that the guns were secretly disposed of.

"Don't be disappointed, Qian Shu, this mission is not easy. According to reliable information, the technician I want is being hunted down."

Hunted down?" These two words seemed to awaken Qian Shu's vitality.

"That is, we need......."

"Just as you thought, Chitsuka, I accepted the high-priced commission from this technician in the name of the special forces, so I need you to protect her."

When Yukino heard that the commission was to protect her, and there was also a high commission fee, she jumped up and down.

"Are we going alone? That's too much of a joke. With such a high commission, I'm afraid the pursuer is not a simple person."

Qian Shu heard the concerns of his good disciple and shook his finger at her.

"To be precise, it's just me and Takina, apprentice, but don't worry, I'm the strongest Lycoris, this small commission will be successful."

Qianzhu's confident words made Su Yun's face a little weird, he had already received some news from Mitsui Suneo.

Someone offered a sky-high reward for the technician that Su Yun wanted, and not long ago, a ghoul suspected to be on record took this task.

It seems that the first meeting gift he carefully prepared for someone was going to be messed up by that person because of his confidence, even if it was just a low-level ghoul.

"Then I'll wait and see. Chitose, don't be careless."

"Don't worry, boss."

That day, the red Likolis put her hands on her hips, unaware of the evil of human hearts and the weakness of human bodies, she was still so high-spirited, as if the vitality in the heart of a girl could last forever....................

On a new day, Aki Tomoya was sent to the hospital because of continuous Ole Gei, but fortunately, God didn't want to let the kind Su Yun be bored.

Da He Taiyang was finally released from home by his old father.

"You little brat, your dad wanted to be a section chief, but now it's all gone, even your job is going to be gone. If you dare to cause trouble again today, I will beat you to death."

Da He Taiyang obeyed his father's instructions on the surface, but in fact he was cursing Lao Gui and Su Yun in his heart. But he only dared to think about it, because Lao Gui could cut off his money, and Su Yun could even take his life.

Da He Taiyang walked in the sunny and noisy streets in distress.

Suddenly, a student with blonde hair and a good figure walked in front of him, and she was still wearing the school uniform of Sobu High School.

She was chatting happily with a cute female student with a brown bun who deliberately cut her school uniform skirt short. Da

He Taiyang's dusty memories attacked him. He remembered that this blonde girl seemed to be interested in Ye Shan from their class..........

Ohga Taiyo couldn't think of any good things to do to help people, but he was very good at disgusting people. With a

"good idea" in mind, Ohga Taiyo smiled sunny at the back of Miura Yumiko.

But there was a saying in ancient times that"the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind", and this saying is still true today. What the yellow-haired Ohga Taiyo didn't know was that when he looked at the blonde Miura Yumiko with a new evil plan, another blonde was silently watching his every move in the dark.

Hayasaka Ai rubbed the breasts that were rubbed by her own lady yesterday

"Good job, Ohga-san, it seems that my chance to redeem myself has come~~"

Hayasaka Ai laughed at Ohga Taiyo's back, and then skipped off to meet her eldest lady. Special Agent Hayasaka was undoubtedly the MVP of this morning............

In the classroom, Su Yun saw a strange face. A rough face, distinct muscles, and a pair of smiling eyes.

This must be the mouth of a gentle macho man!

"Classmates, today I am finally cured of my"illness", now let's go out for physical education! Also, remember to bring your tennis racket, today we are going to practice tennis"

Listen to this heavenly voice.......Some students in Su Yun's class felt like they were dreaming. After being embarrassed every day, they finally had a chance to bask in the warm sunlight.

They patted their faces. They were not dreaming anymore......

It's just their fantasy.

"Oh, by the way, the dean told me that some students' grades are too bad and they can't go out for physical education class. Now I'll read out their names........."

Not surprisingly, the PE teacher read out the names of those who were often targeted by teachers of various subjects.

Ye Shan found himself among them. He laughed at himself. For the sake of the so-called majority, he ignored the bullied Yukino in elementary school. Now that he has grown up and entered high school, he has not made any progress. He does not deserve to live in the sun.........

While Su Yun's class was wailing, Sobu High School's J class, who were taking the same physical education class as them, were laughing and talking.

But now there was something strange mixed in with the laughter, because Miura Yumiko, who was the top student in their class, looked unhappy.

Thinking of the small note, Miura Yumiko was very angry. Although she despised those who isolated classmates, Hayama was not the one who targeted Su Yun in the first place, so why should he be punished as well?

Tuanzi was watching her friend worriedly from the side. Unusually, the high-ranking master Ebina, who was usually good at livening up the atmosphere, remained silent. Unlike

Tuanzi and Miura Yumiko, Ebina had a high EQ. After seeing the contents of the note, she understood everything.

Although Hayama did not participate in isolating Su Yun and even wanted to stop it, he provided a protective atmosphere for those who participated. He was not wronged this time.

But considering Yumiko's current anger, she should find another opportunity to correct her mistakes. I'll trouble you for this class, Su Yun. Ebina pushed his glasses.

"I���Let's go, Hime, Yui, I have to have a good talk with that guy."

Pulling the still confused Tuanzi and Ebina who had a clear understanding of the whole incident, Miura Yumiko strode out of the classroom, holding her tennis racket tightly in her hand.

Seeing this scene, the other students in the classroom couldn't wait to follow.

Soon, the classroom became empty. Looking around, there was only a pink-haired girl swaying strangely.

"Yeah yeah yeah, congratulations to the humble Pochi-chan for avoiding the gym class full of people again, now I can swing to my heart's content by myself~"

Pochi-chan was not happy for long, her head teacher suddenly pushed the door and entered the classroom

"Oh, by the way, Goto-san, I won’t approve your physical education leave this time. Your parents told me that they want you to exercise properly, so just go to physical education class."

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