The head teacher left after informing her, leaving Pochi-chan petrified.

"Mom, why do you treat your eldest daughter like this? Are you and Dad’s eyes all on Erli’s sister? Am I going to start a wandering life of singing and selling songs? No!!!"

Pochi-chan doesn't want to accept this kind of ending. In order to let her mother regain her hope in her, she will exercise well today to show her.

When she gets home, she must let Jimmyhen smell her sweat so as to regain her mother's favor.

By the way, Jimmyhen is the cute dog in Pochi-chan's home. After coming to the locker room and changing into the sportswear of Sobu High School with great effort, Pochi-chan looked at her breasts and muttered to herself: They have grown again. It's time to buy new ones.

Just when Pochi-chan was worried about her breasts, Yumiko Miura pushed open the door of the locker room violently, picked up her exclusive victory tennis ball that she had left in the locker room, glanced at Pochi-chan, and then left angrily!!!!

Pochi-chan was in great crisis. How could she have forgotten that Miura's classmate got angry just now

? Could this monstrous anger be directed at her? Thinking of the scene where she was surrounded and beaten by Yumiko Miura and her real-life friends,

Pochi-chan's soul actually floated out of her mouth.

It's over, it's really over. I wanted to make a lot of good friends in high school and become a popular person, but now......

Not to mention becoming a popular student, she will be bullied by the popular students in the class. Oh, I hope Miura-san will be gentler later. After all, she is just covered in soft mud. It’s really sorry to dirty Miura-san’s eyes.

When Pochi-chan prayed to the God of Mud to save her, her body"surged" out of the locker room as if she had been appointed, and went straight to the tennis court of Sobu High School.

This abstract scene was seen by Su Yun who had just come out of the classroom. He stopped his steps to the Student Union.

After all, physical education class is more fun now, so he will be more diligent and not go to the Student Union to enjoy the air conditioning and be lazy........

In the tennis court of Sobu High School, students from two classes gathered on both sides of the court.

The physical education teacher of Su Yun's class gently touched the newly replaced net on the tennis court.

"Look at the shine of this new net........It should be like the sweat of adolescent boys and girls, so now, students, form groups and start practicing freely!"

The PE teachers of the two classes spoke in unison, causing the two classes to cheer for the long-awaited PE class at the same time.

But before Su Yun took the initiative to find Pochi-chan, a blond uninvited guest came to him.

"Hey, do you want to practice with me? If you lose, you can let Ye Shan go. How about that?"

Su Yun looked at the golden retriever in front of him who dared to challenge him in surprise. He didn't even remember who this person was.

"Who are you? Are you sure you are ready to challenge me?"

"You don't need to care who I am, just say whether you agree or not, two against two."

Are you so confident? Miura Yumiko's appearance at this moment reminded Su Yun of the BGM of his previous life,

Sister is the Queen~~Confident and shining~~

""Okay, but wait a moment. I'll have someone send something over."

Miura Yumiko was a little confused by Su Yun's words. Tennis only requires a ball and a racket. What else is needed?

After receiving Su Yun's message, Mitsui Suneo quickly drafted a document and handed it to the dean who was on standby. After receiving the document, the dean ran to the tennis court quickly, while Mitsui Suneo took a sip of tea and looked in the direction of the tennis court in fear.

No way? Is there really someone who dares to dance in front of Su Yun? Mitsui Suneo's computer showed the surveillance footage of the tennis court and Miura Yumiko's personal information.

Mitsui Suneo thought about it and thought it was hopeless..........He typed on the keyboard and changed the name column in Miura Yumiko's student information to 1.5 Yumiko.

The young people nowadays are really not afraid of death! If he had Yumiko's skin, he would probably take the initiative to attack and take down Su Yun. However, as if he thought of something, Mitsui Xiaofu shook his head again. Forget it. With that woman around, who dares to spy on Su Yun?

Time goes back to the morning - Kaguya was furious after receiving the morning love report. She hinted at Xiaoyun yesterday, but Xiaoyun intended to keep Da He Taiyang's life, and no one knew what she was going to do..........

(PS: The author wants to destroy Da He Taiyang's soul. Readers, guess who has the ability to target souls? Evildoers will be punished by evildoers.)

It's just that Xiao Yun's tolerance seems to have become a reason for him to be so arrogant. But it doesn't matter. I already had the intention to take action against him. The first step is to let him experience what it feels like to be bullied both physically and mentally.

"Hayasaka, stopped the baseball club's funding and informed them that this was all due to Ohga Taiyo abusing the funds to buy obscene comics"

"At the same time, go put some special things in Ohga Taiyo's closet, and then"coincidentally" let these things be discovered. No problem, my dear maid lady."

After knowing that Su Yun was the childhood sweetheart of her eldest lady, Hayasaka immediately understood what Kaguya meant.

"I will definitely complete the task excellently, so can you please stop bullying me tonight?"

Seeing Hayasaka Ai say this, Kaguya secretly glanced at the part that was much larger than her, and scratched her forehead unwillingly.

"Just go, Hayasaka. As for tonight, it depends on your performance."

After receiving Kaguya's reply, Hayasaka Ai was satisfied and set off. She wanted to let the young lady see her strength in the hot girl state..........

Su Yun didn't know that Hayasaka Ai had already started to act. He was now preparing to deceive this cute pink-haired classmate in front of him.

However, before he could open his mouth to speak, a series of combos had already attacked him.

"right...I'm sorry, my handsome classmate. I don't know how this maggot has offended you. Please forgive me and spare my mess.���Dirty your hands!"

Pochi-chan looked at Su Yun, who had just confronted Miura Yumiko, with horror.

She was afraid that she had offended him unconsciously somewhere, and now Su Yun came to trouble her for revenge.

This Pochi-chan was exactly as she remembered. Su Yun looked at the wandering Pochi-chan with a little interest.

The weakness was too obvious, Pochi-chan, it seemed that there was no need to even think of persuading her.

"You will play with me later, is that okay, Pochi-chan?"

"I......I......I don't...."

"Hmm? Is it okay, Bochi-chan?"

Bochi-chan was frightened by Su Yun's continuous questions. She really didn't dare to......

"OK, I get it. Please don't beat me up just because I'm not good enough at this."

Su Yun saw that Pochi-chan agreed and smiled. Sure enough, she wouldn't refuse anyone. Pochi-chan.......

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