When Su Yun entered the store, he immediately spotted the person he was looking for. Because she was so obvious, there was even a"vacuum zone" around her."

"Here, here, boss, I'm here!"

Although Su Yun had noticed this blonde girl, she didn't know that she was cheering because the boss had arrived as expected.

"Miss Walnut, I saw you. At first I thought you were a stable and mature man........"

"So, are you an adult? I'm curious."

Miss Walnut, who was cheering, curled her lips uncomfortably when she heard the boss asking her a private question about her age.

"I'm already 30, over 30, don't I look like it?"

"It’s really not like.......Walnut was stunned. Shouldn't he be polite at this time? The boss is really straightforward and has a real personality.

"Ahem! Ahem! Let's forget about this little thing and talk about the real business."

"Miss Walnut, please speak."

After all, the little golden retriever opposite was his employer, so Su Yun decided not to argue with the guest.���Let's hear what she says first.

"So, boss, are we going to kill the Yalan Agency Headquarters directly? Or are we going to attack the SSS-level ghouls? Or are we going to deal with some monsters in Japanese legends?"

Hmm? What is this Miss Walnut talking about? Why can't Su Yun understand? Is this the unique euphemism of the genius hacker loli?

Noticing Su Yun's strange expression, Walnut just remembered that he forgot to explain to the boss........


Boss , I had the honor of watching you at the Lycoris headquarters that day. With such strength, you must have come to me to seek something big. How could you just take on this small task from me?"......It seems that this genius hacker lady has misunderstood something. She really just wants to use this commission to train her troops.

"Miss Walnut, let me explain......."...........

"Ah! Ah?"After listening to Su Yun's explanation, Miss Walnut's fire in her heart suddenly went out, and she returned to her usual state of having a smug look on her face.

"So the two Likolis girls are the ones who really came to protect me?"

Su Yun nodded and dealt the final blow to Miss Walnut who was still trying to struggle.

"Mr. Su Yun, I don't mean to disbelieve you, but there are even ghouls among the guys chasing me this time......."

"Although the white-haired Miss Lycoris was also selected by the Alan Agency, judging from her current combat data, she is not strong enough to deal with monsters like ghouls."

Su Yun patiently listened to Walnut's concerns, and then responded with a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I will follow and watch secretly, and I will take action if there is any danger."

Su Yun's words made Walnut feel a little relieved. He had already made a plan for"faking death". The only variable was the ghoul who suddenly accepted the commission.

But now the last worry has disappeared, and there is only one last question left.

"Mr. Su Yun, have you seen my plan? My fake death plan requires someone to pretend to be me and pretend to be shot, while I hide in a prepared box, so the person pretending to be me........"

"Of course it's ready."

Su Yun pointed to the seat behind Walnut, and saw a woman with brown hair and glasses, about the same age as Hiratsuka Shizuka, looking at their table.

After seeing Su Yun motioning her to come over, the brown-haired woman sat down next to Walnut without hesitation.

"Boss, is it finally my turn?"

The woman was a member of the LycoReco coffee shop, an older girl who had retired from the LycoReco organization: Mizuki Nakahara.

Actually, Su Yun originally wanted to ask Yukino to come, but her current dish was completely useless, so Su Yun thought of this coffee shop member who had always been ignored by him.

When Walnut saw Mizuki Nakahara, he started typing on the keyboard. Photos and data of Mizuki Nakahara when she was still in the LycoReco direct attack unit immediately appeared on the computer.

After reading the information, Walnut nodded with satisfaction and said to Su Yun and Mizuki Nakahara.

"Walnut, this is my real name. Please give me your guidance later."

"It's a cute name. Let's see what we do next. But can I ask a few questions?"

Hu Tao looked at Su Yun in confusion.

"what is the problem?"

"How did the Alan Agency or those who wanted to kill you locate you? And your fake death plan, how could those who wanted to kill you be sure that the person wearing the squirrel costume was definitely you?"

Hu Tao's mouth curled up a wicked smile, and then explained to Su Yun

"Of course, I leaked my whereabouts to the other party’s hackers on purpose, otherwise how could they find me and cooperate with me in my fake death plan?"

"Of course, after the hackers locked onto my location, they discovered that there were only the two Miss Lycoris and a guy in a squirrel costume, so wasn't it obvious who Walnut was? They probably didn't have the brains to suspect that I was hiding in an inconspicuous box."

After Su Yun finished listening, he looked at Walnut with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

"I really believe that you are over 30 now, Miss Walnut."

Hearing this, Walnut smiled. She looked harmless with her loli body.........

"Well, it's getting late, let's go."...........

LycoReco coffee shop is different from the usual tranquility

"The enemy just now should have been killed, what on earth are you doing as a new guy!"

Takina said angrily to Yukino in front of the TV screen.

Yukino was not intimidated by her senior's momentum, but responded with a cold face.

"That guy has given up resistance, okay? It would be a waste of effort to catch up with him and kill him."

The two were discussing the game they had just played together.

But Takina was a little too serious. Yukino's words did not convince her. She looked for help at Chitsuki who was drinking tea at the side.

Chitsuki saw that Takina was a little flushed because of playing games, and spread her hands helplessly.

"Takina, I actually agree with the disciple's approach. Killing everyone is not a good idea........."

"Qianshu, even you.......!"

Seeing that her good friend did not help her, but instead sided with her good disciple so quickly, Takina was sad and shut herself off.

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