Seeing her master speak for her, Yukino frowned abnormally. Although she was kind, she knew that she had to root out the evil. She would not show mercy to the evildoers. She argued with Taki just now because playing the game that way was the best solution, not because she liked to leave a way out for the evildoers........But her master seemed a little too kind and innocent.

Before Yukino could say anything to Chizuki, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open.

"Team members, are you ready? The first mission is about to begin."

It was Su Yun who spoke. Next to him stood Nakahara Ruixi, who had changed into a squirrel costume, and a huge suitcase in her hand.

"Wow wow wow wow! It's Mr. Squirrel, hello, hello!"

Unaffected by the argument between Yukino and Takina just now, Miss White Hair is still as lively as usual. When she saw her lovely client, she rushed up directly.

Fortunately, it was Mizuki Nakahara in Squirrel's clothes now. She knew what kind of person Qianshu was and was not thrown off balance.

She coughed, confirmed the status of the voice changer, and then calmly said to Qianshu

""My safety will be in your hands later, Miss Qianshu. Please be serious."

Qianshu was very serious about the client's life. She straightened her face.

"Mr. Squirrel, what are the specific details of the commission? We can't always protect you, there must be a deadline."

Unexpectedly, the one who asked was Yukino who was watching from the side.

"The deadline is until I escape this pursuit. I won't trouble you for too long."

"Also, staying in one place all the time can easily lead to assassination by explosives, so let's move, my bodyguards."

After hearing Mr. Squirrel's request, Qianzhu and Takina looked at each other and nodded.

""Then let's go, Mr. Squirrel."

Qianshu was always so active. As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled Takina and signaled Mr. Squirrel to go.

Su Yun watched them leave with a smile.

"I always feel that your smile now has some bad intentions, classmate Su Yun"

"It's your illusion, Yukinoshita-san. I'm a very conscientious boss."...........

"Hahahaha! I finally found you, Walnut. Let's see how you can escape from my drone swarm this time." In a messy but technologically advanced room, a strange hacker dressed as a robot started dancing.

Before he killed Walnut, he was already ready to open the champagne at halftime and made the MVP settlement move.

He knew that the man-eating monster had taken action, and Walnut could not escape this time.

"Well, now I am the best hacker in Japan, it's time to give myself a more domineering and arrogant title."

"How about calling robot the best in the world? Hahahahaha!"

Little did she know that all this was under the control of Miss Walnut who was hiding in the box. After deliberately leaking her whereabouts to the robot queen, the frown on Miss Walnut's face also relaxed a bit. She knew that her big plan was about to begin

"Ms. Mizuki, inform the two Rikolis next to you to get ready, the attack is coming."

Mizuki in squirrel clothes received the message from Kurumi and said to Chitsuko and Takina next to her in a mechanical male voice.

"Ladies, get ready, the attack is coming soon.

Takina had already tensed her face, looking around with a pistol in her hand. At this moment, hearing what Mr. Squirrel said, the muscles in her calves were ready to explode at any time.

But Qianzhu was not so nervous. She still had a relaxed and happy smile on her face. This was the calmness of her elder generation's strongest Likolis.

""Takina, don't be so nervous. I'm here. No one will be in trouble."

Just as Chizuki finished speaking, their self-driving car began to lose control.

Of course, this was intentional by Walnut in order to make the machine too sure that he had defeated Walnut, but Chizuki and Takina didn't know.

"Ahhhh! Mr. Squirrel, what's going on? Why is the car out of control?"

Sure enough, Qian Shu was punished by the out-of-control car before he could be handsome for three seconds. The sudden left and right swing made Qian Shu's fair face stick to the car window like a pancake.

Nakahara Ruixi in Squirrel's clothes tried hard to hold back her smile, and then said seriously

"I'm afraid the enemy's hackers have broken into the vehicle system. Give me some time, I can restore the system, but you have to hold on to the enemy's attack."

Before Chizuka and Takina could respond, several drones appeared in the air.

However, these drones did not have attack capabilities, they just hovered over them.

Chizuka and Takina certainly understood what was going on. They were completely in the enemy's sight.

As elite Likolis, they could not let the situation develop like this.

"Takina, can you shoot them down?"

Takina nodded when she heard Chitsuka's question.

"I'll try my best, Mr. Squirrel, can you still control the window now? If you can, please help me open it."

Mr. Squirrel did not answer, but explained to Takina with practical actions. The window was slowly lowered.

Takina leaned out of the window, took out a pistol and prepared to shoot, while Qianzhu next to her reported the location to Takina with her good dynamic strength.

"Three o'clock direction."

Hearing Qianzhu's words, Takina opened fire without hesitation, and a brand new drone fell on the spot. Qianzhu didn't get complacent and continued to report the location. Takina lived up to expectations and succeeded frequently. Finally, the drone group was wiped out with the tacit cooperation of the two. Just when the two were about to clap their hands to celebrate, the scene in front of them made their hearts skip a beat.

"Isn't there a sea ahead? Mr. Squirrel, if it doesn't work, let's jump out of the car. At least there is a glimmer of hope."

Mr. Squirrel did not panic, but said calmly

"Look at the speed of the car now. Jumping out of the car will basically mean death. Believe me, I can stop the car before it falls into the sea."

To be honest, Nakahara Mizuki in the squirrel clothes actually wanted to jump out of the car at this moment. If the handsome new boss hadn't said that Walnut was absolutely reliable, she wouldn't have taken such a big risk.

Time passed by, and the sea was already in sight.

Fortunately, the car began to slow down a little bit at this time, and finally stopped in front of the sea with a slight difference.

Nakahara Mizuki in the squirrel clothes also received Walnut's message

"The fun is all about excitement and heartbeat! Is my calculation accurate?"

Thinking of the little girl's face, Nakahara Ruixi blushed and her fist hardened, but before she could get angry, another message came after the above message.

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