"Aren't you the ghoul uncle that Xiaoyun let go that day? Why did you join the team that attacked Xiaoyun?"

The ghoul named by Qianzhu smiled grimly, and then looked at Qianzhu with a ferocious face.

"Why are you pretending to be kind, you idiot? Do you know that because of your obstruction, I didn't get the commission fee?"


"What's the use of saying sorry? My brother's life can't be brought back. I need money to buy special medicine from the Yalan Agency! He is a human being, but he was harmed by you humans. It's ridiculous, isn't it?......Hahahaha!"


Seeing Chizuki apologizing, the ghoul suddenly felt exhausted and threw the bag in his hand to Chizuki.

Chizuki opened the bag tremblingly, and after seeing the contents clearly, he vomited out with a look of collapse on his face.

"Do you still remember this old man? He was tortured to death but he still thought about you. How funny!...Hahahahaha!"

Seeing that the ghoul was beginning to go crazy, the leader signaled his men to take it away, and then���Said to Chizuki who was kneeling on the ground

"Can you still say that humans and ghouls can understand each other?"

Qianzhu raised his head and looked at the ghoul team. There were actually quite a few humans. They looked at the ghouls around them flatteringly.

"They are the ones who betrayed your information. Isn't it ridiculous? So pick up the weapon next to you, girl. This is not only a respect for us, but also a respect for yourself as a human being."

Qianshu's sadness has made her confused.....She asked Su Yun in a pleading tone.

"What should I do, Xiaoyun? Why did I kill the old man when I released that ghoul?....."

Su Yun touched Qian Shu's head comfortingly.

"This world is absurd. Saving someone may be killing someone, and killing someone may be saving someone. Position and identity may all become the fuse of tragedy. No one can let go of hatred easily. So you must be confused."

"But I have an absolutely correct method.....Open your eyes and read it carefully, Chitose...."

Su Yun motioned to Xue Na and Taki Na, who were also confused, to stand beside him.

"Hold on to my body, don't let go, girls!"

After saying that, Su Yun formed a strange gesture with his hands.

"Field expansion"

""Demon Subduing Chef"

As Su Yun finished speaking, under the gloomy sky, in addition to the sound of rain, other unknown music seemed to be heard.

Great terror fell at the feet of the girls. Even without the power of curse, they could see clearly the huge shrine behind Su Yun and the endless dry bones under their feet.

As the red light flashed, the ghouls who had just surrounded them in a circle turned into powder in an instant.

But this was not over yet. As the area expanded, part of the mountains in the distance gradually disappeared.

Finally, the world returned to peace.......Only a large circle with traces of human activity was left.

Qian Shu slapped his face with his hands and muttered softly.

"what is this....this....Wow!"

Qian Shu accidentally vomited again and looked at Su Yun with disbelief.

To everyone's surprise, Su Yun pierced Qian Shu's heart with his hand.

"Why did you kill Qian Shu!!! Commander (Su Yun)"

Qian Shu spat out a mouthful of blood, staring at Su Yun with a fragmented expression, tears in the corners of her eyes.

Su Yun did not respond, but put her hand on Qian Shu's pierced heart and activated the reversal technique.

In Qian Shu's surprise, she felt a vitality in her chest that she had never felt before.

"From now on, it is the first day of your rebirth as a real person."

"So with this new heart, try to teach me to love, so that you can save countless people"

"I am not sure whether I will become a cold-blooded and heartless person who loves fun as my power grows. Maybe the place where my domain will be expanded in the future will no longer be the deep mountains, but Chiba City?"

Qianshu thought about that scene, shook his head calmly, and tears appeared in his eyes.

"So, did you plan everything today? Xiaoyun"

Su Yun didn't say anything, but poked Qianshu's head with his hand, signaling her to turn around.

A car gradually approached them from the far end of the road and finally stopped in front of them. Zhongyuan Ruixi got out of the car, opened the back door, and helped an old man down.

"Sorry, old man, I wanted to take you camping today, but the weather is so bad....."

The old man smiled kindly

"No, I want to say thank you to you, old man. It's really troublesome for you to take me, an old man,....."Huh? Isn't this Qian Shu? You're here to play too?"

Qian Shu stared blankly at the old man who should have died. Finally, she couldn't hold it back anymore and burst into tears. Then she hugged Su Yun tightly. Su

Yun patted her on the back and said gently.

"Go and play with the old man, don't let him come here for nothing."

After saying this, Qian Shu nodded with tears in her eyes, turned around and ran towards the old man. When the old and the young hugged each other, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed.

The rain stopped, and the air seemed to ring out of thin air with the cheerful music at the end of the Likolis anime........

(Takina, Yukino: So have we become light bulbs? PS: Chizuki's stock price has soared, how should Kaguya, Hui-chan and others deal with it?)..............

In the car that Mizuki Nakahara drove to pick up Su Yun and the others, a strange scene was presented at this time: two black-haired girls sat face to face. On the surface, they seemed to be stunned by each other's beauty, but in fact, they were immersed in the"Su Yun circle" in their hearts. In

Yukino's (Takina) heart, today is probably the day they understand Haruno (the commander) the most!

Not far away from the two black-haired girls, Chitsuko, who has regained her cheerful smile, is teaching the old man to play mobile games.

The three girls look very normal, so who is the source of the strangeness?

""Boss, how's the strength? By the way, this is my favorite snack, would you like to try it?"

Su Yun looked at Hu Tao, who was massaging his shoulders and legs, with a strange look in her eyes. She didn't know where she had left her usual shrewd face. Anyway, she looked very flattering now.���Allow

""Technician Hu Tao, do you have anything to ask of me?"

Hu Tao's smile froze for a moment, and he was startled.

"No way...."Boss, have I ever offended you?"

Su Yun was a little confused. Why did Hu Tao suddenly ask this? Let's see what she was trying to say.

"No, Hu Tao, but you are acting like this, have you done anything bad?"

Hu Tao smiled awkwardly.

"I can tell you, but don't be angry."

"Well, go ahead!"

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