"The photo of you and Ms. Chizuka hugging just now was sent to Ms. Shinomiya by me........"

Thinking of the stupid thing she had just done, Kurumi felt extremely regretful. It was because Miss Kaguya offered her a reward that she couldn't refuse.........It was just after Kurumi uploaded the photos that she checked the small probe that she had secretly installed on Yukino's collar.

After confirming that the small probe was in good condition, she checked the video just now. So even if Miss Kurumi was not present, she saw the scene when Su Yun's domain was unfolded through the video.

Now, she is standing in front of her"boss" Su Yun, feeling that her life is in danger!

"I was really just confused for a moment, boss, please consider that this is just my first offense......."

Su Yun looked helplessly at Hu Tao who was still explaining herself, and said to her in a tone without any sadness or joy:

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped! After punishing you, you must come and train with Chizuka Takina and the others"!!! Train? This is undoubtedly the death of a nerdy hacker. Absolutely, absolutely not. Miss Walnut still wants to fight for it.......

"correct,���There is no room for bargaining. You don't want me to stop giving you snacks, do you?

"......Walnut lowered his head in disappointment.

"OK, boss, I understand. I will work hard......."

At the same time, Hayasaka Ai, who also had golden hair like Kurumi-san, lowered her head.

It was not because she was disappointed, but because she could not face the anger of the person in front of her.......

Kaguya slammed the photo sent by Kurumi on the table, her words full of coldness.

"This Likolis is a born evil white-haired devil. I will kill you with my own hands......"

After hearing what Kaguya said, Hayasaka Ai, who was trembling beside her, had to step forward to persuade

"Is the eldest lady trying to get rid of her? But isn't this a bad idea?......"

Kaguya glanced sideways at Hayasaka, then suddenly laughed

"Hayasaka, you underestimate my tolerance. I admit that this girl's sneaking away did make me very angry, but I won't use despicable means to defeat her."

"Hayasaka, go inform Commander Kusunoki to have this white-haired girl go to the Lycoris headquarters for a physical test. As for me, I will defeat her fairly and let her know what a perfect victory of wisdom and strength is!"Is the eldest lady going to attack in person? Hayasaka's eyelids twitched heavily, and then she said respectfully

"OK, I'll arrange it right away!"...........

On a street in Chiba City where the music industry is quite developed, Pochi-chan, who is wearing a sportswear, is looking at the text messages on her phone and is a little overwhelmed.

She is already stressed out that her classmate Su Yun is coming to the place where she works to hold a celebration, and now even her three new friends are coming.........

"Hey! Ichi-chan, here we come!"

"Hello! Ichiri-chan!"

"I heard that you have a lot of pretty girls and handsome guys there, will there be any stickers, hehehe...."

Before Pochi-chan could figure out how to deal with the chaos, her three new friends showed up.


"Why is your tone so stiff? We are good friends, right? There is no need to be formal. So let's go quickly. I am already looking forward to it......."The place where Ichiri-chan works part-time"

After saying that, without giving Pochi-chan time to react, Miura Yumiko grabbed Pochi-chan's hand, and together with the left and right protectors, Yuigahama and Ebina, they set off to the Starry performance hall - the place where the legendary Archangel Shimokitazawa lives, and now welcomed several uninvited guests.

Standing in front of the entrance of Starry, Takina looked at this shabby entrance, which didn't even have a store on the ground, and asked Su Yun with some confusion.

"Commander, our LycoReco coffee shop won't go bankrupt, right? Can't we even go to a better place?"

Su Yun heard Takina's question and looked at Qianzhu who was standing next to him. Qianzhu immediately understood.

"Takina, you know there is a saying that you can't judge a person by his appearance. No matter how shallow the water is, as long as there is a dragon living in it, it will show its power, so let's go in and take a look first."

Qianzhu's words reminded Takina. She remembered Su Yun's usual gentle smile and Su Yun's big circle, and she shuddered all over.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look first!"

After solving Takina's doubts, Su Yun and his companions went down the stairs to the underground and opened the door of Starry.

"Welcome! Would you like something to drink? Our new band's performance is about to start today and you can watch it for free."

"Can't you charge a little secretly, Hongxia? I'm going to have to eat grass this month." The one who appeared in front of Su Yun and the others was the archangel of Shimokitazawa, Ijichi Hongxia, and Yamada Ryo, who was about to fall into an economic crisis.

"Oh, is this lady short of money? I have a pretty good job here!"After being silent for a long time, Kurumi finally jumped out again and started to cheat Yamada Ryo in front of him for money!!! Catching the key words, Yamada Ryo's two eyes burst into stars, and he stepped forward and eagerly grabbed Kurumi's hand

"Cute little sister, as long as you give me money, I will even let you ride a big horse!" When

Kurumi saw that Yamada Ryo had done this, she knew her plan had succeeded. She smirked and motioned for Yamada Ryo to put his ear to her mouth. Her plan could not be heard by anyone.

"You like this...Do this again........."

Yamada Ryo kept nodding his head, and suddenly clapped his hands and said happily

"So simple? Isn't it just to let me be the messenger? Isn't that simple? So quickly send me the small change, little sister!"

Yes! The plan was successful! Kurumi happily sent a huge reward to Yamada Ryo, which was enough to support her food expenses for several months. Yamada Ryo couldn't wait to accept it. She had no idea how"dangerous" what she was going to do.

Su Yun, who had been listening to Archangel Kitazawa promoting her band, looked at Kurumi suspiciously when she came back after having a secret conversation with Yamada.

"Are you holding back your farts again, old man? Don't you even want snacks?"

Unfortunately, under Su Yun's"threat", Miss Hutao did not reveal a single flaw, because she had already prepared a set of careful logic.

"I just checked the information of the band that will be performing later and found that the lady is the most experienced one in the band. She is the only one who has performed before."

"So I ask this bassist to play harder during the performance later, so as not to disappoint you, boss....."

Um....Kurumi's explanation is indeed reasonable, but he must not be careless and should keep this Yamada Ryo in mind.

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