"You know, Su Yun, I grew up with ghouls like the store manager. Now that I have a chance to escape this miserable fate, I won't give up."

Su Yun's face also became serious, and he looked at Kato Megumi with a scrutinizing look in his eyes.

"Even if this means that countless innocent people will"die" because of this?"

Kato Hui had a huge struggle in her heart. She clenched her hands tightly, and her red eyes unconsciously appeared. Finally, Kato Hui said something against her will.

"What does their life or death have to do with me? I am a ghoul, and that will never change......"

After knowing Kato Hui's position, Su Yun couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

"You really didn't disappoint me, Hui-chan. If you still choose to help humans after receiving the favor from the ghouls, I will kill you without hesitation."

"After all, what I hate most in my life is ungrateful people......."

Kato Megumi and Yoshimura At this time, they looked at Su Yun with surprise. The murderous intent in his words just now could not be fake. Would he really kill... Kato Megumi.......

But Kato Hui didn't seem to think so. She looked at Su Yun with some concern.

"But classmate Su Yun, you are also a human being. If you let us......"

Su Yun waved his hand to interrupt Kato Hui's words, and he said with the same double standard

"Anyway, as long as it doesn't affect my compatriots, it's fine......As for the Japanese, what does it have to do with me?"

As ghouls, Fangcun Eto and Kato Megumi did not find Su Yun's discrimination against Japanese people strange. Instead, they laughed out loud because of Su Yun's double standards.

"So, Su Yun, will you go out as promised during the campus open day?"

Su Yun saw the worry in Kato Hui's eyes and promised her

"Go ahead and do it, if you are no match for that guy.....I'll cover for you."

"So don't feel guilty about killing someone, Hui-chan."

Kato Hui nodded with emotion. After seeing the relief in Hui-chan's eyes, Su Yun added

"But I can't work for you for nothing, so let's set up a bond. The content is........"

Very reasonable request.....Kato Megumi and Yoshimura Eto both agreed. After all, if they failed this time, the ghouls would have no future.

So they asked this great god to act as insurance for them in exchange for their surrender to Su Yun after the plan was successful. It was a great deal.

"Thank you.........Xiao Yun!"

Su Yun, who was about to walk out of the room, paused when he heard Kato Megumi's changed name, and left the room without looking back.

After saying goodbye to Yoshimura Eto and Kato Megumi, Su Yun returned to his apartment and made himself a pot of tea.

While sipping the tea, Su Yun looked at the report sent by the doctor. Research report (concise): Through a large number of experimental observations, it is known that the blood of these girls can effectively promote the activity of RC cells, among which the promotion effect of individuals named Kato Megumi, Nishikiki Chitsuka, and Yotsuya Miko is the most obvious.

Conclusion: There may be some relationship between these girls and the origin of ghouls, but the current data is not enough to verify it, so the conclusion is only a guess.

It seems that the secret of Hui-chan's ability to reach SSS level without sharing the ghoul has been revealed. He is really worthy of being a doctor. There are preliminary research results in just a few hours.......This Alan Agency has a really bad vision......No, that can't be said. After all, they saw the specialness of Chizuka.

So what was the origin of ghouls thousands of years ago?......Su Yun became more and more curious.

As if responding to Su Yun, the moonlight sprinkled on his face. The truth had revealed a mysterious corner to him...................

It's a new day, the sun is brighter than usual, and like usual Sobu High School, today's campus is still full of vitality.

The only difference is that today, there are more noises at the entrance.

A person who should be attending classes at Chiba University is standing next to a cute girl with pigtails hanging down on both sides of her shoulders.

This duo is the former student council president of Sobu High School: Yukinoshita Haruno, and the current head of the publicity department of Sobu High School: Jonomai Gyū.

Because of the strong attack of Kaguya Shinomiya, Jonomai Gyū, who should have been the student council president in the original work, is now only the head of the publicity department. However, judging from the fact that she can be reused by Kaguya, the strength of this cute girl is evident. After all,

Kaguya even entrusted her with the organization of activities such as the Cultural Festival........

"Classmates, please vote for Sagami Minami from Class C. If she is elected as the executive committee member of the cultural festival, she will definitely take the opinions of the classmates into consideration."

A tall figure was holding a loudspeaker under a tree, canvassing for votes for the classmates in their class who were running for the executive committee member.

Yang No and Shirokai Patrol saw that this rugged baseball club president was not like the other classmates who were canvassing for votes, but cheated by taking out the vegetable market artifact: the loudspeaker. The two frowned and were about to go up to stop him.

But the baseball club president didn't know what was wrong with him, so he put down the loudspeaker and chased after a blonde figure who was sneaking around like a mouse.

Sagami Minami, who was originally looking smug, was dumbfounded when she found out that this gullible good guy in their class suddenly left her and went away for something.......But now the classmates have gathered around

"Are you going to run for the executive committee? You don't look good......"

"Don’t say that. Maybe this classmate just really has good intentions and wants to do something good for us students?"

"I want a free meal at the cultural festival, is that okay, Sagami-san?"

"What's the point of a fancy dinner? I think it would be better to give out 10,000 yen to everyone who shows up!"

"You are so short-sighted, don't you know that the latest life-size figures have been released?"

"You are so tall........"

Looking at the students in front of her who were talking about their own requirements like the Khan recruiting soldiers, Sagami Minami was already anxious. She felt hot in her chest and waved her hand.

"Classmates, all your requests are fine."

The students were silent for a moment, and then burst into thunderous cheers.

"Sagami executive committee member is awesome!!!"

"I won't go to this cultural festival without you, Mr. Sagami!"

"Hurry up and vote for this Dafo classmate, don't hesitate, brother!!!"

Under the surprised gaze of Yang No and Shirokai, the classmates showed unimaginable enthusiasm.

Because she didn't hear clearly the conversation between Sagami Minami and these classmates, Yang No was a little surprised.

It turned out that this female classmate's public speaking ability was so strong? Even she felt a little inferior to her. It seems that she should remind Shirokai to make use of this guy in the future.......

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