Just when Yang No was about to go over to Sagami Minami to check the situation, a figure interrupted her.

"Why is the former student council president here? I was really rude not to greet him....."

Kaguya originally wanted to come here to see how the executive committee was canvassing for votes, but she"accidentally" discovered this beautiful and charming former Sobu High School Student Council President.

According to the intelligence sent by the golden spy Kurumi yesterday, this woman should not be underestimated......She wants to give this young lady from a landlord's family in Chiba City a good beating.

""No, Ms. Kaguya, I didn't inform you before I came. I should apologize to you."

After that, Yang No bowed directly to Kaguya, but the fake smile on her face was somewhat contradictory to the bowing action.

Seeing Yang No's smooth operation, Kaguya sounded the alarm in her heart. This guy should not be underestimated. As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person.

Yang No's attitude made it difficult for her to get angry........Forget it, let's test her attitude towards Su Yun first

"I heard that you invited Xiaoyun to your home yesterday......Did you guys enjoy your meal?"Former President Yukinoshita"

Yang No was not stupid, and she understood what Kaguya meant. Although she was now the head of the Yukinoshita family, she should not forget that Kaguya was the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, and there were also rumors that.......

Knowing that he had no chance of defeating the abominable"plain" of Shigong, Yang Nai could only temporarily avoid the limelight.

"Ms. Kaguya, you are joking. It's just a gathering among friends, and I didn't just invite Su Yunjun......."

When Kaguya heard what Yang No said, a smile flashed in her red eyes, and then there was a overwhelming sense of oppression.

"I hope you can be so wise in the future, Miss Yukinoshita. I won't bother you anymore. You can walk around the campus and see how Sobu High School is doing under my management."

Facing Kaguya's eyes that seemed to want to eat her, Haruno didn't dare to refute Kaguya's words at all, and could only lower her head in humiliation. She remembered Kaguya in her heart, and when she succeeded, she would make this"plain" look good and demote the Shinomiya clan to the poor.

Kaguya didn't know about Haruno's rebellious intentions. Seeing another threat being suppressed in advance, Kaguya walked away with satisfaction.

Yukinoshita Haruno? Mature big sister? Not a big deal. Now it is more important to deal with the naturally evil white-haired guy............

Yang Nai gritted her teeth as she watched a slender figure calmly enter the teaching building. Little did she know that this scene was just witnessed by Su Yun who had just entered the school.

"Yang Nai, why are you here? Do you want to see the preparations for the cultural festival?"

Yang Nai turned around and looked at Su Yun who was smiling.

"You saw it, Su Yunjun, my sister's gnashing teeth must be very ugly, right?........"

Su Yun suppressed his smile and shook his head, comforting

"It's very beautiful. So who dares to offend our Miss Yukinoshita?"

Seeing Su Yun asking knowingly, Yang No felt a little unwilling. In this school, except for that"Pingyuan" and the principal, who has the courage to offend the landlord of Chiba City?

But Su Yunjun knew it clearly, but he still sided with Shinomiya Kaguya........Yang Noi reached her right hand into her pocket and clenched the jewelry that Su Yun had given her before. It doesn't matter, she will catch up with the latecomers - after all, isn't the market for light novels nowadays dominated by the sky-dropping genre?

""Okay, Su Yunjun, let's not talk about this for now. Do you want to go and see the speech of that Sagami classmate? She's quite amazing."

Oh? Reminded by Yang No's words, Su Yun finally noticed Sagami Minami, who was surrounded by people like the moon surrounded by stars under a big tree.

Su Yun flipped through the memories of his past life and suddenly remembered what kind of person this guy was.

To put it simply, he has no leadership ability, but has the disease of wanting to be a leader. He took on an important position that he was not capable of, and in the end, the organization of the event depended entirely on the help of his friends. If there was no help from Yukino in the original work, I wonder how Sagami would have organized the event........

To be honest, Su Yun really wants to watch it. After all, Sagami is a natural clown, so he will definitely be able to create some pretty abstract fun.

And this time, there's no help from Yukino, and Kaguya doesn't have time to take care of the cultural festival........As for the Great Teacher, Su Yun didn't know where he ran off to. He had a good impression of this dead fish eye.

This time, without the help of the good guy, what kind of operation can Sagami Minami do? Su Yun was already a little impatient.

He pulled Yang No and Yang No called the still dazed Johkai Patrol, and the three of them rushed to Sagami Minami.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting for the three of them was the opening lightning strike.

"If you ask me, Sagami Executive Committee member, we might as well just meet everyone's requirements, use part of the funds to buy food, and use part of the funds to buy what everyone wants. As for the layout of the event venue and the expenses of the event, keep everything simple!"

"Great opinion, Chief!!!"

"I envy your wisdom!!!"

"What are you waiting for, Sagami Executive Committee Member, make a decision quickly!!!"

The pleasure of being surrounded by people and being called a committee member, and the feeling of being superior to others who stood above everyone else and made decisions, have made Sagami Minami lose herself.

Her face was a little ruddy, as if a surge of blood was coming up, and she imitated the tone of Shinomiya Kaguya's usual speech.

"Classmates, calm down! I have received all your requests, and I will do my best to fulfill them."

Just as the classmates were about to cheer, Haruno walked up to Sagami Minami with a smile on her face. She had become the head of the Yukinoshita family, and at this moment, her momentum was no less than that of Yuki's mother. Sagami Minami, who had been confident, wilted when she saw Haruno's beautiful face and perfect manners, and said in a cautious tone

"May I ask you are......."

"Don't you know who I am?"

Before Sagami Minami could speak, Yang Noi blocked her words.

Yang Noi's teasing tone, coupled with the fake smile on her face, made Sagami Minami, who was originally cautious, blush.

"Why should I know who you are? Are you some big shot?"

"I'm not a big shot, but I planned most of the cultural festivals in Sobu High School......So if you want to be an executive committee member, you should know me."

"Did you not even investigate the content of the cultural festivals?...."

Explosive Kill!!! Yang No's words made the students who still had some brains around burst into laughter.

Sagami Minami was surrounded by the laughter of her classmates and lowered her head in shame. After she calmed down a little, she finally figured out the stupid thing she had just done.

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