Of course, these things can't affect Su Yun's mood. Whether he's in class or not, he won't be disturbed. He's giving the little golden-haired girl a hard blow on his phone.

Su Yun: Have you forgotten the one hour you promised me? Miss Walnut, how long has it been? Can you do it?

Walnut: WeChat emoticon package (smile)

Su Yun: Look at you, so anxious! You won't be angry, our genius lady~ WeChat emoticon package (funny)

Walnut: WeChat emoticon package (anger, eye roll, smile)

Su Yun: Do you want me to give you another year, the genius hacker Miss Walnut~ WeChat emoticon package (thumbs up)

Walnut: No way to win, no way to win!!! You wait, I will definitely produce results within three days! WeChat emoticon package (flame, anger)

Your friend changed his name from Walnut (calm mask) to Walnut (furious)

Your friend Walnut (furious) has gone offline.......

Su Yun looked at Hu Tao and finally couldn't help laughing when he said that Hu Tao was offline. He didn't know if Hu Tao would learn her lesson. How could the task he used to punish her be so simple? The enemy's technicians and artificial intelligence must have made her sweat........

However, Su Yun knew that all eggs should not be put in one basket, so while giving Walnut the task, he also asked Mitsui Suneo to capture another technician for him based on the information Walnut had revealed before....................

In a dark and closed room, Jitai was staring at the computer intently.

But as he stared, he burst into tears......This was not only because of the long-term stimulation of the screen light to the eyes, but also out of hatred for his own touching experience.

Originally, he had finally killed Walnut last time, and he should have become the number one hacker in Japan! But before he could be happy for long, his secret hut was kicked open by someone.

Several burly men directly stepped forward to capture him. As for him, his end was also very simple. He was easily subdued and escorted to where he is now.

But just like this didn't matter to Jitai. Anyway, he had killed Walnut. For now, he had nothing else to ask for. These burly men didn't make things difficult for him. He still had to eat and drink, and his life was still comfortable.

Until the day before yesterday, the"boss" behind them seemed to have given him a task.

Jitai originally thought it was nothing. Doesn't this just show the boss's trust in his unparalleled technology? But soon he knew what was waiting for him?

Seeing that the kid in the robot mask was showing signs of being lazy again, the two men in black stepped forward and grabbed his head with their ruthless hands and ravaged him severely.

"Keep working. If you don't produce results within three days, I will let you know what cruelty is!"When the machine saw the elder brother angrily showing his arm muscles, his whole body trembled with fear

"I understand, Taijun!!! I will immediately redouble my efforts!!!"

After seeing the machine Tai start to operate the keyboard again, the big brother in black lit a cigarette with satisfaction. Although he couldn't understand what the machine Tai was doing, he couldn't fake his hard work.

The machine Tai who was typing randomly on the keyboard didn't know what the big brother in black next to him was thinking. He just wanted to express his feelings loudly.

"I beat the artificial intelligence of the Alan Agency Headquarters? Is this true?!!!".............

Su Yun used his mobile phone to call up the surveillance of the machine room. Looking at the cannon fodder he prepared for Hu Tao, the machine had attracted the firepower of the artificial intelligence of the Yalan Agency to a certain extent.

He was such a good boss. In order to reduce the difficulty for Hu Tao, he did not hesitate to prepare a high-end cannon fodder for her to help her charge forward..........

On Su Yun's left, Pochi-chan saw Su Yun staring at his phone with a malicious smile on his face, and she trembled with fear.

She was trying hard to recall whether she had done anything to offend him.........

"Hey, classmate, are you okay? I see you look a little unwell.....Do you need me to call the school doctor for you?"

Pochi-chan was startled by the sudden voice and turned around to see a female classmate looking at her with concern. She was a little flattered.

"Thank you to this beautiful and kind classmate for caring about me, a poor person who no one cares about!!! It’s just that I’m really fine, no, no, I don’t mean to offend you....!"

Seeing Pochi-chan like this, Kato Megumi burst out laughing. She was very curious about what was going on in the mind of this socially anxious pink-haired classmate.

However, curiosity was more important than curiosity. Kato Megumi knew very well how lethal this type of girl was to boys.

For safety reasons, the threat level was raised to one star, although she didn't seem to have a deep relationship with Su Yun now. However,

Kato Megumi soon realized that she had made a mistake in judgment...........

"Pochi-chan, do you remember that you still owe me three requests? That's the price you paid for saving Miura Yumiko!"

Su Yun, who had finally finalized the intelligence matters, planned to take advantage of the merger of Class F and Class J to have a good solo with this famous social phobia master Pochi-chan. Just when Pochi-chan was worried that Su Yun would make excessive demands, Kato Megumi's heart also sounded the alarm.

The last time she cleaned the coffee shop, she accidentally found many secret books in Kaneki's room.

She thought they were classics or something, after all, the cover was quite elegant.

But the content inside made Kato Megumi blush for a whole day.

Kaneki looked like a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but I didn't expect him to read this kind of thing.

Kaneki in the distance was really wronged.

This book was obviously given by a friend who was worried about the livelihood problems of a straight boy like him, and he hadn't read it yet........


I've gone off topic.

Anyway, Kato Megumi's current knowledge reserve is quite rich, so when she heard about this kind of request, she immediately thought of countless classic plots......

Pink-haired classmate's threat level has increased by three stars!!!

But this is not enough, she must remind someone

"You wouldn't force your female classmates to do that, would you?..."Xiao Yun"

Su Yun rolled his eyes at Kato Hui. Did he think of him as some kind of pervert? He would never do anything without emotions!!!

Compared to the two masters, Bochi-chan was a little confused at this time. Why didn't she understand? Didn't her mother teach her yet?

Bochi-chan cast a pure look at the two of them, which made them realize that there was an innocent little sheep here........

The two looked at each other, and saw some guilt in each other's eyes. Yes, they shouldn't discuss these things in front of Pochi-chan.........It's not good for a pure child to be polluted.

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