Pochi-chan didn't know what the two masters were thinking. She tilted her head in confusion.

"So what is your request, Su Yun-san?"

Su Yun coughed when he heard Pochi-chan's question.

"Keep this for now.......I'll tell you when I think about it."

Su Yun's answer made Pochi-chan a little disappointed. She wanted to solve these three swords hanging over her head as soon as possible.

"Okay, forget about the request, how are you preparing, Pochi-chan? Tomorrow we will be having the Sobu High School Cultural Festival, but we need Guitar Hero to help out........."

Speaking of this, Pochi-chan's eyes immediately became firm. She didn't want her dream with the Bond Band to stop because of her weakness.

"I will do my best!!!"

Su Yun nodded with satisfaction. That's good. In this way, tomorrow's cultural festival should be foolproof.

Sagami Minami should really thank Pochi-chan. If it weren't for this pink-haired classmate, Sagami Minami would probably be elected the undisputed best clown in the history of Sobu High School.

Everything is ready.......Let him see what happens tomorrow.........................

That night, in a remote room, a ray of moonlight came in from the clouds, shining on a face that revealed fear.

Amaki Tomoya couldn't figure it out. He just wanted to get a XX figurine for free, and he didn't do anything wrong.......What kind of hatred or grudge does this have against him!!!

Tied up tightly and lying flat, Tomoya Aki looked up at his naked body without a single piece of clothing.....

At this time, it was already filled with filthy handwriting, and the content of the handwriting was full of malice.......Most importantly, there are many core ideas in the handwriting......

"Hahahahahahaha!!! How is it? Amai-san? Are you satisfied with the artwork I made with you? Of course, I thought about the design concept of this artwork for a long time......."

"Finally, I got inspiration from you, that is: Theme: Thin and small!!!"

I don't know when Ohga Taiyang appeared from beside Aki Tomoya, and laughed crazily, the exaggeration of which was no less than that of Gun Yong. With the pleasure of revenge, Ohga Taiyang just wanted to shout out loud: Who in the family understands!!!

Looking at the sick Ohga Taiyang and his second brother who was just like what Ohga Taiyang described, Aki Tomoya felt that he was going to collapse. He didn't offend Ohga Taiyang......

Wait!!! I seem to have preached to him when school started, but it's a pity that this smart guy didn't get dragged down by him. I don't think Da He Taiyang still holds a grudge against me because of this little thing.......

Just think about it carefully, this is not impossible, after all, Aki Tomoya has seen what Ohga Taiyo looks like in the class.......

Let's beg for mercy now. Keeping Da He Tai Yang stable is the most important thing at the moment.

"Ohga, I'm really sorry for what happened at the beginning of the school year. I can kowtow to you and apologize. Can you forgive me?"

Listening to Aki Tomoya's evasive words, Ohga Taiyang laughed even more crazily. This guy didn't even mention the fact that he spread rumors about himself and framed him.......

But it's better this way, because what he will do to Tomoya Aki tomorrow will be a hundred times worse than what Tomoya Aki had done before.

Tomoya Aki, who is still begging for mercy, doesn't know that he has become the king of blame in this world. The blame for what Hayasaka Ai did to Ohga Taiyo fell directly on him.

"Okay, stop laughing, let him"fall asleep", you will affect the quality of the artwork."

When Aki Tomoya begged for mercy in pain, a figure walked to Ohga Taiyang and reminded him.

Aki Tomoya was awakened by the hoarse voice, he raised his head and looked at a guy with heavy dark circles and cold eyes like Sadako, his whole body was involuntarily startled, but he quickly adjusted himself. Ohga Taiyang was indifferent to his plea for mercy, but this guy who had no grudge against him was a new opportunity!

"My beautiful fairy sister, I have never offended you.......You are a kind person, can you spare an ugly maggot like me?"

Not moved by Aki Tomoya's plea for mercy, Fujimine Akane said in a hoarse voice

"Struggling in vain.....I advise you not to speak now, because after tomorrow, you may collapse and shout yourself hoarse......."

After that, Ohga Taiyo and Fujimine Akane turned and left, leaving Aki Tomoya alone in a daze. After tomorrow? Aki Tomoya's brain was working fast, and soon he understood when tomorrow was.......Cultural Festival!!! These two guys are not going to......?

No....No! The executive committee will not agree to this farce!

Sagami Minami, who was enjoying a feast with friends using the funds from the Sobu High School Cultural Festival, sneezed.....But she didn't care and continued to eat heartily. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. But he didn't have time to think any more. Da He Taiyang, who had just gone out, came back again.

Without asking for Da He Taiyang's consent, Da He Taiyang grabbed Da He Taiyang's head and fed him the small pill in his hand. The drug took effect very quickly. As soon as he took it, Da He Taiyang fell into a baby-like sleep.

Da He Taiyang stroked Da He Taiyang's sleeping face and murmured.

"My perfect work of art....Whether I can turn over depends on you....."

The window suddenly opened, revealing a crack. The fresh breeze, along with the malice of the sun, drifted out, falling into an unknown distance, contributing its own strength to the birth of a new special grade...................

"Hahahahaha!!! I did it, I did it!!!"

In the beige room of LycoReco coffee shop, Walnut jumped happily a few times on the spot, her white jade-like legs stepping up and down on the tatami, which was quite interesting.

""Robot Tai, you did a great job! The trick you pulled off directly led away the center of the most disgusting artificial intelligence of the Alan Agency."

Hu Tao was extremely satisfied with the cannon fodder her boss had found for her. This robot's technical ability aside, its ability to make things happen was first-rate, and its ideas were simply not something a human could come up with.......

He didn't think about how to obtain intelligence, but instead, like a rotten loser, frantically stuffed obscene information into the database of the Alan Agency........

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