In just one hour, the robot had transferred almost all of Neon's books from the past thirty years.

The robot in the secret room far away gave a speech: Since I can't complete the task, you can't expect to get through the Yalan Agency, feel the pain!!!

In order to deal with the mess he made, the artificial intelligence of the Yalan Agency revealed a tiny flaw......It was this flaw that was caught by Walnut!!!

"This machine is so powerful....It seems that the boss is not so unscrupulous.....She was paired with such a"heaven-defying" teammate"

"Okay, now it’s time to have some snacks and take a break!!! But before that, let’s finish what I haven’t finished yet........"

When Kurumi was passing around books on the machine, she accidentally opened one. She was deeply attracted by the painting style of the author, a teacher named"Kashiwagi Eri".

This might be the bond between the golden retrievers!

""Mizuki, please give me a cold drink!"

Mizuki Nakahara, who was drinking, was a little surprised to see Kurumi, who was frowning just now, so happy, but she still took out a cold drink and handed it to her.

Kurumi tried hard and found that she couldn't open the pull of the soda bottle. She was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Mizuki Nakahara had expected this scene and helped her open it.

"Thanks, um......Ah!! So cool!!!"

Kurumi took a big gulp of soda, and a comfortable sound came out of her mouth. Nakahara Ruixi looked at this scene with envy. If she had this face, this kind of loli voice would be.....Wouldn't that handsome man be completely fascinated by her?

The key is that this is a legal lolita!!! Which man can control her?

Forget it.....Not wanting to humiliate herself, Nakahara Mizuki made an appointment with her new friend Hiratsuka Shizuka to go out for a drink and a midnight snack.

As for their safety at this late hour,....What a joke, a King of Fighters and a retired member of the Lily Collins Direct Attack Force. I hope the thugs don’t mess with them.

"By the way, where are you going to eat later?....."

Hearing Kurumi's question, Nakahara Ruixi looked at her in surprise and asked,"Why are you asking this?"

"In XX town, is there any problem there?"

After confirming that the place where Nakahara Mizuki was going to eat was not a gathering place for ghouls, Kurumi felt relieved.

"It's okay, go ahead and be careful on the road."

Nakahara Mizuki made an OK gesture and turned around and set off.......

Because Chizuka and Takina went to the Lycoris headquarters for extra training, Mika went out to eat with his friends, and the last Mizuki Nakahara also left.......

Then, Hu Tao can project the book onto the big screen without any worries!

Five minutes later.....Walnut grabbed a handful of snacks and stuffed them into his mouth. After swallowing them, he burst into an unknown laugh.

"Hey hey......hey-hey....."

Finally, Kurumi slapped her knees with both hands and made up her mind. She was going to have a fan meeting with Kashiwagi Eri.

Kurumi just did whatever she thought of. She turned off the projector that was projecting the book, put away the"tools for committing the crime", and began to investigate by typing on the computer..............

In Chiba City, in a high-end restaurant, Mika and his best friend, Yoshimatsu from the Yalan Agency, sat opposite each other. They raised their glasses and clinked them together.

The sweet wine made both of them unconsciously reveal a comfortable and relaxed expression.

"By the way, Jisong, what did you want to show me this time?"

Ji Song is not a person who likes to keep people in suspense. When Mika asked, Jisong clicked on the secret website of Yalan Agency, and pushed the computer to Mika without even looking at it.

The result shocked Mika.......Is Yoshimatsu hinting at something?

In the picture, a beautiful girl with yellow hair and a beautiful girl with blue hair are intertwined. The picture is simply beautiful. Author: Kashiwagi

Eri.......Yoshimatsu confessed to him.......Should I agree? Or should I agree happily?

Yoshimatsu noticed Mika's strange expression and was a little confused. The ghoul thing was indeed shocking, but Mika's reaction was too much.......

Suddenly, Yoshimatsu thought of something and quickly grabbed the computer. Looking at the beautiful girl's notebook on the screen, Yoshimatsu's face turned the color of liver.

"Mika, it's not what you think......."

Mika waved his hand, his dark face now full of smiles.

"I know you're a little shy....Don't worry, this is the first time I've encountered this kind of thing......"

Now Yoshimatsu had no way to defend himself. He couldn't understand why the invincible Alan Agency's artificial intelligence would make such a mistake.......Yoshimatsu finally felt relieved.

Today's MVP: Kashiwagi Eri, the machine is too..............

In the early morning, the asphalt road refracted a glittering glow under the sunlight, and the crisp chirping of birds made the pedestrians on the road happy. The breeze swept through the woods and blew into a black car that was as fast as lightning, making Su Yun, who was driving, feel a little comfortable.

This time, without the three burdens, Su Yun finally brought out the full performance of this luxury car.

On the satellite map, only a black dot can be seen moving at high speed.

This feeling of speeding, even for an old driver who has been honed on the German highway, once he gets in Su Yun's car, he will doubt whether he has been too cautious in the first half of his life. With this speed blessing, Su Yun rushed to the headquarters base of Likolis in just a short while.

Chizuka and Takina, like elementary school students who are going on a spring outing, put on cute outfits and waited for Su Yun's arrival here early in the morning.

Seeing that Su Yun finally came, Chizuka excitedly hugged Takina's arm, and Takina didn't have any expression on the surface, but in fact, she was also a little expectant in her heart........

After all, she has never participated in cultural festivals or anything like that.

"Have you taken the special medicine from the Yalan Agency? I won't go easy on the speed this time......."

After hearing Su Yun's words, Takina thought of the last scene and covered her mouth uncontrollably. The special medicine of the Yalan Agency should win, right?

According to Qianzhu's popular science, Takina knew how powerful this organization spread all over the world was.....The targeted special medicine they produce can still be trusted.

This time, Takina took the initiative and held Qianzhu's hand.

"Get in the car quickly, I can definitely beat the commander's speed this time!"

Qian Shu blinked. She remembered that the special medicine had to be taken one day in advance.....But it was obvious that Takina had just eaten. Never mind, maybe Takina had secretly eaten yesterday as well? Her worries were unnecessary, and Chizuka got into the car with peace of mind.

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