At the entrance of Sobu High School, Takina, who had endured an entire hour of torture, could not wait to open the car door.

She used her agile body to get rid of the sight of Su Yun and Qian Zhu and came to a deserted place.


After vomiting out yesterday's dinner, Takina's face looked much better...........

"What kind of idea is this? This special medicine is so expensive, it’s a scam!!!"

Takina was furious, but she ignored the fact that she didn’t read the instructions........After all, the medicines she had taken before were effective immediately after taking them.

This may be because Commander Kusunoki took into account that these Likolis were more irritable and would not read the instructions.......

"Are you OK...."Inoue-senpai"

Hearing this cold voice, Takina was like being frozen, and twisted her neck stiffly like a robot.

As expected, Yukino, who was wearing the uniform of Sobu High School, was looking at her with a worried look!!!!

It's over. She could have avoided the first day, but not the fifteenth......In the end, she still made a fool of herself in front of this junior whom she was most unwilling to admit defeat to.

"I'm fine, Yukinoshita, let's go, don't keep Chitsuko and the others waiting......."

After that, Takina, looking as if dead, took Yukino's hand and rushed to the gate of Sobu High School where Chizuka and Su Yun were...........

The cultural festival of Sobu High School is not really"cultural". It has all the activities that a celebration should have.

Students who don't participate in the class performances are likely to open small stalls to earn some pocket money.

Even students who participate in the performances have a certain amount of time to do their own things before the performance begins.

Because of the relaxed management of Sobu High School, the campus during the cultural festival is full of excitement. The colorful stalls extend from the school gate to the depths of the school. They are no more than the simple stalls in the vegetable market. Sobu High School provides each student who participates in the stall with a movable cart.

With the strong support of the school, the students who participate in the stalls shout loudly at their stalls.

"Takoyaki is here, takoyaki is here, natural and harmless takoyaki is here!!!"

""Fat tarts are on sale!!! Only 210 yen a bunch! Don't miss it if you pass by!"

Obviously, the food area is the most active in hawking, and the reason is simple. If the ingredients they prepared are not sold, let alone making pocket money, they may lose everything!

But fortunately, the food area has a natural advantage over other areas. The students actively use spices, which makes the aroma in the food area spread everywhere. Few foodies can resist such temptation.

For example, Chizuka now, even Takinara can't stop her.

"Three more skewers of potato tarts!!!"

Hearing the words of the pretty white-haired lady, the potato tart girl's eyes narrowed into a beautiful crescent shape......The lady in front of her is about to complete her"target".

Takina looked at Qianzhu's foodie appearance and the mocking look that Shigong Kaguya, who was patrolling with Su Yun, cast at her. Takina's mind suddenly opened up and she came up with a clever plan.

"Qian Shu, if you keep eating, you will probably gain a lot of fat! Summer is coming, and you don't like to go out for exercise in summer. By then, you will become a ball....."

"Look at the look in Kaguya Shinomiya's eyes, it's as if she's saying,"So cute!" Can you stand this? Chitsuka!"

Hearing this, Chitsuka, who was eating a potato tart in her left hand and a potato tart in her right hand, followed Takina's reminder and saw Kaguya Shinomiya's eyes.

She woke up instantly! But the food couldn't be wasted. After eating the potato tarts in her left and right hands, Chitsuka said goodbye to the potato tart girl under her disappointed gaze and left.

Su Yun, who had expanded his perception to the entire school, withdrew his perception at this time. He already knew the location of the mice......The next step is to see what the purpose of these mice is.

Su Yun came to his senses and looked at Kaguya beside him. Seeing that her mind was all on Takina and Chizuka, he was speechless.

"Kaguya, is it okay to leave the task of finding the"rat" to Hayasaka? She has her own show to perform......."

Su Yun's words helped Hui Ye escape from Qian Shu's provocation of sticking her tongue out and making faces at her. She rolled her eyes at Su Yun in return.

"Xiaoyun, who do you think I am? Hayasaka took on this mission herself, and in order to cooperate with her, I gave her the command of all the troops I trained personally.

".......This means that Kaguya has given all the mouse catching tasks to Hayasaka. In other words, this lady probably knew through some means that there would be no big fish this time, just some small fish.

Otherwise, Kaguya should not have given such a ghoul-related task to an ordinary person like Hayasaka.......

While Su Yun was thinking, something hot came to his lips.....It smells pretty good.

With Sukuna's ability, he didn't hesitate and took a bite of the golden delicious potato tower in front of him. It was quite crispy!

Seeing that the plan was successful, Qianzhu made a"yeah" gesture to Kaguya, whose face was already red.

Through her mouth shape, Kaguya could see what Qianzhu was muttering: indirect kiss!

She regretted it a little. Likolis was indeed born evil.......The violent genes hidden in their bones will prompt them to do some inelegant things in broad daylight.......How dare she....How dare she!!! She could no longer bear it, so Kaguya planned to tie up this guy with the Quinque she always carried with her to prevent her from doing anything shocking again.

But Kaguya didn't expect that Hayasaka had already replaced the less lethal binding Quinque in her hand for her safety.....So now the box next to her is.....

Kaguya opened the Quinque's suitcase, and in front of everyone's surprised eyes, including her own, a Quinque that looked like a bazooka appeared.

This not only stunned Chitsuka and Takina, but also Shinomiya Kaguya herself.

Chitsuka, who was pointed at by the bazooka, knew that the beautiful girl would not suffer a loss in front of her, so she hurried forward and hugged Kaguya's arm.

"Am I wrong?.....I shouldn't have run away. Can you please forgive me, dear sister?...."

What is shocking is that Qian Shu, who does not know tea, is filled with the fragrance of tea at this moment.......

Kaguya saw that the wrong Quinque had such a miraculous effect, and made the white-haired man obedient. Just when she was about to hit her, Su Yun reminded her to look around.

"Wow, what new equipment did the student council president get? It looks so cool!"

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