"Brothers from the Yuan League, charge forward with me!"

"Kill kill kill! Kill all the evil spirits in the world!"

Zhuo Wei raised his long sword high and roared passionately.

Inspired by him, everyone in the team also showed a look of fear and roared to kill the wandering ghosts.

During this period, a ghost appeared on everyone's body. Shadow, and also exudes a strong ghost aura.

Ghost Controller!

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan's face showed a look of surprise.

Although these people are weak in strength, their willpower is very good.

More There is a kind of ruthlessness that can destroy everything. As long as you have this kind of ruthlessness, your future achievements will definitely not be low.

Just when Lin Yuan was looking at it, a figure came out of the air and appeared next to him.

It was shocking that he was holding a gun. Ruhu!

Meeting Lin Yuan again, Naruhu instinctively felt a sense of danger.

Compared with before, Lin Yuan's pressure was even more terrifying now.

Could it be that... the other party has grown again?

With awe, Naruhu said more respectfully :"They are where they are today thanks to your Excellency."

"If you hadn't rescued them and inspired their fighting spirit, they wouldn't have awakened their ghost energy."

"At the same time, with the help of these new forces, the pressure on our doves has been relatively relieved."

Looking at the Demon Slayer Team below who were valiantly killing demons, Na Ruhu showed a look of relief on his face.

As long as they are carefully cultivated, these people will definitely become the backbone of the Dove Faction.

"What is this Yuan Alliance they are talking about?"

Lin Yuan suddenly asked

"Yuanmeng... is a dove organization established by Zhuo Wei on the Internet!"

"The reason why it is called Yuan Alliance is because it is said to be an alliance between them and Your Excellency!"

"In other words, because they admire you, they set up an online organization in your name."

"After this period of development, they already have a considerable scale! Na

Ruhu explained with great interest.

The Dove Faction was the most responsible for the establishment of the Yuan League.

Without the generous help of the Dove Faction, the Yuan League might have collapsed at the beginning of its establishment.

Of course, the Dove Faction’s selfless wave The dedication has also gained a lot of public support.

It can be said to be a win-win situation for both parties!

It really fits the saying, those who are in the right way will get more help, and those who are wrong will have less help.

With the full help of doves and officials.

In a short period of time, Yuan Yuan The size of the alliance has expanded rapidly.

I believe that it will not be long before the number of people exceeds Quanzhen and Wudang and becomes the largest group organization of the Dove Faction.

"Admire me..."

Lin Yuan felt a little funny in his heart.

As a ghost, he actually became the belief of mankind.

How could this not make him feel ridiculous?

"Let’s get back to the subject, how are the things I told you earlier going?"

Lin Yuan adjusted his mentality and asked again.

"The progress is quite smooth. The hawkish organizations in these four cities, Dongguang, Xiguang, Nanhu and Beihu, have basically been eliminated and the flag of our doves has been planted!"

With that said, Na Ruhu took out his mobile phone.

He planned to send Lin Yuan a copy of the Dove Faction's latest power distribution map.

Now everyone in the Dove Faction basically knows Zhang Wei's account, which is used by Lin Yuan..

Lin Yuan simply stopped pretending and directly changed Zhang Wei’s name to Lin Yuan.

Suddenly, Na Ruhu looked at his phone and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that something was wrong with Na Ruhu, Lin Yuan asked strangely

"You’ll understand after just one look!"

Na Ruhu handed the phone to Lin Yuan.

The first scene that caught his eye was various hot search terms and titles.

【Hundreds of ghosts walk at night, causing harm to the world. We, the members of the hawks, are filled with righteous indignation. We have now collectively come out of seclusion, vowing to eliminate the demons, defend the law, and give everyone a better tomorrow!】

【Lin Yuan, the sealed ghost general, formed the Yuan Alliance, an online organization. Is this move sincerely for our human race, or is there another conspiracy?】

【As the saying goes, humans and ghosts follow different paths. Is the Yuan Alliance established by Lin Yuan a cult?】

【According to reliable intelligence, Lin Yuan may be the mastermind behind the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade incident!】

【Behind Lin Yuan's destruction of the Yaoxing Society, was he actually trying to kill people and silence them?】


Suddenly, a large number of hot searches with Lin Yuan's rhythm appeared on the Internet.

These hot searches were not only directed at Lin Yuan, but also criticized Yuan Meng, both overtly and covertly.

There were even several hot searches that directly attributed the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade incident to Lin Yuan.

Said he was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Maybe you feel that words are not enough to convince the public.

As a result, Hot Search provided some photos and some edited surveillance.

These surveillances were cut off from beginning to end and taken out of context, leaving only the scene of how Lin Yuan killed the members of Yao Xing Society.

As for why Lin Yuan did this, it was not clearly explained in the video.

This misled many people, thinking that Lin Yuan killed innocent people indiscriminately and was cruel and cruel.

After all, these days, netizens like to create gods, but they also like to destroy gods.

Therefore, as soon as these hot searches came out, many"righteous" netizens immediately criticized Lin Yuan.

The discussion on the Internet was so intense that it even surpassed the Hundred Ghosts Night Parade incident itself.

And the public’s attention has been successfully diverted

"No need to guess, this must be the work of the hawk again!"

Lin Yuan snorted coldly.

"What do the Hawks want to do?"

Naruhu frowned.

"I guess they want to use the war of public opinion to coerce public opinion and put pressure on you doves, and then manipulate the trolls to put all the blame on me and the doves."

"It's a pity...the technique used is too crude, and I really think this generation of netizens are fools. Lin

Yuan sneered disdainfully:"I guess the hawks are used to being superior, and they still treat netizens as they were before, thinking they can fool them with just a few words!""

"Just wait and see, this time the hawks will lift a rock and hit themselves in the foot."

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