at the same time.

When they saw the hot search, everyone in the Yuan League became angry.

"Grass! You don't need to guess to know that it's the hawks who are causing trouble again. The smell is too strong!"

"The hawks are really out of their element! Put all the evil things you have done on our alliance leader!"

"Anyway, I can't bear it anymore, I will definitely fight back and kill those bastards from the Hawk Faction!"

"I wholeheartedly agree!"

"These hawks have made it clear that they want to lead the alliance leader. It's okay for us locals, after all, we all know the inside story, but it's hard to say for people in other cities, and we may really be deceived."

"What are you afraid of? Offline I am submissive, online I strike hard!"

"That’s right! If we are offline, we admit that we are no match for the hawks, but if we are online, the hawks are not even worthy of carrying our shoes!"

The people in the Yuan League were excited and worked together. They quickly thought of a way to counterattack and began to take action.


Yaoxianhui Headquarters.

Meeting hall.

At this time, several hawks were looking at the big screen with smiles on their faces.

After their efforts, the public's attention finally shifted away from the Eagle Faction, and almost all of it was focused on Lin Yuan and Yuan Meng, or Lin Yuan and Baigui Yexing.

In other words, the public opinion war they launched ended perfectly in the first round

"So far, the first round of planning is going great!"

"So next, we should start the second round of planning. We will publicize the formation of a ghost killing team to the outside world. The momentum must be huge, which will help win over public opinion!"

"The public relations department must make arrangements for this!"

Gong Qing said with an expression that held the pearls of wisdom in his hands.

"Haha...yes yes!!"

"With the acting leader's strategizing, we will definitely win this battle!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

In the first round of the plan, Lin Yuan's reputation was ruined and all the blame was put on his head.

Then in the second round, the hawks came out with a high profile and announced that they would deal with Lin Yuan and serve the people. Eliminate harm.

In the third round, the doves will be pulled down, and then they will criticize and suppress them from the moral high ground to achieve a complete reversal of the situation.

If all plans are implemented smoothly, then the hawks will not only be able to restore their reputation and reputation, but also It will further erode the doves and strengthen the hawks.

It can be said that it kills several birds with one stone!

"remember! The closer victory is, the more careful you must be!"

Gong Qing warned everyone expressionlessly.

Everyone was awe-struck when they heard the words, and quickly retracted the complacency in their hearts.

Gong Qing nodded secretly.

At the critical moment, these people are still reliable!

As long as this plan is successful, then he will The prestige of the Hawk Faction will definitely increase.

I dare not say that he will replace Feng Yao, but at least he can be on an equal footing with him and become the veritable number two of the Hawk Faction and the number three of the entire Ghost Controllers Association.

He may even have the opportunity to establish an organization independent of Dove Eagle. The third faction besides the two factions.

Thinking about being the leader of the faction makes Gong Qing excited.

But at this moment, the Minister of Information who was controlling the navy army suddenly exclaimed:"Acting leader, no Well, the direction of public opinion has changed!"

"Calm down, it's unbecoming to panic!

Gong Qing was shocked, but still said expressionlessly:"What happened?""

"Someone posted the complete surveillance of the destruction of Xingyao Society online!"

The Minister of Information said with a panicked look on his face.


"security guard! Get rid of the refugees blocking the outside and warn them that anyone who dares to knock on the door again will bear the consequences!"

In the surveillance video, you can clearly hear what Wang Guoping said.


A group of security guards held batons, each with a ferocious face, roaring at the people outside the door.


"Get off your horse! Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude!"


Looking at the scenes in the video, countless netizens were filled with indignation and cursed the hawks

"What a refugee... It turns out that in the eyes of the hawks, this is how we ordinary people look."

"Mudd! These scumbags really deserve to die!"

"Not to mention Lin Yuan, I even want to destroy Yao Xing Club!"

"Yao Xing Club deserves to be destroyed!"

"Haha...humor hawk!"

"The previous hot searches were probably bought by the hawks. As for the public opinion trolls who are driving the rhythm everywhere, you don’t have to think that they are also controlled by the hawks."

"Do you really think we netizens are blind? With just one glance, I can see through the traces of your eagle feathers!"

As soon as this full version of the surveillance video came out, the direction of public opinion on the Internet immediately changed.

Moreover, the hawks' manipulation of public opinion not only made netizens feel disgusted, but also provoked everyone's sensitive nerves.



"Didn’t I ask you to clean up your tail?"

"Why did the original surveillance leak out?"

Gong Qing finally couldn't stand it anymore and roared angrily.

The hawks have suffered many losses in this regard.

Why haven't they made any progress?

"The department...has dealt with it...I don’t know...why it leaked out..." the Minister of Information replied tremblingly.

"Damn it, could it be that someone has invaded our database?"

Suddenly, the Minister of Information suddenly had an idea and thought of a more terrifying possibility, and his face turned pale instantly.

Once the database is invaded, it will not be as bad as that.

Blue Star has Teacher Chen, who is just a computer That's when the Eyepatch scandal broke out.

They have a whole database, and the records in it can make people eat until they die.

Not to mention other things, they just said that a hawk colluded with Master Huo Yin to make a child in the back mountain of Luo Li Road. The big melon is enough to put the hawks in danger.

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