Everyone got on the train back to school. Of course, the train back to school was "friendly" sponsored by Han Li.

On the train, everyone was drowsy after not sleeping for nearly a day.

"Excuse me, let me go to the bathroom." Qin Han, who had a headache from sleeping, patted his head and pushed Huang Qingyuan away, who was sleeping like a dead pig. He looked back at Huang Qingyuan, who finally took off his coat and threw it at him with a look of disgust. On the body.

Qin Han was walking slowly among the crowd, and suddenly a little boy bumped into Qin Han very accurately. A bottle of cold water was sprinkled on Qin Han, which caused a commotion in the train carriage.

Because of this collision, the child of the lady sitting next to him was frightened. The baby opened his mouth and cried loudly. This suddenly woke up many passengers in this carriage, and some of them showed evil looks in their eyes.

"What's going on? Are you going to stop letting people sleep? Can't you take care of your children?" A shirtless man woke up, reached for the shirt next to him and put it on himself to express his dissatisfaction first.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The child who just bumped into him quickly bowed to everyone and apologized.

"Are you okay? I have tissues here. I was so sorry just now."

Qin Han saw that the child was sincere in apologizing, so he did not intend to pursue the matter further. The moment he took the tissue, Qin Han showed an imperceptible expression on his face.

"Those who are stuck there, can you leave quickly? They are disturbing our sleep." The strong man roared dissatisfied.

"That's right, you're affecting my child's sleep."

Qin Han nodded and apologized, then walked straight to the bathroom.

After Qin Han glanced around with his peripheral vision, he opened the bathroom and got in. Qin Han stretched out his hand and opened the crumpled tissue in his hand. It read clearly - Be careful, someone is chasing you here! ! !

After Qin Han saw the words on the tissue, his expression changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down. Qin Han thought as he looked at the passing scenery outside the train.

Someone is hunting me? But I definitely don’t know this kid, and I don’t know which side this kid is on right now. But it finally reminded me. Now that this child is on my side, who is going to kill me?

Today's pictures flashed through Qin Han's mind. Everything was normal before I went to sleep. But after I woke up, the people in my car obviously changed. Although it was not big, it was still noticeable. On the way to this road, I met a little boy, a pregnant woman, and a strong man.

Now think about the worst of everything, pregnant women and strong men are in the same group. So what is their purpose? It was obvious that they had no interest in taking action against Zhuge Yun and his group, otherwise they would have taken action long ago. It seemed that this time they were only targeting themselves.

The more Qin Han thought about it, the worse his face became. Was the reason for the many reminders intentional or unintentional to prevent me from making mistakes in the time I went to the bathroom because of the little boy? Qin Han reached out to touch his phone, but couldn't find it.

Click, Qin Han's face darkened. Qin Han, who had specially trained his hearing before, had already heard it. There is someone outside, and they are trying their best to hide their voices. The sound just now should be some kind of small crossbow or small hidden weapon.

"Damn it, it's over now." Qin Han looked at the scenery passing by outside the window, and his fear of heights made Qin Han swallow his saliva.

"The kid won't be constipated, right?"

"I guess so. We've been in there for half an hour."

At this time, there were two people outside the bathroom pretending to smoke, but in fact they were watching.

"Isn't it because you found out that you ran away?"

"Run? Where to run? Unless he is not afraid of falling to death."

"Then why don't we just go in and catch him while he's constipated? Why do we have to wait until he comes out before we catch him? We are assassins, not gentlemen."

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that? Let's go and fuck him!" One of them threw the cigarette butt into the trash can, turned around and opened the door.

A ray of purple energy slowly penetrated through the crack in the door, and then turned into a solid object and easily opened the simple door lock.

Two people outside the door picked up tools and kicked the door open. Direct blind shooting, no matter who is in this small space, there is no way to avoid it.

"I'm going, Brother Zhao. He really ran away!" The boy looked at the removed protective window and lay down at the window to check.

"What? Did you let him run away? Are you kidding? Let me see." The man called Brother Zhao pulled his younger brother away and leaned against the window to watch.

"His grandma really let this little beast run away." Brother Zhao cursed.

"That's right, the little beast is about to run away." A voice came slowly.

"Who is it?" Brother Zhao quickly turned around, but what responded to him was a pair of big feet.

It turned out that Qin Han had been climbing on the pipe waiting for the opportunity, and this kick directly drove Brother Zhao through the window.

"Brother Zhao! Damn it, you're going to risk your life!" The young man picked up his weapon and rushed forward.

"Level 3 Huang Jie? If you were outside, I would still have to hide from you. But in such a small space, I can deal with you in minutes." A cold light flashed in Qin Han's hands, and then he stepped forward in the small bathroom room. Like a fish in water.

"Okay, you should run." The younger brother saw the opportunity and pounced on him.

"I won't run away, but you should chase me." The silver needle in Qin Han's hand shot out and hit the target.

The little brother who was hit by the last silver needle immediately dissipated the energy he had just unleashed. He couldn't even support his body to stand, and he fell straight to the ground. He almost fell into the toilet pit, but Qin Han grabbed him and threw him next to the trash can.

"Solved." Qin Han wiped the sweat from his forehead, opened the door and went out to contact others to solve the problem.

Suddenly a hand stretched out and struck Qin Han with a fist. Qin Han hurriedly retreated, and the hand turned into a fist, and the energy it carried directly knocked Qin Han away.

Qin Han's whole body was knocked out by this palm along the place where it was removed before. Qin Han quickly grabbed the outside of the train with quick eyesight and hands.

Just as he was about to go in, the hand stretched out again. Now Qin Han was slapped firmly in order not to fall off the train.

"No, I can't resist another slap from this thing. No matter what, what should I do?" Qin Han looked around and found that there was no place to escape. Finally, he gritted his teeth and climbed directly to the top of the train.

As soon as he climbed onto the top of the train, a chill hit him, and Qin Han immediately felt his scalp numb. He quickly took three more steps back, and a sharp leg attack hit Qin Han where he was just now.

Qin Han took advantage of the opponent's move and jumped directly to the roof of the car with great force.

The man in front of me is the big man who yelled in the car just now.

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps came, and a woman stepped on the carriage at an extremely fast speed and jumped up, forming a surrounding and flanking attack. Qin Han looked back and found that the woman was the pregnant woman.

"This is bad."

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