Qin Han looked at the two people attacking from the front and back, and said something bad to himself.

"Wow wow wow!!!" The child's cry still resounded.

"Are you kidding me? Is that woman carrying that child with her all the time?" Only then did Qin Han notice that there was a cloth bag behind the woman, holding a child in her arms.

Qin Han's legs were shaking a little while he was standing, and he kept looking at the bottom of the train with his peripheral vision, half-bent over, staring at the two of them warily. Qin Han was thinking about how to escape, but the strong man had already rushed forward.

Then he exerted force with his left leg and slashed Qin Han's neck with a diagonal kick from his right leg.

Feeling the threat, Qin Han quickly held his hands up, and then he was kicked out. After rolling twice on the roof of the train, he grabbed something and got stuck.

"Hiss, it hurts. Is this guy specializing in physical arts? His hands are numb after this kick." Qin Han shook his numb hands.

"Good boy, take another move from me!"

The strong man exerted force on his feet, and his whole body flew out like a slingshot.

"I can withstand the same move, but it really hurts!" Qin Han looked at the strong man's attack range, crossed his hands on his face, and waited for the strong man's attack.

Well! ! !

This punch hit Qin Han hard in the stomach.

Qin Han knelt down on the roof of the train in disbelief and spat out a mouthful of sour water.


Qin Han was sent flying by this kick and almost fell down.

"What the hell? I clearly saw that the punch was coming towards my face. Even if there is a special attack method, it is impossible to not see it at all by temporarily switching the angle. Damn it, I feel dizzy." Qin Han was solid. After being punched twice by the strong man, his whole body felt bad.

"Wow wow wow wow!" The child's cry came again.

Qin Handu's thoughts that had been blocked before suddenly suddenly cleared up, and then he slowly stood up.

"Yeah, I'm so stupid. How could someone be jumping on the roof of a train with a child? And even if the illusion is a mysterious level, it's impossible for me to be defenseless. On the contrary, it's especially true for auditory illusions. Easy to solve." Qin Han took out two silver needles and inserted them into the two acupuncture points next to his ears.

As the hearing became blocked, the baby in the woman's hands also gradually changed. In the end, a strange knife was formed, with several small holes on it. That should be the key to releasing the illusion.

The woman's face turned gloomy, and she seemed to know that the illusion had no effect on Qin Han.

"Damn, people with medical skills are really troublesome." The woman simply threw away the cloth bag, picked up the strange knife and rushed forward.

Qin Han watched the woman rush forward and quickly got into position.

The woman rushed forward and displayed her horizontal and vertical strokes. Although she didn't have any sword skills to speak of, she could cut quickly.

Qin Han was also unable to move easily because of the two punches from the strong man. Several knife marks were made on his body. Qin Han had to activate his life skills and barely dodge. At the same time, be careful not to make a sneak attack on the strong man, causing him to be distracted and unable to do anything.

"It's a lot of work without a weapon. It's a pity that the knife has been couriered back because of the knife control. If I had known better, I would have listened to Teacher Bai and brought more silver needles with me next time. I don't have enough silver needles now. Today You can't really fall here, right?" Qin Han thought to himself.

"Old Hammer! Hurry up and do it! What if their helpers come later and they miss this time? Let's see what you say when we get back." Seeing that she couldn't cut Qin Han, the woman turned around and shouted to the strong man. Come and help.

"Hahaha, you fight first. This kid is interesting. Let me see the door first. Don't tell me that a Xuan-level person like you can't even beat a second-level Huang-level person." The strong man laughed. Instead of getting up to help, he sat down.

"Isn't that nonsense? I don't know how much this kid has learned. It's outrageous. He broke my Yin Dian Sword with one acupuncture technique. Don't forget, this kid is from Tianshu Academy. Who else there has not Any special skills?" The woman yelled angrily.

"Don't worry, my spies are watching. His companions are sleeping soundly now. Yo yo yo, look behind." The strong man pointed behind the woman with a smile.

"You just scolded me, didn't you?" Qin Han took advantage of the woman's turn to argue with the strong man and walked over. Qisha Kill opened instantly and kicked the woman hard. The woman turned the strange knife and blocked Qin Han's kick.

"It's so tough. It's really dangerous without weapons." Qin Han couldn't help but regret when he saw that there was no reaction to the kick.

"Yes." Qin Han quickly walked down and reached out to unload a section of the ladder.

"I'm sorry for vandalizing public property. It will be recorded in Han Li's account later." Qin Han stretched out his hand to remove the hard-to-grasp area.

Because I have no hearing, I didn't hear the roar of the wind at all.

Just when Qin Han raised his head, the strong man's fist was already in his face. Qin Han quickly picked up the ladder to resist, and then he was kicked out again.

"Here, is such a hard thing bent by a kick?" Qin Han looked at the ladder's exaggerated bend after being kicked by a strong man.

The woman raised her knife and rushed forward. Qin Han picked up the ladder and used the gap to hold it.

Brush brush brush.

Three blades of sword energy flashed through, and the ladder was instantly cut into six sections.

"No, ordinary things can't stop it!" Qin Han picked up an iron rod.

"Are you finally serious?" The strong man turned back to look at the woman.

"This kid is so annoying. Let's fight him quickly! If you can catch him but not, kill him." The woman raised her knife and looked up at Qin Han fiercely.

boom! ! !

A steel pipe hit the strong man on the head, and the steel pipe actually bent!

Qin Han looked at the bent steel rod and couldn't help but click his tongue.

"This guy is not only powerful in attack, he has also trained his body to be so strong. I can't bend this steel pipe under normal circumstances. Is this the legendary alien who specializes in physical training alone? I have never seen such a pure physical body before. Xiu, no, Master Baisheng seems to be." Seeing that something was not going well, Qin Han turned around and ran away.

"You just hit me and you want to run away?" The strong man rushed forward, his hands turned into tiger palms, and he was about to catch Qin Han.

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, Qin Han turned around and faced the strong man. He saw the two of them holding hands and interlocking their fingers.

"Hey, you still dare to compete with me?" The strong man exerted all his strength, and Qin Han almost fell to his knees under the sudden strong pressure.

"Seven kills, second stage. Let's go!" Qin Han used his skills and stood up reluctantly, but his legs were still trembling.

"Good boy, there aren't many people who can compete with me in strength. Especially Huang Jie. If you have to be on the same level as me and have your body washed twice with Qi, I won't be able to compare with you!" The strong man used his whole body to hit Qin Han directly. Throw it out.

Qin Han fell twice on the roof of the train and finally stopped. Suddenly I felt a chill running through my body.

Looking up again, the woman raised her knife and was about to kill Qin Han with one blow.

Qin Han quickly turned over to avoid the knife.

The woman punched her.

"I don't believe that your fist is as powerful as that big man's right now." Qin Han raised his fist and faced it.

"Hmph, go to hell." The woman's fist turned into her palm, and a burst of palm energy overflowed, knocking Qin Han away.

"Damn it, I forgot that this woman has such tricks!" Qin Han looked at the train going away, and then at the steep slope of more than 20 meters behind him.

"No way, I won't really die here now."

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