In the Blade

Chapter 112 Follow the Blade

Du Chengfeng felt that he should have known enough about this world.

Well, He Xiqing was like this, Ruan Shantao was like this, and Xiang Rong was still like this... Anyone with some ability in this world will become a monster after death, right?

If it was the first time, he would be shocked, and if it was the second time, he would not know how to deal with it.

But this is already the third time.

"Can I beat him to death?"

Du Chengfeng couldn't help thinking.

Indeed, retreating now is still the most rational decision, just like when facing He Xiqing, the two sides also fought several times, tested each other, and even grew up several times before they could really decide the winner.

But this time, it was a completely different situation.

Unlike the last time, this time he was far from being beaten to the point of desperation. He could still fight, he could continue, and the knife in his hand could continue to chop.

"So, why stop?"

When picking up the Fangzheng sword on the ground, it seemed that a warm palm was placed on Du Chengfeng's shoulder.

Is it Ruan Shantao?


"It's you..."

Du Chengfeng lowered his head and looked at the square sword in his hand.

Perhaps this sword had also argued with Ruan Shantao. Why not use it, and not use it to practice his own benevolence and righteousness, even if there would be more difficulties and obstacles ahead, even if he needed to swing the sword to kill the Southern Chen Emperor - but Ruan Shantao chose to give up after all, whether it was because of the constraints of benevolence and righteousness, or because he couldn't imagine what the consequences of killing the Southern Chen Emperor would be, the old man chose a more easy way after all.

Instead of waving this edgeless sword to cut through the unknown fear, to practice his own benevolence and righteousness, to open up a road that no one has ever walked.

"What about you?"

At this moment, Du Chengfeng seemed to hear a voice whispering in his ear.

"Are you willing to believe me?"

"Haven't I said this many times?"

Du Chengfeng held the sword in his hand.

Yes, this kind of thing has been said too many times, from the time he realized the last experience left by Ruan Shantao, from the time he swung his sword to kill Qi Jinshan... Indeed, this is inconsistent with his original idea, and even contrary to his persistence. Killing Qi Jinshan and taking the initiative to fight against the grassland vanguard army have nothing to do with the peaceful life he pursues, and may even make him farther and farther away from this goal.

But, if he takes a step back, can he get what he wants?

Impossible, just look at Ruan Shantao to know this. Ruan Shantao took a step back, and he felt that he could continue to realize his benevolence in a roundabout way, but what was the result?

"Does he not believe that you can open a way forward, or does he not believe that holding your own can open a way forward?"

Du Chengfeng stood up.

Whether it is stupid or brave, he is not Ruan Shantao, he will not retreat.

Think of it, do it, this is the last lesson left to him by Ruan Shantao.

So, think of it, but can't do it, what should I do?

Yes, just like when humans were still apes, facing cruel beasts, facing a harsh environment, facing a cruel reality, no matter how many ideas they had and how many things they wanted to do, what was the use? Could they beat those cruel beasts? Could they overcome this harsh environment? Could they survive in this cruel reality?

However, at some point, at a critical moment, some apes finally picked up sticks and stones and pointed them at those ferocious beasts whose combat power far exceeded their own.

From then on, everything was different.


The sword edge was raised, facing the countless blades like a rainstorm.

The Fangzheng Sword hummed excitedly, and this originally extremely restrained heavy strange sword actually faintly burst into a fiery brilliance at this moment!


The Fangzheng Sword seemed to be shouting excitedly, it was looking forward to, it was looking forward to, it was about to break through those, the real difficulties and obstacles!

Then, it was inserted back into the sheath.

"Don't worry, I'll use you later."

While saying this, Du Chengfeng picked up another weapon.

It was a ferocious long halberd with an exaggerated shape.

Well, although it has an indomitable momentum, it is still a bit too short to face the overwhelming rain of blades with only a heavy sword less than three feet long.

Or this halberd I just picked up is more suitable.

What's more...

"I have wanted to try this for a long time!"

The exaggerated halberd danced into a ball of light curtain. Even if the rain of blades was overwhelming, it was difficult to hurt Du Chengfeng for a while!

Unlike the exaggerated shape, this halberd was unexpectedly easy to use!

"You dare! You dare!"

Seeing that the Overlord Halberd, which originally belonged to the royal family of Da Chu, actually fell into the hands of that shit-like monster, Xiang Rong, who had already grown sixteen pairs of blind eyes, was furious!

"You dare to touch it... You dare to touch it! I hate it! I hate it!"

Driven by extreme hatred, the deformed black phoenix in the air raised eight sharp claws and swooped down, trying to take back the halberd!

But this gave Du Chengfeng an opportunity.

"Although it's just our first meeting... But I believe in you."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng swung the halberd in his hand.

"Are you willing to believe me?"

The exaggerated halberd did not give any response.

It answered with action.


The half-body of the pitch-black phoenix fell from the air with a bang.

The huge body fell to the ground, but the deformed black phoenix in the air still did not react. What happened?

Or, he did not want to admit it.

"How is it possible... How is it possible?"

All thirty-six pairs of blind phoenix eyes opened, and Xiang Rong in the air could not accept the fact in front of him.

"How can the Overlord Halberd recognize you! Obviously I am the descendant of the Chu royal family! Obviously I am the real overlord! I am the real tyrant! I have killed so many people... How could it choose you, a beast who can only shit..."

"Shut up!"

Before the pitch-black fire phoenix finished speaking, Du Chengfeng aimed at the half-broken fire phoenix in the air, raised his hand and threw the halberd in his hand.

The last time he faced He Xiqing, he let He Xiqing, who had turned into a strange bird, run away several times. This time, he would not let Xiang Rong run away again.


Seeing that the other half of the fire phoenix was also nailed to death in the air by the halberd, Du Chengfeng picked up the heavy sword that had just fallen from the ground beside him, and then identified the direction, and rushed all the way to the point where the fire phoenix's body fell.

One is to pick up the thrown halberd, and on the other hand, it is also for the final finishing blow to confirm that Xiang Rong is completely dead.

After all, unlike He Xiqing, the deformed black phoenix that Xiang Rong transformed into has a bit too much vitality. Only half of the body is left and it can almost fly away. He really can't guarantee whether the other party is completely dead.

Fortunately, after passing by, he finally saw the huge corpse with half of the head missing, and also picked up the exaggerated halberd that was thrown.

But when Du Chengfeng turned around and checked the body, his brows furrowed.

"Can it be... like this?"

Looking at the deformed body that had been torn in half by the halberd, Du Chengfeng was dumbfounded.

I saw that the gap in the body, the flesh that should have been neatly cut, actually had a human-shaped gap.

Obviously, there should have been a piece of flesh that looked like a human.

But now, that piece of flesh has disappeared without a trace.

The first update is here, it's a bit late, I'll go write the second update, considering the workload, see you in the morning.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'll continue to write, everyone go to bed early.

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