In the Blade

Chapter 113: Luofengpo

Outside Yanzhou City, Xiang Rong, covered in blood, galloped on his horse.

As the last descendant of the Chu people, although he did not have the amazing talent like Ruan Shantao, he could be on par with Ruan Shantao with only the precious knowledge left by the former Chu royal family. After all, it was the real essence left by the former Chu Dynasty, and the various techniques in it were incredible.

Just like now, the method of corpse transformation, that monster would never have thought that he could actually change back after the phoenix transformation.

However, all this was not without cost.

Although he used the method of corpse transformation to gain a chance to escape, he paid too much. Recovering his human body in the huge body of the phoenix transformation was no less than letting him die again, and his powerful strength was completely reduced to zero. But what Xiang Rong could not accept the most was that he failed to take away the Overlord Halberd.

It was not that he had not tried. After half of the phoenix body fell to the ground, he escaped by the method of corpse transformation, and he was the closest to the long halberd.

But the halberd rejected him.

The halberd rejected him and didn't even let him touch it.

He tried three times, but was bounced back every time. No matter how determined he was, no matter how much he expressed his determination to revive the Great Chu and even kill everyone in the world, the halberd was unmoved - God knows what happened. The halberd actually denied his tyranny and his hegemony.

So, after hearing the footsteps coming from afar, Xiang Rong could only seize the time and escape all the way.

As long as he is alive, it is good. As long as he can survive, there is still hope for everything.

Indeed, he lost this time. The monster left by Ruan Shantao used an inexplicable reason to completely interrupt all the plans when the restoration of the Great Chu had just begun, making him feel as disgusting as someone riding on his neck and shitting, but at least he was not dead yet. He, the last survivor of the Great Chu, was still alive.

Not only was he alive, he even gradually understood why he was not recognized by the halberd.

If he didn't know how the monster won just now, now, while running all the way, he has gradually understood.

Unlike him who waited for decades before preparing to revive the Great Chu, the monster was willing to risk his life to ride on his neck and shit. Although if we really talk about rationality, the former is obviously more rational, but if we talk about tyranny, the latter is obviously more unreasonable.

However, this world is so unreasonable.

Yes, when he was looking through the notes left by the Chu people, he should have realized that this world is so unreasonable - or rather, it is normal to be unreasonable. When the Chu people conquered the world, did they ever talk to anyone about reason? When the Great Chen Taizu was suppressing the four directions, did he ever talk to anyone about reason? Even not long ago, when he assassinated Ruan Shantao, did he talk to Ruan Shantao about reason?

Things like reason are ultimately told to the weak. Only the weak need to study the rules and be familiar with the routines, so as to find the part that is beneficial to them in the rules and take advantage of the situation.

As for the strong... the strong do not need to study any rules and reason, after all, they themselves are the greatest reason.


Thinking of this, Xiang Rong, who was riding on a horse, could not help but sigh.

At this moment, he also felt why his old friend in the past would regret it so much after turning into a monster - just because at this moment, his heart was full of regret.

If he could understand this level earlier, the revival plan of the Great Chu would not be interrupted. If he could realize this level earlier, he would not go to any grassland at all - when he traveled around the world, he could have chosen a place that he liked to set up camp first. You know, from his youth to now, in these decades, Ruan Shantao has been able to rise from a commoner to an official position as Si Tu, holding great power.

So in these decades, couldn't he first capture a few cities and plant the flag of the Chu people?

You have to know that he and Ruan Shantao were equally matched.

If that were the case, the Overlord Halberd of the Great Chu would have recognized him long ago. With the help of the Overlord Halberd, he would have been able to set the prairie ablaze. At that time, he would come to the old friend as the king of Chu to surrender openly. The two of them would work together to establish a new dynasty, which could be considered a good story.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs.

He failed to make such a choice in the end, and his old friend was killed by him because he blocked his way.

He once laughed at this old friend who had worked hard all his life, but in the end he fell on an oral edict and did not dare to kill the young emperor of the Southern Chen directly - but now think about it, isn't he afraid of the Southern Chen army, dare not raise the banner of the Chu people, and even have to borrow troops from the grassland people when he started fighting?

In the final analysis, he and Ruan Shantao are no different.

"No, there is another difference."

Xiang Rong narrowed his eyes.

Yes, there is another difference.

That is, he is still alive.

He is still alive, he still has a chance, not to mention, he is completely different from the one he used to be - now he has realized what the real hegemony is, and now he has the will to change reality. Even though he is old now, just give him some time, give him some more time...

"Master! Why are you here?"

Just when Xiang Rong was in a state of excitement and was about to find a place to make a comeback, a voice stopped him.

"Master, why are you not wearing much clothes?"


Xiang Rong looked up and found that the figure on the horse on the gentle slope in the distance looked familiar.

Yes, isn't this his good disciple?

He's getting better, he's really getting better this time. Who would have thought that at this desperate time, he would still have such good luck - the cats and dogs he took in in the past have now grown into reliable guards. With such a person by his side, his chances of winning are even better!

"I was in such a hurry when I came out just now that I forgot about it."

While stopping his horse, Xiang Rong greeted Cui Yuan warmly.

"It's you, why are you here?"

"I have something to do here. I need to find someone."

Saying this, Cui Yuan turned over and dismounted.

"But if I can see you, Master, I just need to ask you something... Master, my disciple has something unclear about the swordsmanship."

"Now is not the time to say these things."

Xiang Rong waved his hands repeatedly.

The pursuers from behind don't know when they will come, and now is no time to talk about swordsmanship.

"Let's go on our way first. If anything happens, we'll talk about it after we get to a safe place."

Then we should really find a safe place. We should not be able to go back to the Mobei Grassland. The Khan who lost 20,000 vanguard troops might not want to eat him alive. In comparison, Nanchen is a good place to go. With Jizhou and Yanzhou in such a state, Shanbei Road is almost destroyed. Next, Nanchen will definitely send troops north to defend against the prairie people's attack - and this This means that he can go over the mountain, to Shannan Road, to Yizhou or Haizhou, or even further to Yangzhou.

It is said that the Great Hermit hid in the city, but no one would have thought that he, a descendant of the Chu people, would dare to go deep into the vicinity of the capital of Jiankang.

And the prosperous Yangzhou is indeed a good place for recuperation.

"So what did you just say?"

After confirming his destination, Xiang Rong realized that his disciple seemed to be mumbling something.

"What's the matter?"

"That's true...ah, it's okay."

Cui Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Master, I just want to say..."

As he said this, a broken sword with no tip suddenly pressed against Xiang Rong's neck.

Looking at the broken sword around his neck and Cui Yuan's serious face, Xiang Rong couldn't help but laugh.

Yes, this was the reason why he didn't take this cheap apprentice to work in the first place. Strictly speaking, his apprentice is not a bad one, he has perseverance and understanding, but his temper is a bit eccentric and he always likes to make unexpected moves.

Just like now, the tip of the sword is broken, and I still have to use this method to tell him.

"It doesn't matter, it's a cheap sword I bought in Jizhou anyway."

Xiang Rong shook his head, not even bothering to push the broken sword away.

"Okay, just throw this thing away. The tip of the sword is gone, and it can't kill anyone..."


The five-foot sword flashed instantly.

Xiang Rong's big head fell down in response.


Cui Yuan was stunned as he watched the head with a smile still on it slowly rolling down the slope.

How could the master who was omnipotent in his eyes not even be able to stop this?

The second update is here. I'll go to bed early today. Good morning everyone.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you all for your support and love, see you tonight.

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