In the Blade

Chapter 18 Jizhen

Du Chengfeng, who has read some books, naturally won't put all his eggs in one basket.

Although he did entrust the Yang family to help him search for weapons, it doesn't mean that he completely trusts the Yang family, especially when it comes to improving strength. It's better to keep the channels in his own hands.

After finding Carpenter Li, he really asked for some solutions.

"I also heard about it when I bought axes and planes before. At the big market in Jizhen, some people will set up stalls in the corner to sell old weapons... But those things can't be bought. I heard that those have killed people. Anyone who buys those weapons will get into trouble. God knows why someone would set up such a stall. Can they make money?"

Du Chengfeng still remembers what Carpenter Li said at the time.

The news was not very accurate, more like a rural ghost story. Even Carpenter Li himself was not sure about the authenticity of the matter, but in Du Chengfeng's opinion, this matter was very likely to be true.

Although Du Chengfeng didn't know much about the world he was in, he was already quite familiar with the evil spirit of weapons. This thing would affect people's minds. The more people you kill, the greater the impact. So the question is, will some smart people think of throwing away the weapons before the evil spirit enters their bodies?

There are similar examples. The unlucky blacksmith he saw when he was sharpening the unlucky scimitar before can be counted as one. And in the subsequent sharpening process, he saw many similar examples.

Facts have proved that everyone is not stupid. Since we already know that the evil spirit is accumulated on the weapon, can't we just throw the weapon away?

But this kind of words is like the great principles in those books. Everyone knows that this is right, and they can understand it when they learn it, but when it's their turn to do it... it's still a bit difficult after all.

The reason is nothing else, mainly because of the value of the weapon.

A weapon is worth a lot, and a handy weapon is even more expensive. Even if these weapons have been tainted with the evil spirit of swords and weapons and become extremely dangerous, not everyone can be cruel enough to throw away this valuable property.

Unless a sufficient price is given.

Even if it is only half-off, you can buy a new sword after collecting enough money. Moreover, these weapons tainted with the evil spirit of swords and weapons may not really fall to the point where someone will buy them at half price.

Although the evil spirit of swords and weapons is indeed dangerous, that is only for ordinary people. There are always people who will collect these things, such as those soldiers who are in charge of fighting. They will take these weapons back to the grinding craftsmen in the barracks to help them sharpen them. Or some warriors who will not be affected by the evil spirit of swords and weapons can enhance their combat power with a fierce and sharp blade.

And now, there is a third type, that is, Du Chengfeng, who wants to sharpen the knife and fight.

Whether it is the opportunity to sharpen the knife or the improvement of combat power, he wants it all.

Where there is demand, there will naturally be a market. Therefore, this kind of business that is a loss-making business in the eyes of Carpenter Li is actually a good business in Du Chengfeng's judgment.

As for the source of goods...

Jizhou is the border of Southern Chen, a place of war on all sides, and the people are tough. Although they don't draw their swords to fight each other, people generally don't hold grudges overnight after they have a grudge.

Such places may lack money, food, and teachers who teach children to read, but the only thing that is not lacking is weapons that kill people.

"So, brother."

Du Chengfeng put his arm around Carpenter Li's shoulders.

"Do you know when the big market in Jizhen will open?"

"It's open today."

Feeling the weight of the gold and silver in his arms, and looking at the big hand on his shoulder, Carpenter Li finally sighed.

"Although it may be a little late to go now, brother Du, if you are in a hurry, I will drive you there now."

"Thank you, brother."

When Du Chengfeng heard that Carpenter Li was even going to drive him there himself, he could not help but clasp his fists and bow.

However, after Carpenter Li drove out the carriage, Du Chengfeng still took the whip. This was naturally because he wanted to try his skills. After all, he had never driven a big animal like a horse. Fortunately, after sharpening the swords of those Hu people, he has at least become a real Mobei warrior in terms of knowledge reserve. His understanding of horses makes him easily control the draft horse in front of him and drive the cart like a fish in water.

This made Carpenter Li, who was sitting in the car, marvel and even praised him directly. Du Chengfeng's current skills are more than enough to drive a cart for those wealthy families.

However, Du Chengfeng shook his head slightly when he heard Carpenter Li's praise.

Driving for the rich and powerful, this may be a good job with a good income in the eyes of Carpenter Li, or even in the eyes of most people.

But for him, it is more enjoyable to drive for his brothers.

The cart did not stop all the way, and soon arrived at Ji Town under the guidance of Carpenter Li, and Du Chengfeng was also able to open his eyes for the first time in the city - although in his eyes, Ji Town seemed to be not much different from Yangjiabao, but the fortress in the town was bigger, with some appearance of city defense, and there were a lot more buildings and people around, maybe in the eyes of Carpenter Li, this was already a very good big city, but in Du Chengfeng's eyes, it was still a little desolate.

It was even inferior to the Jizhen in Yang Pangzi's memory.

At least at that time, Jizhen still had the most basic appearance of a city.

"The big market is usually held in the south of the town, and we just need to pass through the town."

In Jizhen, only the garrison soldiers were qualified to gallop on horseback, so Carpenter Li also called Du Chengfeng to get off the car, and the two led the draft horse all the way.

"But brother Du, you should pay attention to one thing. This Jizhen is different from Yangjiabao. When we were in Yangjiabao, everyone was from the same hometown, and anyone who did something bad would be known immediately, but here in Jizhen, there are many people and many mouths. Even if someone cheated you with bad intentions, you would have run away long ago when you came to your senses and wanted to find him the next day."

At this point, Carpenter Li couldn't help but sigh, as if he recalled something unbearable in the past.

But Du Chengfeng didn't care much about this.

He could understand Carpenter Li's nagging concern, but he was already a grown man. Not to mention that those scammers could not hide it from him, even if he was unlucky enough to be cheated, his wrestling skills were enough to beat the other party to a pulp.

Just like now, even if he didn't turn around, he could already feel that there was a hand about to pull the corner of his clothes.

"What's the matter?"

Du Chengfeng turned around suddenly, staring at the figure in front of him.

"What do you want to do?"

"I, I, I, I..."

The figure wrapped in heavy clothes seemed to be frightened by Du Chengfeng, and for a while he couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"I, I, I... I want to come over and ask."

"Ask? What to ask?"

Seeing that the man was hiding his head and masked, and his behavior was suspicious, Du Chengfeng had quietly adjusted his posture and was ready to knock the other party to the ground.

"What do you want to ask me?"

"I, I, I, I, I, I just want to ask."

While saying this, the figure wrapped in heavy clothes opened his clothes.

"Uncle, do you want a knife?"

"... Knife?"

Du Chengfeng's pupils shrank.

I saw that there were more than ten sharp blades with cold light hanging inside the open clothes of the man in front of him!

Each knife was covered with some dried blood and a faint cold murderous aura.

These more than ten knives had killed people and shed blood.

Thank you for your encouragement and support. I am a new author and a new book. Please collect and recommend it. Thank you all.

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