In the Blade

Chapter 19 The Knife Seller

Things seemed to go more smoothly than Du Chengfeng expected.

Originally, according to Du Chengfeng's estimation, he and Carpenter Li had to at least go to the market, and then search for a while before they had a chance to meet those selling evil weapons. After all, Carpenter Li had only heard about it. I haven't looked for it myself. Of course, finding a vendor in the market would definitely not be like finding a needle in a haystack, but without the means, they would have to go around twice.

But now, before the big market arrives, the weapons seller comes to the door.

"What are you..."

"Brother Du! Don't buy it!"

Before Du Chengfeng could ask about the price, Carpenter Li turned around and quickly pulled him aside and lowered his voice.

"The knife sellers in this town are all scammers. Don't buy from them, otherwise you will be in trouble."


Du Chengfeng was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that there were such twists and turns in it.

Fortunately, Carpenter Li also noticed Du Chengfeng's doubts and simply continued.

That happened two years ago. At that time, the ax in Carpenter Li's hand was broken. It happened that the children at home were clamoring for meat, so he simply drove the cart to the town's market. On the one hand, he made some boxes that he usually made. Selling small bits and pieces such as benches to support the family, and another is to see if I can buy a handy ax and cut a few kilograms of pork back.

That is to say, Carpenter Li sold out all the woodware. When he was about to go home after purchasing, a man in a thick cloak stopped him and opened his mouth to sell the knife.

Of course, Carpenter Li would not pay attention to a person who kept his head hidden but the price he offered was too cheap. So after thinking about it, Carpenter Li finally decided to spend a little money to buy an extra kitchen knife for his family.

Of course, Carpenter Li was not a fool. He also saw the faint traces of dried blood on the blade, but when he asked about it, the knife seller just smiled.

"It's normal to have some blood on it. This is a butcher's knife bought from a butcher's shop. Otherwise, can I sell it to you cheaply?"

Carpenter Li thought for a while and realized that this made sense, so he simply threw the kitchen knife into the car and took it all the way home.

The newly bought kitchen knife is indeed sharp, much faster than the old kitchen knife at home. It can cut meat as easily as tofu, and can even cut through slippery fatty pork skin with one knife. According to Carpenter Li’s wife, she has never used such a sharp kitchen knife. Carpenter Li bought something good this time.

The wife was happy, the children had eaten meat, and Carpenter Li felt much better. After three rounds of drinking, he fell asleep beautifully.

But who would have thought that something would happen that night.

The first thing that happened was the children. The two and a half-year-olds were frightened and woke up in the middle of the night, sobbing and insisting that someone had entered the house and wanted to kill them. Then came Carpenter Li's wife, who was so frightened that she huddled in the corner of the bed, trembling. Speechless.

As the mainstay of the family, Carpenter Li had to muster up courage no matter how frightened he was. But just when he ran to the kitchen and was about to take a kitchen knife to embolden himself, he was paralyzed with fear.

On the stove, the new kitchen knife he bought during the day was dripping with blood.

Carpenter Li was already dizzy with blood, but he didn't see this. He passed out on the spot and fell unconscious.

Fortunately, the village was not that big. Carpenter Li's family was howling like ghosts and dogs, causing all the dogs in the village to bark. Even the Yang family in Wubao couldn't sleep peacefully. Fortunately, after everyone rushed over with torches, Only then did they realize that something happened at Carpenter Li's house, not some barbarian coming to attack him in the dark.

"You shouldn't have bought this kitchen knife."

Carpenter Li still remembered what Yang Xuan, the person in charge of Yangjia Fort, told him at that time.

"This kitchen knife is a murder weapon. It has killed people. It may have been accused of some unjust case. How dare you buy such a thing cheaply and risk your life?"

It was at this time that Carpenter Li realized that the blood he had seen before was all fake, and that what his family had seen were all illusions. To put it bluntly, the family was timid and was given the evil spirit by the sword that had killed people. I calmed down, scared myself, and almost died of fright on the spot.

Carpenter Li naturally refused to keep such an unlucky thing, so under Yang Xuan's guidance, Carpenter Li simply found a crooked neck tree outside the village and buried the kitchen knife.

As for the money he lost, Carpenter Li could only grit his teeth and accept it as a lesson.

" true."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but nodded. Carpenter Li was indeed unlucky. An ordinary person, even an ordinary person who was timid and fainting with blood, really couldn't face the evil spirit of weapons.

But this matter is not over yet.

"After some time, I came to Ji Town again to attend the big market."

Carpenter Li continued speaking, his expression extremely ugly.

"Then I met the knife seller again. Maybe I hadn't been here for a while. He forgot about me, stopped me again, opened my clothes, and asked me if I wanted to buy a knife...and guess what? ?”

Having said this, Carpenter Li paused.

"The kitchen knife I lost was hanging inside his clothes."


After hearing this, Du Chengfeng understood why Carpenter Li said that he had been fooled.

Combined with the evil spirit of this sword, it can be used like this. If an ordinary person buys a knife that has killed people, it will definitely be thrown away. Then it will be picked up and sold, which will directly form a permanent motion. God knows what kind of brain can come up with this. This kind of business has opened his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, brother, don't worry. You know about the evil spirit of swords and weapons. I'm not afraid of it."

After patting Carpenter Li's hand to indicate that he was relieved, Du Chengfeng turned back and found the knife seller.

Carpenter Li had helped him a lot during this period, so it was his duty to help Carpenter Li, who had been cheated, to get back his face.

As for the knife seller in front of him, whether it was the one Carpenter Li met at that time, he didn't care. Anyway, they were all doing unethical business, and there was not much difference.

"You are the one selling knives, right?"

Without waiting for the man in front of him to speak, Du Chengfeng waved his hand directly.

"Come as many as you can, I want them all."


The man who was hiding his head and showing his tail was also choked, obviously he had never seen such a generous customer.

"This... Sir, do you want all of them? All of these knives?"

"I want all of them, no need to change."

As he spoke, Du Chengfeng threw a silver cake over, and the knife seller was so scared that he quickly stuffed it into his clothes.

As the saying goes, wealth should not be exposed. Who would not be jealous of such a silver cake? Of course, it must be kept carefully.

At this time, Du Chengfeng's big hands pressed on the knife seller's shoulders.

"Since you don't need to change, you should at least give me a package."

As soon as he finished speaking, the knife seller flew up.

The sky and the earth spun in an instant, and the knife seller almost thought he was going to be beaten to death on the spot. God knows what kind of vicious person he met, who dared to attack in the street of Jizhen under the rule of Governor Liu.

But just when the knife seller thought he was going to die, he suddenly found that his feet had landed steadily on the ground.

However, the outer robe with many knives hanging on it was already in the hands of the fierce man in front of him.

"Don't look at me, a silver cake in exchange for your pile of rags, even if you add an extra set of clothes, you still make a profit."

After saying that, Du Chengfeng put on the wide outer robe.

Not to mention, although there were a bunch of knives hanging inside, the outer robe was a bit too wide, so it was quite suitable for him to wear.

"Business is booming, let's go!"

"Sir, take care too!"

Although he was still a little confused, the knife seller still subconsciously responded to the back of the receding figure.

It was indeed a good business, that was a whole silver cake, and besides, his clothes and those knives could be recovered soon, so he couldn't lose anything.

Today was his luck, he should buy two taels of wine and have a good time.

Thinking of this, the knife seller put his hand into his clothes.

"Wait a minute? Where's my silver cake?"

The cool breeze on the street blew on his body, and the knife seller realized that he was only wearing a single piece of clothing.

And the outer robe containing the silver cake had been taken away long ago.

"Hey! You wait for me!"

The knife seller was so angry that he stamped his feet repeatedly after losing both his money and goods.

"I'll remember you! You wait for me! I'm not done with you!"

Thanks to the cloth of the stone cutter, Crab King 39, Book Friend 20220903230735693, the wandering single dog who reads books, and the dream of writing books. The recommendation votes cast by everyone, everyone's support is my motivation to move forward, thank you all.

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