In the Blade

Chapter 241 Passing by

After half a quarter of an hour, the battle ended quickly in a one-sided manner.

Although the bandit group that Qian Yu belonged to was already the most powerful in Songzhou, since there was no official army in Songzhou to suppress it openly, the strength of this bandit team expanded rapidly - and after absorbing some official troops that originally belonged to Songzhou, these bandits who had completed the change of clothes were even enough to compete with the regular army of Southern Chen.

But this is still useless for the real strong, especially those top ones, who are already strong beyond human strength.

"So why do you have to do this?"

In the charred aroma of barbecue, Du Chengfeng, carrying a big knife, looked at the remaining bandits with a frown.

"Don't you know that I'm taking a nap in the car? Don't you know how vicious it is to disturb someone's sleep?"


These bandits who were trapped were dumbfounded. You know, they were ready to be reprimanded by the great principles, but the reason why they were annihilated was that they disturbed others' naps?

This also made them hold back all the rebuttals they had prepared. If the other party said that they should not be robbers, they might be able to say something about the bad world or their bad background, but disturbing people's naps... How could they know that there was such a master among the refugees?

Obviously, compared with persuading people to be kind, this reason is even more ridiculous, but at this moment, no robber dared to say anything to refute, after all, the man with a big knife in front of him just killed half of their brothers with just one knife.

Perhaps because his sleep was disturbed, the man who called himself Du Chengfeng was a little angry at the moment.

No one dared to be the first bird to stand out at this time, it would be a fatal thing.

Except for their heroic second in command, old man Qian Yu.

"Kill me!"

Facing Du Chengfeng on the cart, Qian Yu directly stiffened his neck.

"Anyway, my son has been killed by you, and I have fallen into your hands again..."


Du Chengfeng on the cart scratched his head.

The reason why he appeared in Songzhou was entirely because the relocation team had to pass through Songzhou. After Carpenter Li recovered, everyone discussed and finally agreed with Du Chengfeng's decision not to go to Yangzhou, but to move to the northwest together - as for the reason, it was because there were still many children in the team, which was indeed not suitable for going to Yangzhou to experience those overly adult elderly care services.

"As for the environmental problem, Yangzhou City was also built by people. Everyone has two arms and two legs. Can't we build a good place by ourselves?"

This is what Du Chengfeng said when he made the final decision, and this remark was also recognized by a group of villagers.

As refugees, they have fully experienced what it means to rely on mountains and mountains will fall, and rely on water and water will dry up. Every time they enter a new state city, they think they can settle down, and all kinds of strange problems will appear in that state city. After that, they have all reached the sphere of influence of Dachen, but Dachen happened to have some unspeakable things.

Although Du Chengfeng was largely responsible for this unspeakable incident, it at least made them realize that there is no place in this world that can be truly trusted.

Just as Du Chengfeng said, everyone has two arms and two legs, and it is better to rely on oneself than on heaven or earth.

Since they have unified their ideas, the speed of action has become very fast. After stopping the wooden man Li Carpenter who wanted to load himself onto the carriage, the refugee team quickly left Yizhou.

This once made the locals of Yizhou quite confused. You know, they were all ready to follow these rebels, but these refugees who actually occupied Yizhou City left quietly, so what was the point of staying during this period?

They did not get any explanation, and those refugees who left were too lazy to leave any explanation.

Although they did not have the strength of Du Chengfeng, they were also infected with Du Chengfeng's style, or the style of the strong, under the influence of what they saw and heard all day.

The strong do not need to explain their actions to anyone. They only need to think about it and do it.

But this time, Du Chengfeng was still ready to explain.

"You said I killed your son... In other words, you are a grassland person?"


Qian Yu, who was about to continue to rant, was stunned by the question.

"How can you humiliate me like this, you bastard... Don't you know who I am?"

"I really don't know."

Du Chengfeng shook his head.

He really doesn't have many acquaintances. At present, most of the acquaintances are in the caravan. As for other acquaintances or opponents, except for Yu Laoer from Lijia Village, the others are basically dead.

Is this old man famous? Why do you think he must know?

"Hey! I have seen you once! How can you..."

Seeing Du Chengfeng scratching his head seriously, Qian Yu just wanted to vomit blood at this moment.

"Okay, okay, you come like this, right? Well, you don't remember, but do you remember my child, Qian Jin, the commander-in-chief of Yizhou!"

"Qian Jin... Yizhou?"

Du Chengfeng slapped his head.

If you say so, he will remember it. After all, Qian Jin left a deep impression on him. When he mentions this name, he will think of the scene that shocked his world view, and the terrifying figure who asked him if he could be more excited even when he was lifted in the air.

He has fought strong enemies and killed monsters, but he has never seen such an outrageous person.

"So it must not be me who did it."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly.

"Since Qian Jin is your son, you should know his style, right? If I cut the sticky thing with a knife, I am afraid that my knife will be dirty... So there is a reason for the grievance, and you should kill whoever you should kill."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng kicked Qian Yu and let the old man go on the spot.

Such behavior of respecting the old and loving the young naturally attracted praise from the villagers, and even the captured bandits praised Du Chengfeng's benevolence - of course, if Du Chengfeng could be more merciful and let them go, it would be even better.

But the only one who was spared was the old man Qian Yu, who was stunned and didn't say a word for a long time.

Even though the convoy had left with the captives, the old man was still stunned on the road, standing among the corpses on the ground.

He could feel that what Du Chengfeng said was not a lie, and as the other party said, he still knew his own son.

But if his son was not killed by Du Chengfeng, then what was the meaning of everything he did now and everything he insisted on?


Looking up at the corpses all over the ground, Qian Yu was in a trance.

The only thought was gone.

In such a big world, where should he go?

The first update is sent, and the next update will be before twelve o'clock.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, please wait.

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