In the Blade

Chapter 242 Scholar

"So this is why Brother Qian came to Dengzhou?"

In Dengzhou City, far to the northwest of Songzhou, a young man in a wide robe and big sleeves was entertaining Qian Yu who came from afar.

"Brother Qian, let me say that although Du Chengfeng may not have killed your son, he was the one who killed Mr. Jia Wen after all...Looking back to the past, Mr. Jia had almost accomplished everything, and the prosperous era of scholars like us was almost about to return, but it was because of that evil villain Du Chengfeng that all this was ultimately lost."

At this point, the young man's face was already a little more angry.

"Even if it's for Mr. Jia, we must kill that evil villain! What do you think, Brother Qian?"

"Old man... Hey."

The old Qian Yu just drank and sighed.

Theoretically, what the other party said was right, not to mention that even if we don't mention Prime Minister Jia Wen, just talking about the cause of his son's death, he should have continued to investigate - but the problem is that Qian Yu is not a fool. After just thinking about the cause and effect, he has realized the truth of all this.

The murderer who killed his son could only be the former retainer of the Prime Minister's Mansion, the mentally ill mad monk Jing'an.

With the power of the former Prime Minister's Mansion, there would never be any problems with intelligence. If there were any problems, it would only be the person who reported the intelligence. After knowing that the murderer who killed his son was not Du Chengfeng, with Qian Yu's experience, how could he not know who the problem was.

Obviously, he was overwhelmed by his son's death at the time. He only knew to put the murderer to death, but he couldn't even see through such a clumsy lie.

However, this was not because the mad monk Jing'an was so good at deceiving.

Rather than saying that he believed the lies of the mad monk Jing'an, it would be better to say that he believed the retainers of the Prime Minister's Mansion. After all, Prime Minister Jia Wen did not question anything, so he would naturally believe it. But the question is, with Prime Minister Jia Wen's control over people's hearts, can he really not see that there is something wrong with the mad monk's statement?

Maybe he saw it, maybe he didn't see it.

Or perhaps, all this is not important to the Prime Minister Jia Wen who is doing great things.

"Drink, drink."

After a few glasses of wine, Qian Yu's face became more and more old.

The murderer who killed his son had long been dead, and he was too lazy to avenge his former cheap owner. At this moment of despair, his old face had already shown some signs of death.

But his body's survival instinct did not allow him to commit suicide, and he could not find any reason to commit suicide, so in this muddle, he could only come to the nearest Dengzhou, hang under this former colleague, and casually get some salary, and end his life.

Speaking of this former colleague, it can also be said to be extraordinary. Unlike people like him who were full of revenge, his colleague named Zhao Jinfan immediately hid his whereabouts from the surface after receiving the news of Jia Wen's death, hiding in the dark to accumulate strength. After so many days, Zhao Jinfan has accumulated great strength in Dengzhou, and even the military governor of Dengzhou has been played in his hands.

In the final analysis, the official system of the Southern Chen Dynasty itself has problems. When the Southern Chen Taizu conquered the world in the past, there was no research on the official system and territory. After the establishment of the Southern Chen Dynasty, this problem has continued to this day. And these things that could not be changed in the past are even more impossible to change in the future. After all, they are all things that have been eaten, and who would be willing to spit them out.

However, this also gave them, the remnants of Jia Wen, the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes. Just like Zhao Jinfan, who is obviously guilty, but the military governor of Dengzhou did not catch him, so who can touch him?

"So, we haven't really lost everything."

Unlike Qian Yu's old-fashioned look, the young Zhao Jinfan still had some vigor on his face.

"At worst, we can do it again like those predecessors in the past. The predecessors back then were able to overthrow the Chu people and establish Dayu. You know, the Chu people were much more fierce than the Southern Chen, but they still fell... Now facing a Southern Chen that is much weaker than the Chu people, can't we do what the predecessors did?"

After drinking a glass of wine, Zhao Jinfan's face became more bloody.

"We can do it! We can do it too! Don't you think so, Brother Qian!"


Qian Yu sighed.

At this moment, he actually saw some of his own shadow when he was young in Zhao Jinfan.

Yes, he was like this when he was young, full of knowledge and vigor, thinking that he could change this hellish world with his own skills...But when he really did it, he realized that there were so many troubles and so many ups and downs in front of him.

This is why he chose to vote for Jia Wen. He may not be able to do it himself, but he thinks that as long as he follows the prime minister, the vision he wants to see may really come true.

But this prime minister is still... a little bit short of it.


Thinking of this, Qian Yu simply raised his glass to Zhao Jinfan.

Anyway, he is so old and has only a few years left to live. Even if it is for his past self... he can do a little, so it's a little.

"Then it all depends on you, my friend."

"With the help of Brother Qian, I am even more powerful!"

Zhao Jinfan also raised his glass to celebrate this hard-won joining.

That was indeed a celebration. You know, in order to win over Qian Yu to join, he had been thinking for seven days. Originally, he wanted to dress up as Qian Yu's son. After all, they were of similar age. When the time came, he treated him as a junior, which would easily make the old man feel a little bit of affection for him.

However, after thinking it over, he still did not choose such a radical method. Instead, he dressed up as the old man when he was young, and called each other colleagues. This was to fully consider the pain of losing his son suffered by the old man. He did not want this old senior to die in vain on his own territory.

Fortunately, his arrangement was finally successful. The old man was really moved by him and chose to stay in Dengzhou and follow him to conspire for great cause.

Although it was a bit excessive to plot against the old senior, as long as it could make his power grow, everything would be worth it.

At present, he still had too few people under him. As long as he was willing to join sincerely, he would welcome them.

"Oh? In other words, you welcome me too?"

Just when Zhao Jinfan was about to continue to expound on his grand plan, a figure who looked like a swordsman sat down next to the wine table.

"That's great. I think you are just in need of a leader. Why don't you let me do it?"

The second update is here. Everyone, go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm going to bed early too. Good night, everyone.

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