In the Blade

Chapter 244 The Power of the Yu People

"You mean, Yu Ren's matter?"

In front of the blood-stained wine table, the old man Qian Yu looked at the unfamiliar swordsman in front of him and was speechless for a long time.

In just a moment, Zhao Jinfan, who had already done such great things in Dengzhou City, was killed on the spot, and the soldiers who were supposed to protect Zhao Jinfan also fell into a pool of blood - such a horrific scene, Qian Yu suddenly felt a little more familiar. He seemed to have seen similar situations before.

Yes, he had indeed seen it before. This way of treating human life as if it were nothing, and that inhuman aura... All of these were exactly the same as that of Du Chengfeng.

They are indeed exactly the same, even the weapons are very similar. Just like Du Chengfeng, the swordsman in front of him also has a sword hanging on his body.

And this strong man who was almost the same as Du Chengfeng, after killing Zhao Jinfan who was in charge of Dengzhou, what he wanted to ask was actually the former Yu?

"This...I don't know what to say."

After Qian Yu was silent for a moment, he still chose to cooperate.

In other words, it doesn't matter to him whether to cooperate or not. He is already old and has no hope of living. Now it might be a good thing to have someone to listen to him. ?

"This mainly depends on what you want to know and what aspects. If we just talk about Yu Ren's affairs, there are too many aspects involved. I don't know where to start."

"Let's start from when the Yu people replaced the Chu people."

Wu Zhao from Yin sat back and even started eating the blood-stained food and wine on the table.

"I want to hear what you Yu people say."


Qian Yu immediately relaxed, he still knew this.

In other words, all scholars know that era. After all, it was the heyday of scholars. Even under the suppression of the Chu people, they could not truly master those evil weapons. However, relying on the classics passed down by the sages and their firm and tenacious will, those heroes still defeated the cruel and decadent Chu people and ended the war. That bloody big Chu.


Just when Qian Yu was about to continue talking, Wu Zhao from Yin frowned.

"You mean those scholars gained power by reciting classics? What about you? Why didn't you guys?"

"Poems and books are such a thing as righteousness... ugh."

Speaking of this, Qian Yu sighed.

Although everyone can read the books of sages, just like everyone understands the great principles, but few can use them, it is not something that everyone can do to understand the righteousness of poetry and books from the books of sages. ——Anyone who can do this can basically become a famous person in the world. Ruan Shantao, who was pushed out to Yizhou by Prime Minister Jia Wen, is one of the best.

However, this is not necessarily a good thing. As the saying goes, a gentleman can be bullied. If you are too reasonable, it is often difficult to really get things done. This is why Ruan Shantao, who has the righteousness of poetry and books, went to Yanzhou, but instead Prime Minister Jia Wen, who failed to understand the righteousness of poetry and books, sat in court.

Once upon a time, Qian Yu had also longed for that unwavering strength, but it was obvious that the limitations of that strength were too great. On the contrary, Prime Minister Jia Wen's approach of directly pointing to the human heart of others is more direct and more effective.

Of course, now, Qian Yu has also realized that Prime Minister Jia Wen's approach also has its own limitations.

Just like now, if the other party really doesn't care about the so-called attack on the heart and just kills them directly... then no matter how scheming they are, they won't be able to use it at all.

It's not even as good as Ruan Shantao and his ilk. At least if Ruan Shantao is really here, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose at the moment.

"I see."

Wu Zhao from Yin nodded slightly.

It probably understands the power of these Yu people.

It is indeed somewhat similar to the method of the Yin people's priests in the past, but these Yu people divided it into two factions. One group prefers the orthodox priest route, which is to tame the ghosts in the heart and thereby obtain the unpredictable power of ghosts and gods. It focuses on attacking the heart, striving to detonate the ghosts in the opponent's heart, and has the ability to use small things to make big gains.

And it is obvious that the two factions are incompatible with each other. At least the old man in front of him does not show the power of the ghost in his heart.

Otherwise, this old man and the young man who died just now should at least have some ability to resist.

Instead of watching it turn these people into corpses.

"Oh right."

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao from Yin pointed to the corpses on the ground.

"These people are quite interesting. I killed their chief officers without even escaping. How did you do that?"

"They... are Zhao Jinfan's dead soldiers."

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Qian Yu's eyelids twitched.

Since the Yu people themselves have no force, they often choose to find people with force to act as guards. For example, the former Prime Minister Jia Wen raised a group of martial arts masters who let out evil spirits. On the one hand, for protection On the other hand, he also wants these people to do things for him that require force.

The reason why those martial arts masters obey Jia Wen's words is, on the one hand, because Jia Wen can give them generous treatment, and on the other hand, it is because Jia Wen, who has insight into people's hearts, can solve some problems for them that they themselves can't even think of. difficulty.

Similarly, these dead soldiers on the ground are in a similar situation.

They were recruited by Zhao Jinfan, but Zhao Jinfan gave them more than just generous salaries. In addition to salaries, Zhao Jinfan, who also has a keen insight into people's hearts, can easily grasp the needs of these warriors - as the saying goes, a warrior will die for his confidant, each of them regards Zhao Jinfan, the leader, as a confidant and best friend. Now that Zhao Jinfan is dead, they will naturally fight to the death.

Then, these warriors really died, just because of Zhao Jinfan's misjudgment.

"That's a pity."

After listening to Qian Yu's explanation, Yin Ren Wu Zhao also sighed and even poured a glass of wine on the ground.

There is no place for the weak in the eyes of Yin people, but there is a place for warriors, and these warriors who are willing to fight for their friends are undoubtedly real warriors.

Even if this bravery was originally based on the deception of the scholar.

"I... probably already know."

After drinking a glass of wine, Yin Ren Wu Zhao exhaled a breath of alcohol.

It really knows, at this moment it has understood everything.

It's not just the Yu people.

There are also the reasons why the Yin people perished in the past.

The second update is here, and everyone should go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, and thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will go to bed early as advised by the doctor, good night everyone.

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