In the Blade

Chapter 245 How to Become a Warrior

"What? You want to learn Kung Fu from me?"

The convoy temporarily stopped in the wild camp, facing the villagers who came to find him, Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

The cause of the incident was not complicated, it was still because of the problem of the group of captives. In the past, there were fewer captives, and most of the villagers could not see them, but this time, there were too many captives. Those tightly tied bandits followed the team, it was hard not to make people look sideways.

After seeing these bandits, the villagers who followed all the way from Jibei had some ideas.

The villagers who came from the frontier were originally bloody and brave. They used to be afraid of bandits, but that was just because they couldn't beat them - but now, these bandits who were swinging knives and looked ferocious before, can be kicked by anyone, who will be afraid of them?

Without fear, it means that you have confidence, and after you have confidence, people will inevitably have more ideas.

"We can't always let Brother Du take action, right?"

Carpenter Li, who took the lead, smiled awkwardly.

"We also want to practice some self-defense skills."


Du Chengfeng scratched his head more and more.

Theoretically, this is a good thing, even a very good thing. You know, everyone has discussed organizing militias several times, but most of the villagers have no fighting ability, and even those young and strong men of the Yang family can only pretend to be-and Du Chengfeng, after realizing that ordinary soldiers would only be mowed on the battlefield, simply didn't think about this issue.

But this time, what the villagers want to achieve is obviously not the level of militia that is mowed on the battlefield.

They want to be like Du Chengfeng and try their best to be able to stand alone.

"After all, Brother Du can't always be there, right?"

The wooden man Carpenter Li was silent for a moment, and still spoke.

"Just like what I encountered last time..."

"I know, I didn't say I won't teach."

When Du Chengfeng heard Carpenter Li mention the previous things, his heart suddenly felt a little painful.

Yes, he was having fun outside, fighting against the sky and the earth alone, but his relatives and friends could not resist the sudden dangers after all - he didn't want to do something like this again, so the demands of the villagers just met his current ideas.

But that's the problem.

What can he teach?

"Wait a minute, let me think about it."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng began to calculate the skills he had.

As for martial arts, he can now be considered to have some level. On the one hand, it is from his previous various training, and on the other hand, it comes from the accumulation of the Southern Chen Taizu for many years. Finally, with the addition of his own practical experience, he has formed a unique martial arts system - but it takes too much time to train combat effectiveness. With the foundation of these villagers in front of him, it will take at least ten or eight years.

What's more, there are things like evil swords in this world. After practicing martial arts hard, he was killed by an evil madman with evil swords. Who can he go to for justice?

But if we switch to a method of rapid advancement such as using evil blades... the blade itself is not a problem. At worst, he can make some of them himself and then use them to kill people. But the problem is, can ordinary villagers really handle those evil blades?

If we really want to take this route, it will be an extremely cruel elimination. Maybe there are some villagers with strong wills who can grasp the weapons in their hands, but those who can't...

The scene will probably be very tragic.

Another way is to study with Liu Bolun, but I'm afraid the villagers themselves will not accept this route. First of all, this thing has nothing to do with fighting, and everyone will wonder what it is doing - even if everyone follows the arrangement and reads the sage books, I'm afraid there won't be many Ruan Shantao.

In the final analysis, this is a more severe elimination than using evil spirit weapons. Although the advantage is that there are no side effects and you can even learn more, this route can only achieve knowledge. To achieve qualitative change, the will required is a hundred times more firm than conquering evil spirit weapons.

Obviously, these obvious methods are not suitable, at least not suitable for the current situation.

"Firm will..."

Du Chengfeng began to have a toothache.

Yes, this is the most difficult part. He has a very deep understanding of evil spirits and knows that everything depends on firm will. Compared with this unremitting firmness, those external forces are more like incidental rewards. After all, in this idealistic world where you have seen ghosts, firm will is even enough to change reality. As long as the will is as hard as iron, what can't be done?

However, this is also the most difficult problem.

How to make the will of a group of ordinary people as hard as iron?

"...Or, you try it first?"

After thinking about it, Du Chengfeng could only try it first.

The content of the test was naturally not his training methods. His experience of becoming stronger was too bizarre, and the villagers could not replicate it at all - but there was another model that could be replicated, that was Cui Yuan who was practicing sword in isolation. Even when he was studying sword moves in isolation, Cui Yuan maintained the habit of swinging four thousand swords every day, and his foundation was outstandingly solid.

Of course, the folks will definitely not be able to reach Xiao Cui's level, so if you cut it back a bit and use a wooden sword to swing the Four Hundred Sword first, it will be okay, right?

"No more!"

Du Chengfeng had just shouted about two hundred swords when a fellow villager dropped the wooden sword.

After all, after the day's hard work, the villagers were already exhausted. When they found Du Chengfeng, they just wanted to discuss the matter first - but who would have thought that Du Chengfeng actually asked them to do it right then? Swinging a sword, who can withstand this?

After that, when the three hundred swords were reached, some villagers dropped their wooden swords. Although they were already exhausted and wanted to hold on, the excessive fatigue made them unable to withstand it.

As a result, when it came to the 400 swords, the only person who had completed the training was Carpenter Li.

"My will is okay!"

Carpenter Li slapped his chest loudly.

"Aren't you very determined!"

"'s a good thing that you're happy, brother."

Glancing at Carpenter Li, who was a wooden man, Du Chengfeng thought for a while, but still didn't say that this test had nothing to do with Carpenter Li.

It was just four hundred swords, and the only one who completed it was a wooden man. It was this group of people who told him that they wanted to become warriors.

Not everyone can become a warrior.

Du Chengfeng had never felt this gap so clearly.

"Not everyone can become a warrior."

Wu Zhao, a native of Yin who was far away in Dengzhou, also sighed the same way at this moment.

"It actually allows everyone to be a warrior. No wonder it was in chaos at the beginning."

The first update was delivered, and the second update was still before twelve o'clock.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thanks to her Hua Da Zi Zai Tian for the reward, which is really a waste of money.

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