In the Blade

Chapter 252: The One Who Enjoys It

With the physical fitness of ordinary people, they will be exhausted after fighting for a quarter of an hour at most.

After all, fighting is not a sport. If you are not careful, you will die. Fighting requires extreme concentration and even extreme use of the body. If ordinary people can hold on for a quarter of an hour intermittently, it is already the limit. That is, some well-trained strongmen Players can fight longer, but this long-term is ultimately limited.

After all, the real battle is actually just a matter of a moment. The blade passes by and it's life and death. Only when all the spirit and will, all the skills and experience are completely exploded in this moment can we generate the energy that is enough to kill. The power of life.

But now, the battle in Dengzhou City has been going on for two full hours.

Every breath is the ultimate killing intent, and every moment is the end and death. If it were an ordinary master, even if the evil spirit is released, he will probably be killed on the spot within seconds.

However, even under such terrifying moves that were flying all over the sky, the two figures were at home like a fish in water.

The pace of walking between the sharp blades is so agile. After all, if you are not careful, your skin will be ripped apart. The dazzling scarlet color and the glow of the sharp blades complement each other, and for a moment they dance into a ball of gorgeous light.


Seeing that the left arm hanging on his chest had several wounds deep enough to the bone, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

"You can still continue."

"...Why aren't you dead yet?"

Wu Zhao, a Yin man who had torn several muscles and fascia around his body, could only barely control his body.

"Why aren't you dead yet? Why aren't you dead yet?"

"Because I can't die yet."

The blazing sword was swung again, and Du Chengfeng gave his answer with action.

Yes, he can't die yet. Although he is alone, life and death don't really matter, and after experiencing so many things, his concept of life and death has long been completely different from before - for him now, dying in battle is no longer unacceptable. After all, as long as you fight, people will always die. As long as you continue to fight, even he will always face the day of death.

If he didn't want to die, he might as well not have come here at all. He could just hide like a rabbit with his tail between his legs and spend the rest of his life.

But he still came, and he still chose to fight.

Is it for revenge? In revenge for Carpenter Li being attacked? Maybe he could use this as a reason, but he knew in his heart that this was not the case at all - before he came, he didn't know that Wu Zhao from Yin was the murderer who attacked Li Carpenter, so there was no revenge at all.

So, is it to eliminate harm? Or is it to bury this once hostile enemy?

It seems to be, but it seems to be neither.

Of course, now, it's really not the case anymore.

He actually knew the doubts of Wu Zhao, a native of Yin. After all, even he himself was startled when he saw the long stick - you must know that Carpenter Li saved the life with his own hands, and he used it himself. The Yin people used the power of belief to bring Carpenter Li, who was supposed to be dead, back to life.

However, when the long stick hit his shoulder, he still felt Carpenter Li's will.

That vicious weapon is Carpenter Li, and the wooden man is also Carpenter Li. So who is the real Carpenter Li?

Du Chengfeng was also confused, and he didn't know.

But right now, he doesn't need to know.

After all, fighting is such a joy.

"It turns out that this is me."

At this moment, Du Chengfeng's understanding of himself was clearer than ever.

Indeed, what he once wanted was a peaceful life. All he wanted was a small yard. Then he could raise a dog or two cats. He could also plant two trees in the yard, one of which was jujube. tree, the other one is also a jujube tree... and after gradually walking on this path, he will be eager to fight, he will want to fight with a strong enemy, he will know that there is danger ahead, but take the initiative to fight against the danger.

In his previous view, these two roads were diametrically opposed. Peace and danger could not coexist. These two lives could not coexist at the same time. No matter which one he chose, he would stay away from the other.

But now, he already understood.

There is no conflict between these two lives.

He can fully enjoy the peace brought by a peaceful life, and he can also bravely face those unknown stormy waves, just like meager food and big fish and meat. Who said that these two cannot be served on the table at the same time?

Therefore, there is no need to think too much or deny anything.

Just enjoy it to the fullest and enjoy this rare joy.


The blazing flaming blade and the gray-black broadsword painted with a black bird chopped together, and the battle was dark and the sky was dark. The edgeless sword and the brass magic sword were also entangled with the steel feathers flying in the sky, and they were inextricably killed. , the shortened spear jumped out of the ground like a poisonous snake, but was accurately pushed away by the long blood-stained stick, but Du Chengfeng's remaining right fist had already slammed into the hand holding the stick.


With a heavy punch, Wu Zhao, a Yin man, had three fingers smashed immediately. He could no longer hold the long stick and fell to the ground.

But Wu Zhao, a native of Yin, had no intention of picking up the long stick. Instead, he also raised his fist at Du Chengfeng, who was very close at hand.



The fists of both sides hit the heads of both sides respectively, and the sledgehammer-like punch was even enough to crack mountains and crack rocks.

But as battle-hardened warriors, they were able to easily release their strength and at the same time wield heavier fists.


Under the twists and turns of the sharp blades, the two men's heavy punches flew up and down. There were no moves, let alone any skills. What was left was only the most primitive and violent frontal killing.

The body is also a weapon for them. It is the most primitive and also the most barbaric weapon.

"It's a pity that it's not my own body."

Raising his fist again, Wu Zhao from Yin sighed regretfully.

And the heavy fist that was going to hit him only made a feeble arc and grazed Du Chengfeng's chest.

Obviously, he was just an ordinary martial arts swordsman. No matter how much he practiced martial arts, he couldn't withstand the use of Wu Zhao from Yin Dynasty.

"...Nothing to regret."

Du Chengfeng forced a smile.

His fist failed to punch out either.

The massive blood loss caused by the wounds on his body had already taken a serious toll on his physical strength. At this time, he didn't even have the strength to lift his arms.

"But it's okay, I'm better than you."

Du Chengfeng, who was lying on the ground, looked at Wu Zhao, a Yin man who was also lying down, and suddenly laughed.

"I'm not fighting alone."

As he said this, a wooden man wearing a cloak appeared behind him.

And the wooden stick holding the dried heart was held tightly in the hand of the wooden man.

The second update has arrived, so everyone should go to bed early.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

I also followed the doctor's advice and went to bed early. Good night everyone.

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