In the Blade

Chapter 253 What is on the blade?

Holding the stick tightly in his hand, the wooden man Li Mujiang was extremely angry at the moment.

On the one hand, it was naturally because of the memory of the previous attack, and on the other hand, it was because of Du Chengfeng's current miserable condition. After all, although he had always heard that this brother Du was fighting outside, he always looked intact when he came back, so he thought that with Du Chengfeng's fighting power, there should be no problem.

There should be no problem, after all, his brother Du has always been very strong. When he was in Yangjiabao, he was already very strong. At least in his cognition, there is no one stronger than Du Chengfeng.

And this is also the common cognition of those refugees and villagers. They all think that Du Chengfeng will not encounter any danger. After all, the bravery of this warrior Du is no longer like a human being. What else can beat him?

But until now, Li Mujiang realized what kind of battle his brother Du has been experiencing all along.

His left shoulder was broken, the wound on his arm was so deep that the bone was visible, his left calf was pierced by a nail, and there was a transparent hole on the flesh. His body was already covered with knife wounds, and the bloody red blood was all over the ground. Even his head was swollen twice due to the heavy punches, and his right eye could hardly be opened.

But even though he was covered with wounds, Du Chengfeng was still fighting with the swordsman, and he was not even at a disadvantage.

It turned out that his brother had been experiencing such a battle all along.

Carpenter Li wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Although he and Du Chengfeng have always been brothers, Carpenter Li actually understands that there is a huge gap between him and this brother Du - after all, whether in his eyes or in the eyes of those refugees, Du Chengfeng, who has a strong fighting power, has always been called a flying dragon in the clouds, a strong man who looks down on all living beings. On the contrary, he, who is called brother, is just a carpenter in the village. Maybe he has some skills, but he is still far behind.

If it were an ordinary person, he would never meet a person like Du Chengfeng. Such a strong man who looks down on all living beings is high above, how can a commoner like him get close to him... Even if there was a little fate between them, after Du Chengfeng became powerful, ordinary people like him should have been abandoned long ago.

After all, they have been in two different worlds.

The strong have their own world, which is a place that Carpenter Li will never reach in his lifetime. Whenever he hears Du Chengfeng talking about his experiences in casual conversation, talking about how to fight with those masters, fight with those killers, defeat monsters, and even kill the emperor... Carpenter Li feels like listening to a book of heaven when listening to these things.

Unlike him who has to think about what to eat for three meals a day, this brother Du may be born to be an eagle-like man.

Eagles should soar in the sky, why should they look at mice on the ground?

But this brother Du, even after becoming stronger, never regarded him as a mouse.

They still get together to drink and eat meat, and still chat together. Although sometimes, what this brother Du says is more difficult to understand, the other party does not mean to treat him as a brother at all.

Although there is no blood relationship, just looking at this friendship, it is really as close as brothers.

So, you have to do something.

You have to do something.

"You have to do something."

At this moment, not only him, but also the blood-stained long stick in his hand, echoed the same will as his.

The same pain, the same sadness, the same anger, the same firm determination.

This long stick made by him is exactly the same as his.

No, it is exactly the same as himself.

The dry heart on the long stick that is still beating faintly is his own heartbeat.


The wooden man who raised the long stick was suddenly stunned.

That is, his own heart?

In other words, he is dead?


The wooden man's vision suddenly became dazed.

At this moment, looking at the dry heart, he suddenly remembered that those originally vague memories once again appeared in his mind-yes, it was in that crowded market that the strange guest took the long stick and suddenly made a move, pierced his chest in front of him, and even picked out his heart.

He was already dead, even his heart had been taken away, and the remaining will had been sealed in this long stick.

So who was he?

If he was himself, then what was this long stick? What was he who was stabbed in the chest?

Too many questions suddenly burst out in his mind, accompanied by great terror. At this moment, he even lost the ability to think, and even the raised long stick froze in mid-air.

At the same time, the swordsman lying on the ground also spoke.

"So this is your back-up... You shouldn't let him touch this."

Wu Zhao, a Yin man, who fell to the ground, looked at Du Chengfeng, who was also lying on the ground, and grinned.

"Yes, you did something that no one could do, and then what? He is just a carpenter, can he tell who is him?"


Du Chengfeng's face also darkened.

It’s not about Wu Zhao from Yin, but Li Carpenter’s current situation. After all, being able to fight for two hours is enough for him to enjoy the fight. He doesn’t use any last-ditch attacks at the moment, which only gives this old brother a chance to make progress—— But who would have thought that what Carpenter Li picked up was actually the long stick, the long stick that contained Carpenter Li's will.

There was obviously some kind of unpredictable problem between the weapon that contained Carpenter Li's will and the wooden man Carpenter Li.

"So, you don't think I have no strength now, do you?"

Gritting his teeth and forcing himself to stand up, the thick knife that fell to the side flew back into Du Chengfeng's hand.

"Prepare your last words, you should..."


Before Du Chengfeng could stand up, the long stick carrying the dried heart had already hit Wu Zhao, a Yin man, on the head.

Then came the second and third blows.


The wooden man wielding a long stick was shouting and smashing wildly. Even though its mind was in chaos, its will was so clear at the moment.

After all, both it and the long stick in his hand have the same idea.

That was to blow the enemy's head off for Du Chengfeng.

The first update was delivered, and the second update was also before twelve o'clock.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

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