In the Blade

Chapter 263 Doing Big Things

In the distant city of Dengzhou, the rebellion is still in full swing.

Although Zhao Jinfan, who was the first to run this place, died a little too quickly, the legacy he managed is still there. Every aspect of Dengzhou City has been penetrated by scholars like them. The best thing is that this sky-high emperor is far away. The surface still belongs to Nan Chen - this directly makes it difficult for the rest of the Yu people to let go of Deng Zhou if they want to raise a rebellion.

"So how did the last steward die?"

In the Governor's Mansion in Dengzhou City, Bai Wujiu, the new boss, was shaking his folding fan while looking at the subordinates in front of him.

"Don't tell me that a god came down to earth and killed him. This is a bullshit reason. Even if you lead the pigs, they won't believe it...Who killed him? Dare to touch our people?"


All the subordinates looked at me and I looked at you, and for a moment they didn’t know what to say.

After much deliberation, they could only take Bai Wujiu to the crime scene and take a look at the corpses that had not yet been restrained and the big crater on the ground.

"The last manager was in the pit, but he was a little broken."


Bai Wujiu lowered his head and looked at the bottom of the pit, only to see a hint of red.

This time it was his turn to be speechless.

"It turns out... he's a master."

After being silent for a long time, Bai Wujiu squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

A master is an existence that makes people both love and hate. If a master is on your side, it is simply the most reassuring support. All enemies that cannot be eliminated with wisdom can be solved by the master with weapons. The evil aura can simply It is said to be invincible - and this also means that if the master is not on your side, it will be the most disgusting thing. An invincible monkey that eats less and drinks less, is difficult to hunt, and has amazing destructive power, no matter who Encountering this situation will cause severe toothache.

Of course, it is not impossible for masters to deal with it, and masters who show off their evil spirits will sometimes capsize. However, dealing with masters requires paying a price, even a very expensive price.

Just like Bai Wujiu was like now, just looking at the corpses on the ground, he had already judged that the price required to deal with this master would probably be too high for everyone to accept.

"So what is going on? How did you provoke such people?"

Bai Wu Jiu thought for a while and decided to find out the whole story first.

And these subordinates finally found someone to talk to.

It's really not their fault for the cause of the incident. You must know that they were originally preparing to raise troops to rebel. At this time, any extraneous matters will cause misfortune. Everyone is gathering troops and food to prepare for action. Who is willing to make any mistakes at this time? ?

However, at this time, a group of caravans of unknown origin also began to purchase supplies in Dengzhou.

From firewood, rice, oil and salt, to all kinds of iron tools, as well as all kinds of books, and even clothes and cloth, there was almost nothing that those caravans did not accept, and one of them bought everything - on a normal day, although this kind of purchase is not It's not common, but it's okay, but in this situation... what are you planning to do?

I am hoarding supplies and you are hoarding supplies. I am going to rebel, and you are also preparing to rebel?

So when he realized something was wrong, he sent the soldiers to the city and detained all the caravans. However, after interrogation, no useful information was found - even if these people were imprisoned , and didn't want to tell the truth. He only said that he was from Wangyouxiang and it was normal for him to go shopping.

However, when the soldiers continued to interrogate the location of Wangyou Township, these people simply kept silent.

Even when faced with instruments of torture, these people showed no fear, their bones were so hard.

"Since you always talk about Wangyou Township, then let your people bring money to redeem it!"

After deliberation for a day, the previous steward decided not to use torture after all. After all, these people who looked like villagers were so confident that they were not even afraid of torture instruments. If they could not protect them, there would be hidden rebels standing behind them - so this Sometimes, asking for ransom is a better way.

This is both a communication and a warning. Asking for ransom is a subtle message to the other party that he is not the kind of person who follows the rules. It is also a warning to the other party. Even if they are both rebels, they should not cross the line. This Dengzhou Someone has already taken it.

At the same time, for the sake of safety, on the day when the ransom was delivered, the previous steward arranged for five hundred crossbowmen to hide behind the screen and listen to orders. If the other party really wanted to send some masters to perform beheading operations, he could at least do it in advance. Attack him and shoot him to death with random arrows.

"Then the only thing he didn't expect was that the master who came over was too tall?"

After listening to the accounts of these subordinates, Bai Wujiu had already guessed the outcome of the matter.

Five hundred crossbowmen are definitely enough to kill mortals, and they are more than enough to kill evil spirits entering the body. But when faced with the evil spirits being released, bows and arrows can only cause some trouble to the opponent - obviously, the previous manager regretted it Provoking a mad man with evil spirits, which directly caused the poor steward to lose his life less than half a year after taking office.


Thinking of this, Bai Wujiu looked around at the subordinates in front of him.

"I don't know how the previous manager got along with you, but what I want to say is that for the sake of our great cause, I am not ready to avenge him for the time being. Can you understand?"

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!"

All the subordinates nodded.

That's too good. Although in name, they had better pretend to be sad for the death of the previous manager, but grief is grief, it doesn't mean they are willing to sacrifice their lives - you have to know that there are 500 well-trained crossbowmen, which is a very powerful force. But such a team that can be regarded as a family was still killed in less than a minute.

Now that the new superior has come, he doesn't want to take revenge, that's great!

"We can't make trouble when we are in a big situation."

Bai Wujiu emphasized this point again,

"So we can't take revenge, we have to try our best to make friends with them... Sell them whatever they want. Anyway, we haven't torn our faces with Nan Chen yet, and we can still buy supplies in Nan Chen if we are short of them. On the contrary, if this master really makes friends with us, then when we start the rebellion..."

"Great! Really great!"

All the subordinates applauded.

That's true, the expert standing on the opposite side makes everyone extremely disgusted, but if the expert becomes one of their own... this expert can clear out 500 archers in one go, so when he is on the battlefield, can he also clear out the enemy troops on the opposite side in one go?

With such an expert in charge, there is no need to worry about not accomplishing the great cause!

"Let's do it!"

At this moment, Dengzhou City reached a unified opinion.

However, it is not easy to sell the supplies again. Perhaps stimulated by the last time, the so-called "Forget Worry Villager" has never appeared again. Even if Dengzhou City has searched for several times in the territory, it has not been able to find the previous caravans.

This search has lasted for two months, and the more he searches, the more anxious Bai Wujiu is. He is not afraid that the expert will show any ill feelings towards him, but he is afraid that the expert will not communicate with him much - the unknown is the most terrifying, especially when the two sides have become enemies. God knows when they are on their side, will the expert hidden in the dark suddenly come out of nowhere and do something cruel?

Fortunately, in the third month, the spies sent out by Dengzhou City finally found the former caravan members in Longzhou.

"Collecting supplies? What supplies?"

The Wangyou villager who was asked frowned.

"Oh, you mean buying things? We don't buy things anymore. This time, we came out just to deliver a letter... Wait, with your accent, are you from Dengzhou?"

Sensing something wrong, the Wangyou villager drew out the waist knife on the spot. Just looking at the dried blood on the blade, it turned out to be a murderous weapon.

Facing the Wangyou villager who was almost going to kill people on the spot, the spies of Dengzhou City could only retreat.

"It is indeed a righteous army. How could the villagers hold a murderous weapon?"

Bai Wujiu slapped his head in pain.

It's a pity, it's really a pity. Because of the stupid actions of the previous supervisor, they lost the opportunity to unite with another rebel army. He could even understand why the other party was so alert. After all, if it were him, the caravan that purchased supplies was captured, and the expert sent out to negotiate was hit by two rounds of crossbows as soon as he entered the door. He would also doubt what the other party wanted to do.

"Then... let's do our own thing first."

After being shut up in the study for three days, Bai Wujiu finally made this painful decision.

Although the risk has increased, things cannot be left unfinished. Although other rebel armies in the Southern Chen territory are almost ready, the situation in the north will also be reported. After all, the headquarters of the grassland Khan was attacked and the Khan himself disappeared. This is almost known to everyone in the north. That is, the court of the Southern Chen Dynasty is too useless. It is still arguing whether to move south. This has led to the fact that the news from the north has not been really reported.

But this has been delayed for so long. No matter how slow the Southern Chen court is, it will soon react. When the time comes, they will directly sweep north while the north is in disarray. With this great victory, can they really raise an army successfully?

"Justice, righteousness is a very important thing."

On this day, Bai Wujiu taught his subordinates in Dengzhou, just like his teacher taught him before he came here.

"When everyone thinks that the Southern Chen is immoral... Forget it, in short, when everyone thinks that the Southern Chen is a waste, we will occupy the righteousness when we raise an army to replace it, and we will definitely win. But if the Southern Chen sweeps away the north and regains the lost territory, it means that it is not a waste yet, it is still the Southern Chen. If we raise an army again, it will just be pure rebellion. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand what you mean."

The subordinates nodded one after another.

Being selected by the descendants of the Yu people to do things, these subordinates are naturally a group of smart people. How could they not hear what Bai Wujiu wanted to express?

To seize the righteousness, to seize time, and also to make the people in Dengzhou believe that the Southern Chen was wrong and they were right.

This requires a suitable opportunity, but this opportunity is not far away.

Next month, next month is the birthday of the little emperor, and all prefectures must prepare gifts to celebrate his birthday. Of course, this is a courtesy in name, but in fact it is also a test of the court to the prefectures - whether you come to send, how much you send, and what you send are all particular. Those smart people in the palace can judge the loyalty of the corresponding prefectures by just looking at these gifts.

And this time, Bai Wujiu is ready to make Dengzhou City the most loyal one.

So, for the birthday of the little emperor, under the order of the governor's office, the whole Dengzhou city was completely mobilized. All kinds of gold, silver, treasures, silk and satin were collected in the name of "offering to the emperor". Even the food, cloth, firewood, rice, oil and salt of the people were included in the call for conscription, on the grounds that the capital was empty and needed to be replenished.

For a time, the whole Dengzhou was full of complaints, and the people were living in dire straits.

"That's what we want!"

Bai Wujiu slapped his fan.

"When there are more complaints, we will throw the governor of Dengzhou out... Doesn't he want to use our power to become a prince? Then we can use his head as a sacrifice."

"Your Excellency is unparalleled in predicting things! You are really a god!"

All the subordinates immediately praised him, but this was not pure flattery. The main reason was that this way of rallying people's hearts was indeed almost unsolvable. Now even if the people of the Southern Chen court wanted to come to quell the people's grievances, they would only be beaten out by the angry people of Dengzhou, and there would be no chance to explain at all.

After the death of the military governor of Dengzhou, everyone had blood on their hands. Even if the people of Dengzhou did not want to rebel, they had to follow them.

"Three days, just wait three more days."

After looking at the report from the spies, Bai Wujiu gave an accurate number.

"Three days later, the people of Dengzhou will come to the governor's mansion. At that time, we will push the governor of Dengzhou out and kill him as a sacrifice!"


All the men also retreated and began to wait for these three difficult days.

On the first day, they listened to the noise outside and were so excited.

On the second day, the noise outside was quieter, but they knew that silence was the most terrible, and it was a sign of anger about to erupt.

On the third day...

"Where are the people?"

Looking at the spies sent out in front of them, Bai Wujiu and his men frowned.

"Where are those people? Where are the people of Dengzhou? Shouldn't they come? Why didn't they come?"


The spies hesitated.

"They said... they don't need anything, so they won't come."

"No need?"

Bai Wujiu was dumbfounded.

No need? How could there be no need? You have to know that the supplies in Dengzhou City were first purchased by him and stored as military supplies, and then a batch was seized in the name of the governor of Dengzhou. Now, who in Dengzhou can still provide so many daily necessities for the people to use?

"It's... the caravan from Wangyou Township."

The spy gritted his teeth and still spoke.

"They don't accept goods, but sell them instead."

The belated first update is here. Because I wrote a little more, the second update will be in the middle of the night.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, everyone go to bed early.

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