In the Blade

Chapter 264 When will is enough to change reality

At the beginning, the people in Wangyou Village just wanted to make something they needed.

There is no shortage of firewood, and as for rice, everyone is a noodle-eater, but oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are not something that the people of Wangyou Village can solve - but due to the mistakes made during the previous purchase, everyone They all held their breath and didn’t want to continue shopping outside.

"You can use lard or mutton oil for oil. You can also think of a way for lamp oil. I can think of a way for salt. We can try making the sauce and vinegar ourselves. The same goes for cloth for making clothes. As for tea... we should have some." Is it possible to grow it?”

After learning from the painful experience, Du Chengfeng led a group of villagers to rummage through boxes and cabinets.

The good news is that not only the rapeseed used for oil extraction, but also some tea saplings were obtained from Liu Bolun. The bad news is that looking at the entire Wangyou Village, no one is very good at growing this stuff - not even Liu Bolun himself. , he made these weird gadgets purely because he wanted to see if he could make drinks, and he didn't even think about whether he could make a living.

"How about... go out and find someone knowledgeable?"

The folks in Wangyou Village put it all together and came up with a relatively effective suggestion. Since you don’t understand it, why don’t you just go find someone who does? Even though this place is remote, people still have to live, and there are always people who will take care of these things.

But this extremely reliable proposal was rejected by Du Chengfeng.

"I don't believe we can't fix it ourselves!"

Just looking at Du Chengfeng's determined expression, the villagers said nothing more. What's more, this thing is real. If they go directly outside to seek a solution, then why not just send a few more caravans out to spend money to buy it? Woolen cloth?

They always have to do it themselves. Isn’t this their original intention?

Of course, the main reason is that the material reserves are still very abundant at the moment. Even if it takes a while, it will not delay everyone's normal life.


After a short discussion, everyone finally agreed again.

He said that he wanted to do it, but it was hard to say how to do it. After all, it was already involved in a field that was unfamiliar to everyone. It was obviously not suitable to expect a group of folks from Jibei and Yanzhou to take care of the tea saplings. It was not right for someone from the grassland to take pictures. I promised myself that I could survive, but one of those precious tea saplings was eaten by a sheep on the spot.

So, after personally beating Zhierhuo, Du Chengfeng came up with a relatively reliable research direction.

"Let's try each one."

Trying one by one, that is, exhausting everything, everyone comes up with whatever ideas they have. Although this method is indeed excessive, it can be regarded as the last resort.

"Don't be discouraged. Once you have tried all the wrong answers, the remaining one will definitely be the right one."

Half a month later, Du Chengfeng once again cheered for the villagers.

But this time, he didn't get the firm response he had before.

For no other reason, all attempts failed. Obviously these tea saplings were still good when they were placed at Liu Bolun's place, but when everyone began to think of ways to feed the tea saplings assigned to them according to their own abilities, these tea saplings that were still in good condition quickly died suddenly - and After the number of samples became smaller and smaller, everyone became more and more guilty. If they had known better, they might as well have left it to Liu Bolun.

" there anything I can do to help?"

Du Chengfeng is still making his final efforts.

Because of the easy-to-use ability of evil spirit, Wangyou Township has never been short of tools. Even relying on the special effects brought by evil spirit, they can also use even more incredible methods - such as the old man Qian Yuqian. I think tea trees are mostly grown in Nanchen, so if the climate is hotter and wetter, they will survive better.

After Du Chengfeng heard this, he simply went out and led a branch of the river in. Then he picked up a big knife and controlled the fire accurately, using evil energy to create a small area of ​​​​more humid environment.

Then the tea sapling died suddenly and suddenly, looking like it had been steamed to death.

"So, what we lack is not tools or abilities."

Facing Du Chengfeng's repeated encouragement, everyone seemed quite frustrated.

"Yes, maybe after trying all the wrong answers, you will definitely be able to find the right one... But the question is, how many wrong answers do you have to try before you find the real right one?"


Du Chengfeng was speechless.

He actually didn't know. He just instinctively made a judgment based on his past experience. As long as he kept trying and making mistakes, he could always find the right way. After all, in this world of ghosts, as long as the will is strong enough, even Reality can be changed...but can they really change reality?

It seems, not really possible.

Not to mention daily necessities, just some tea saplings, they were all stuck.

"Otherwise, let's use the oldest method."

When everyone looked depressed, someone finally stood up.

It's the two gatekeepers who are currently teaching at Ziyang Academy.

"I don't know when this custom appeared, but this custom should be spread everywhere... As long as the enemy's ashes are sprinkled into the ground, the crops will be abundant, and if you eat the food, people will become Gotta be strong…”

"This is also available in Jibei."

Old man Yang Xuanyang nodded.

"Every time the grassland people invade, if we can kill some bandits, we will scatter their ashes into the ground. Although we don't know if it's because of the ashes, the crops will grow better..."

"But the problem is where can we find the enemy now?"

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head again. He had almost wiped out the nearby bandits and road robbers, and new bandits had not yet emerged. It was really hard to say who to kill.

What's more, the grassland bandits...

"Why are you looking at me!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes subconsciously glanced at him, Zhierhuo, who had long since stopped wearing armor, immediately became angry.

"I have surrendered for so long, can I still be considered an enemy? This doesn't make sense, this really doesn't make sense."

"No, in fact, we don't need enemies."

As they said this, the two mountain gatekeepers waved their hands, and then carefully took out a small bag.

"You can use it."

"This is..."

Looking at the powder looming in the pocket, Du Chengfeng was stunned.

He always felt that the powder was inexplicably familiar.

"This is Master Ruan's ashes."

The two gatekeepers respectfully placed the bag on the table.

"Oh! It's him!"

Du Chengfeng suddenly realized.

It turned out to be his cheap teacher, no wonder he looked so familiar.

According to the two gatekeepers, it is not necessary to sprinkle the ashes of the enemy in order to be effective. The blessing of the heroic spirit can also make the crops harvested - if the crops can be harvested, the tea trees can also be harvested.

What's more, they have no other way at the moment. What else can they do if they don't try it?

So after a moment of discussion, Ruan Shantao's ashes were scattered on the only hope of the whole village.

"It will definitely work, it will definitely work."

Du Chengfeng, who returned to his home, had never believed so much. You know, that was Ruan Shantao's ashes. The old man was very capable. If the blessing of the heroic soul can make the crops abundant, then Ruan Shantao must be the best of the best. The effect of such a heroic person's ashes will definitely be better than that of some grassland bandits, right?

Facts have proved that it will be much better.

It's even a little too good.


The next morning, everyone who was originally going to tend to the tea seedlings looked at the thriving tea trees in front of them and couldn't speak for a long time.

Just one night without looking at it, the tea seedlings have grown completely.

"This...smells good, I'll have some first."

Speaking of this, Liu Bolun couldn't help but pick some tea leaves.

Such an act that violated human ethics was naturally stopped by everyone, but facing the tea trees that had grown overnight, everyone still didn't know what to say.

Everything that appeared before their eyes was too contrary to common sense. You know, tea leaves are harvested in seasons just like crops. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for it to grow overnight. But after remembering that it was Ruan Shantao's ashes, they were not sure. After all, the status of old man Ruan was too high in everyone's mind.

"Maybe... this is the blessing of the old man?"

After thinking for a long time, everyone could only explain it in this way. Even the smartest Liu Bolun couldn't think of another reason.

Only Du Chengfeng thought of it.

"It's not the blessing of the old man, or it's more than that."

Touching the tea tree in front of him gently, touching the reality in front of him, Du Chengfeng took a deep breath.

A firm will is enough to change reality.

For the first time, he deeply understood what this sentence meant.

No matter how exaggerated or outrageous something is, no matter how ridiculously abstract it is, as long as people have a reason to believe it, as long as people are willing to believe it is real, it will definitely become a reality - just like the tea tree in front of us. When everyone thought that the ashes of old man Ruan would be best achieved by sprinkling them under the tea tree, the tea tree really became the best overnight.

Ignoring common sense, even ignoring reality, growing from a seedling to a perfect tea tree overnight is like the magic in the legend.

But in this idealistic world where ghosts have been seen, this is real.

This is the power of belief.

"Wishes come true..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help scratching his head.

According to the information he knew, whether it was the Chu people, the Yu people, or the Yin people, since many people had already recognized the fact that "this world is very idealistic", why did everyone still prefer to accumulate evil spirits to kill people instead of using them for this?

"I always feel that this seems to be the real use of the wish-fulfilling method..."

Du Chengfeng was increasingly confused. Why had he hardly seen anyone use this method to improve productivity? Was it because they didn't want to?

But immediately, he realized that this method was not so easy to implement.

With this idea in mind, Du Chengfeng tried several more times, such as asking everyone to think about salt wells underground, or simply oil coming out of the ground - but unfortunately, these attempts ultimately failed. Obviously, reality is not so easy to change.

It is extremely difficult to make everyone's ideas firm, and it is even more difficult to unify these different firm ideas - the fact that Wangyou Village can achieve this effect at the moment is purely an accident. The number of people is relatively small, and everyone has a deep impression of Old Man Ruan, which has created a miracle that cannot be replicated.

But is it really impossible to replicate?

"You mean Master Ruan's ashes?"

Looking at Du Chengfeng who came to the door, the two mountain gate boys sighed.

"It doesn't matter. Master Ruan himself said before he died that if he died, his ashes would be scattered in the fields. He would become a part of Yanzhou City and stay with that land forever... Of course, Yanzhou City is gone now, so we brought him out and used him in a place like Wangyou Township. I believe Master Ruan would be happy to know... What? You didn't come to ask this? You just want to know how much ashes are left?"

At this point, the two mountain gate boys simply turned around and went in, and then carried out a few sacks.

"These are all, there are more inside."

Du Chengfeng was overjoyed.

This may be the most generous legacy that Ruan Shantao left to everyone. Although the old man was turned into a huge monster by the evil spirit at the end of his life, it was also because of this that the old man's ashes were particularly large - the two mountain gatekeepers burned the old man on the mountain for several days before they burned him completely, and the most important luggage for these two people along the way was the old man's ashes.

And now, just as the two mountain gatekeepers said, the old man's ashes are used in Wangyou Village, which is indeed the best use of them.

Du Chengfeng, who received the memory of the Yin people, already knew how to organize the ceremony to make everyone believe, not to mention that he still held the most trusted thing in his hand - that is, the ashes of the old man Ruan. So under the blessing of the old man Ruan, Wangyou Village soon had its own various mines, various products, various tools, and even its own oil fields.

"Thank you for the gift, Master Ruan."

While saying this, Du Chengfeng raised Ruan Shantao's ashes and sprinkled them in the wind.

Many people have caught colds recently due to the change of seasons, but I believe that under the protection of Master Ruan, everyone will get better soon.

Du Chengfeng finally realized that this idealistic world that has seen ghosts seems to have its own unique features.

If there must be a problem, it is that Master Ruan’s gifts are too much. Because everyone trusts Ruan Shantao too much, the production of all materials in the entire Wangyou Township has far exceeded everyone’s needs. Although this seems to be a good thing, if the villagers cannot digest it themselves, a large amount of daily necessities will pile up like a mountain and can only rot there, smelling and taking up space.

"It always has to be dealt with."

Du Chengfeng began to have a headache again. Too many things are not a good thing.

So, the caravan, which had not worked for a long time, started to move again.

But this time it was not buying, but selling.

"The price doesn't matter, as long as the things can be thrown out."

This is Du Chengfeng's only requirement for the caravan.

The second update is here. It's late because of the long words. I'm really sorry.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'm really taking a break this time. See you all tonight.

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