In the Blade

Chapter 274: Accidentally Entering Peach Blossom Land

Looking at the Niflow River next to him again, Tao Wuliu could confirm that he was not going the wrong way.

In other words, there is no way he could have gone the wrong way, and it was not the first time he came to visit. How could he not even know the road? - Go forward along the river, turn three corners, and when you see the mountain He dismounted and went in along the river. Inside was Wangyou Township. He had almost memorized this route.

But now...where do all these peach blossoms come from?

"It's not like the peach trees are blooming now, is it?"

Tao Wuliu started scratching his head. He always felt that something was not right.

However, after thinking about the meal he had in Wangyou Township before, Tao Wuliu felt relieved. After all, there are immortals in Wangyou Township. The immortal said, this fish can't even grow thorns. Now he wants to The peach blossoms bloom against the season, so what's the difficulty?

"Presumably this is also an immortal method."

With Tao Wuliu thinking this way, he simply got off his horse and led the horse into the peach forest.

The peach forest is filled with the fragrance of flowers, petals falling, and it is so beautiful. Tao Wuliu has eaten it before in Jiankang Imperial City, and at this moment, he can't help but sigh at the grand scene brought about by this immortal method.

With such beautiful scenery, who would be willing to leave?

Tao Wuliu was reluctant to leave, but he also wanted to leave.

The reason why he wanted to leave was naturally because he realized that he seemed to have gone the wrong way. The entrance that appeared in front of him was not the low river channel in his mind, but a stone crevice as high as a person. The narrow stone crevice cracked on the mountain in front of him. Open, it seems that it can only accommodate one person to get in sideways. Although it is definitely more convenient than before, but... is this really the place he is looking for?

"Perhaps the Immortal has found a way? Do you think the previous passage was too difficult to walk?"

Tao Wuliu scratched his head, and finally chose to trust.

Thinking about it, although the previous passage was concealed enough, it was a bit too concealed. One had to lie down completely in the river to float along the reverse river into Wangyou Township - now this passage is much better, although the passage is still narrow. , but at least it allows people to walk in while standing.

If you think so, is it a good thing?

"Then you can only stay here first, and I will find a way to get you in later."

Saying this, Tao Wuliu left the old horse beside him outside.

The old horse was still neighing and seemed very reluctant to leave. Tao Wuliu could only comfort the old horse that had been with him for several months, telling him that they would meet again in a while - there were naturally other ways to go to Wangyou Township. Yes, it's just that it's an internal secret among the villagers. Outsiders can't access it for the time being, so he can only wait for the villagers to help send the horses in every time.

But after this time, he won't have to go to such trouble. He will soon become a member of Wangyou Township. Presumably, he will be able to enter and exit through normal channels in the future.

But does he really have any need to travel?

"After you stay here this time, you won't leave."

Thinking like this, Tao Wuliu ducked into the crack of the stone sideways.

Just like the first time I came here, at the beginning, the passage was very narrow, and I could only squeeze in sideways. At that time, Tao Wuliu didn't understand why the passage was not widened, but now he But they already know that this is a way to persuade outsiders to quit. Squeezing yourself into the dark stone crevices means facing the fear of the unknown. Not everyone can do this.

It was precisely because he was aware of this that Tao Wuliu also wrote this in the manuscript as a record of his own thoughts.

Of course, now, that manuscript must have nothing to do with him.

After all, the past has passed, and he is no longer the Tao Wuliu he once was. In the future, he will stay in Wangyou Township, be a teacher, or grow his favorite chrysanthemum tea - just like Wangyou The name of the place is the same. As long as he comes here, all worries and sorrows will be far away from him.

"So, where is Wangyou Township?"

After seeing the light, Tao Wuliu looked at everything in front of him and was dumbfounded.

The land is flat, the houses are neat, fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry and bamboo can be seen everywhere, the streets are crisscrossed, and chickens and dogs are playing with each other. The clothes of the pedestrians who come and go are just like the outside. Regardless of men, women, old or young, their faces are filled with happiness - -No matter who comes to this kind of place, they will always say that it is a treasured land. Compared with the bloody and crazy chaotic world outside, this place is simply a beautiful home that can only be found in stories.

But the problem is, this beautiful pure land is not Wangyou Village.

"Where exactly is this place?"

Tao Wuliu felt an inexplicable suddenness in his heart and was about to turn around and leave.

But at this time, the people in the village also discovered him.

People gathered around him enthusiastically, looking at him as an outsider curiously, and even invited him to the village to have a casual meal and have a good chat - but Tao Wuliu didn't know these people at all, and had never met him once, and the one with He didn't even see the shadow of the Wangyou native named Yang Gui whom he had befriended.

"Are you looking for Yang Gui? I told you earlier. Everyone has already called for you. Let's have a meal first."

Under the enthusiasm of the villagers, Tao Wuliu had to stay temporarily. Fortunately, he heard the name of his close friend, which made him relax a little. In the subsequent chat, Tao Wuliu Wu Liu learned that the people here also lived in seclusion to avoid the war, which was similar to the people in Wangyou Township.

Maybe he wanted to come here because he was in the valley, but he had never set foot in it before. But the question was...why did this thing sound so familiar?

Tao Wuliu frowned slightly. He always felt that he had felt this kind of familiar feeling somewhere before.

"So where is my brother Yang Gui?"

"Here he comes. He is coming."

Several villagers pointed to the distance and saw a tall man walking in the distance.

This made Tao Wuliu's face stiffen.

What a joke. This is not the Yang Gui he knew. You know, Yang Gui floated across the Niu Liu River with him. His stature is about the same as his. If he was so tall, how could he float back to the village along the river?

"This is not Wangyou Township!"

Tao Wuliu stood up suddenly. After seeing this so-called Yang Gui, he finally confirmed this.

"Where is this place! Who are you!"

"Wangyou Township? Where is that?"

The villagers were puzzled.

"This is Taoyuan Township. We are here to avoid the war..."

"Taoyuan Township? You said this is Taoyuan Township?"

Tao Wuliu's eyes widened.

What a joke, the so-called Taoyuan Township is obviously just a fake place he made up to exchange money.

How could it really appear in front of him?

The second update is here, everyone should go to bed early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I also went to bed early, good night everyone.

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