In the Blade

Chapter 275 The Yellow Bird is Behind

Tao Wuliu was the first person to come to Taohuayuan.

This pure land is so beautiful, the scenery is so pleasant, the products are extremely rich, and even the river is full of milk and honey. No one who comes here will want to leave.

Except Tao Wuliu, who came here first.

Strange environment, strange villagers, it is obviously a familiar path, but he came to this strange underground... For Tao Wuliu, who wanted to go to Wangyou Township, everything here is weird, just because of this strangeness, it is so familiar to him.

Indeed, he has not seen this Taoyuan Township with his own eyes, but he has written about it himself, but why did the place he made up really appear in front of him?

Perhaps if someone else came, he would want to explore why this happened, but Tao Wuliu, as the person involved, did not have such a strong desire for knowledge. He just wanted to leave this weird place as soon as possible and return to his familiar life as soon as possible.

But he couldn't leave.

On the one hand, the villagers of Taoyuan Township were too enthusiastic, and he couldn't find a chance to leave. On the other hand, he didn't want to leave either. This strange Taoyuan Township seemed to have an inexplicable attraction. He had tried to find a chance to leave many times, but he always gave up the idea for various reasons.

"This is what I wrote myself. Everyone who comes here will not want to leave..."

After the eighteenth attempt to leave failed, Tao Wuliu finally realized the problem.

But it was too late. At this time, he had changed into the clothes of those villagers and picked up a hoe like those villagers. During the day, he would go to the fields to work, and in his spare time, he would take care of those pots of chrysanthemums. This might be the only thing that belonged to him. That is, when he saw these pots of chrysanthemums, he would remember who he was and that he didn't belong here.

However, he couldn't leave here anymore. If nothing unexpected happened, perhaps he would indulge in this place written by him for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, some accidents did happen after all.

A new group of outsiders came to Taoyuan Township. God knows how they got in. However, these people were not Tao Wuliu's acquaintances, but a group of barbarians with broad noses and deep eyes. After entering Taoyuan Township, these barbarians even knelt on the ground excitedly, constantly bowing to the sky, as if they were worshipping something.

Just like receiving Tao Wuliu, the villagers of Taoyuan Township also warmly received these barbarians. Perhaps they have always maintained considerable goodwill towards outsiders.

But this time, their goodwill was released to the wrong place.

"Aren't they the chosen people of God?"

Looking at the Taoyuan villagers, who looked exactly like the Chen people, the leading barbarian frowned.

"Dare to blaspheme our chosen place of God... Kill, kill them all."


The Taoyuan villagers in the front row had not reacted yet, and the scimitars and swords had already slashed through their bodies.

The villagers of Taoyuan screamed in fear. They didn't understand why their warm hospitality was exchanged for swords and knives. But the barbarians did not hesitate at all, and they did not show any weakness even when facing the elderly and children.

There was a kind of crazy enthusiasm in the eyes of these barbarians. They could do anything.

Tao Wuliu was naturally within the scope of the barbarians' killing. These barbarians madly killed everyone who looked different from them. Facing the scimitars and swords in the hands of the barbarians, Tao Wuliu hurried back to his home in Taoyuan Township and closed the door tightly.

But this was not absolutely safe. The barbarians were about to kill here. By then, the enemy was outnumbered, and how long could a thin door last?

"We must go to a safe place! We must have a safe place!"

Tao Wuliu took advantage of the chaos and rushed out again after picking up a pot of chrysanthemums and holding them in his arms.

The village elder’s home had a cellar, which was originally a place to store grain. If he could hide in it, people outside might not be able to find him. Fortunately, he did not run into those barbarians on the way, and he actually hid in the cellar. After he sealed the door of the cellar, the barbarians outside did not find him.


At this moment, Tao Wuliu was so lucky that he finally saved his life.

"We took it down!"

Outside the cellar, the barbarians were so happy that they finally seized the promised land recorded in the scriptures.

This should have been their place. This land flowing with milk and honey was originally promised to them by God. Now, after killing all the outsiders, this land finally returned to their hands. However, considering that there were still some people chosen by God who had not come in, these barbarians who came to explore the way prepared to sleep well for a night and go out to pick them up at dawn.

The barbarians did not leave, so Tao Wuliu, who was hiding in the cellar, naturally had nowhere to go. He could only hold his pot of chrysanthemums and spend the night in the cellar.

What Tao Wuliu didn't expect was that when he woke up, he was back in his bed.

Not only him, but everyone was back in their beds. When Tao Wuliu, holding the flower pot, pushed the door open with a puzzled look on his face, he even saw his neighbor greeting him - but he clearly remembered that this neighbor was hacked to death by those barbarians yesterday, even in front of him.

But now, the neighbor was standing in front of him without any wounds on his body.

As usual, people in the entire Taoyuan Township have started to move again. They are working when they need to work and going to the fields when they need to. The old people are still sitting at the entrance of the village chatting, and the children are still playing in groups.

It was as if the bloody killing yesterday had never happened.


The Yi people who woke up were also dumbfounded, and the hand holding the sword was even trembling.

"The dead can still walk? What are the things here?"

The frightened barbarians once again raised their butcher knives. They did not believe that these strange villagers could not be killed - only this time, before they could wave their swords, another team met them.

That was the third team that came to Taoyuan Township. All the people in the team were strong and determined, but their appearance was not that of broad noses and deep eyes, but the standard Chen appearance.

After roughly scanning this land flowing with milk and honey, as well as the barbarians holding swords, these newcomers smiled one after another.

"I knew you barbarians were weird!"

Looking at the ferocious-looking barbarians, Bai Wujiu, who was leading the team, waved his hand.

"Protect the country and the people! Kill him!"

The first update was delivered, and the second update was before twelve o'clock.

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

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