In the Blade

Chapter 322 Letter

"When you read this letter, you must have declined my invitation."

When Du Chengfeng opened the note, the first thing that caught his eye was this sentence.

It can only be said that it is indeed Wu Zhao's style. He opens his mouth and acts like he knows everything. It seems that the battles traveling through various worlds have not only failed to teach this Yin man the most basic human ways, but have actually made the other party's temper even worse.

But soon, Du Chengfeng knew that at least this time, Wu Zhao was not innocent.

This Yin man really understands something.

"Perhaps you will interpret this paragraph as a persuasion, but I am not actually trying to persuade you. I am just talking about some things you don't know, or things that have happened in the past... After all, we all like to understand history. Then you should also know that we Yin people are all born warriors, and our persistence in fighting makes us stronger."

"In the past, we have always been on the road of looking for opponents. Enemies will only make us stronger. This seems to be no problem, at least it does not seem to be a problem."

"But some time ago, I suddenly felt like something was not right."

"That is, where does this persistence in fighting come from?"

"In pursuit of fighting, I have traveled to many places and fought against many powerful enemies. However, there are still very few people who are as dedicated to fighting as me. Indeed, they can fight, but that is only because of various For the same reason, some do it for the so-called emotion, some do it for the so-called physical pleasure, and some do it for the so-called physical pleasure, and some do it for the sake of becoming stronger, but they still want to become stronger because they want to achieve certain things.”

"Very few people really fight for the sake of fighting. Most of the enemies are fighting for something. Compared with these opponents, you can be considered a little more pure."

"I'm sorry. All along, I thought you were the alien, but now it seems that I, or rather Yin Ren, is the real alien."

"Fighting for the sake of fighting, becoming stronger in order to become stronger, although I was born in such an environment, but now that I think about it, this idea is a bit... abnormal?"

"Of course, I wrote this not to make you laugh at my mental illness, but to seriously discuss a problem with you... After all, you should be able to understand what I am talking about."

"All abnormalities are not without reason, especially this extremely unusual difference. Something must have fundamentally changed at some point."

"If you say that, you may be a little confused, but if I give some examples, you should be able to understand... You also know about the Chu people, right? They inherited the warrior culture and might have become like us. , but because of their worship of the phoenix bird and their pursuit of so-called dominance, they eventually embarked on a subtle path. "

"Why do they pursue dominance? Why do they worship the phoenix bird? This is obviously not a natural situation. They have obviously encountered something that was enough to change their minds."

"In the same way, the so-called Yu people are the same. At a certain time, in a certain place, some special people encountered something that could completely change them, so they completely abandoned the old one and became just ordinary people. My own self accepted this alienation and transformed into another person..."

"If you still don't understand what I'm talking about, then you can look at yourself in the mirror and see what ordinary people look like...three meals a day, eating, drinking, and reproducing, and then just like this day after day. Live until death, this is the living condition of ordinary people, that is, your living condition. Oh, by the way, I forgot that you are not interested in biological reproduction, I'm sorry, but that's about it. "

"Of course, ordinary people can fight and fight, but those kinds of fights are often fought for something, whether it is for family, friendship, love, or because they have been bullied, suppressed, or simply for Physiological needs, catching prey to skin and eat, or killing prey will make them feel better..."

"When I say this, you can probably understand what the abnormality I'm talking about is?"

"It is very likely that we Yin people have also received similar influences, which makes us no longer apply these ordinary situations, but turn to pursue another level. Indeed, because of this pursuit, we have embarked on a journey of We have taken a different path, and we are no longer ordinary.”

"But what I want to know more is, who influenced us?"

"That must be someone from before the Yin people."

"Just like the Chu people who came later, may have been influenced by us, we should have been influenced by others at some point. This influence is so profound that every Yin person is convinced of it. ”

"This is why I am sending this letter to you. After all, you have not left that world yet, and this means that you will be closer to those things in the past than I am."

"After all, even I know that using military means to ensure one's survival...well, I also know that there are problems with this method, but think about it, those who affect us may be stronger than us Yin people People, don’t they think of this?”

"Their route is completely different from that of the Yin people. After all, if they were really like us, with a thorough warrior culture, they would have fought each other, and we would have learned lessons from this... But it is obvious that they, that is, those before the Yin people, did not take this path, so that we, the Yin people who came later, did not learn this knowledge."

"They took a new direction, a direction that would not be limited."

"Speaking of this, you must be wondering why I didn't add 'maybe' this time, nor did I say what this is a guess."

"Because there is nothing to guess about this kind of thing. I have already fought with an ascender once."

"I am afraid that by then you will also..."

At this point, the handwriting on the note was already very sloppy, and Du Chengfeng also saw obvious traces of erasure. Obviously, this note had even been taken out once.

After all, the following words did not seem to be written by Wu Zhao himself.

"He lost, I gave him three moves."

"I didn't expect that you would cause so much trouble in our house when we just came out for a walk."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as this note can be delivered to you, we will know where you are."

The first update has been delivered, and the second update will be around 12 o'clock.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, please wait.

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