In the Blade

Chapter 323 Return


After reading the contents on the note, Du Chengfeng let out a sigh of relief.

Although Wu Zhao left a lot of nonsense, at least the message conveyed was clear enough - judging from the content of this note, it is obvious that a group of people who lived before the Yin people were traveling through various worlds to explore. Wu Zhao found out. Wu Zhao, who was naturally war-crazed, went up and fought with the man a few times, but failed. Then he wrote this letter and came over to tell him.

Perhaps there was an intention to use a strong enemy to attract him, but what concerned Du Chengfeng the most were the last few sentences.

I don’t know if it was just the letter that was intercepted, or Wu Zhao himself was beaten to death. Anyway, this letter once fell into the hands of Wu Zhao’s enemies. These enemies, whom Wu Zhao called “the ascended ones”, added a few more words to it. , and then used it as a beacon to lock the location, and sent it through the channel left by Wu Zhao.

Although those few words did not say anything about killing, Du Chengfeng could still smell the undisguised malice.

These so-called ascendants may regard this world as their own territory, and Wu Zhao, a descendant of the Yin people, is obviously regarded as a target to be eliminated - even Du Chengfeng himself, who is the recipient of the letter, also received This bloody warning.

The one who comes is not good.

"So since you're here, let's come out and fight."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng turned his head and scanned the surrounding environment.

"Why don't you come out? Do you dare not?"

Du Chengfeng didn't get any response.

After waiting for a while, Du Chengfeng confirmed that the other party might not be afraid, but simply hadn't come yet.

Maybe there was a delay on the way, or maybe Wu Zhao bought him some time. In short, judging from the results, these so-called ascendants have not arrived yet at least.

But that doesn't mean they won't come.

"You can really cause trouble for me..."

Du Chengfeng thought for a while and put the note into his arms.

In any case, he has an opponent, although this opponent is not what he wanted at all - he didn't tell lies before, he really had a pot on the stove, and at this time, he found a strong enemy to fight with him Fight, what to do with the stewed meat?

As a pacifist and a living person, Du Chengfeng just wants to live his life well, occasionally find some hobbies, or sleep on a recliner like a plant under the afternoon sun. What he wants Not at all.

But it is a pity that God did not fulfill his wish.

Even if he has become stronger and has the power to protect this peaceful life, stronger enemies will always appear in front of him.

Du Chengfeng could not see the end of this repetitive cycle of matryoshka dolls.

"It's really..."

Putting away the sling and the broken wreckage, Du Chengfeng stood up and left.

He really needed to leave quickly, as he still had a pot sitting on the stove.

But when he left Taoyuan Township and flew back to Wangyou Township according to his past memories, he realized that he had been away for more than a month, and everyone in Wangyou Township even thought that something had happened to him— —If there is any good news, it is that the pot of stewed meat was not wasted. After everyone smelled the smell, they went to his house to take away the meat and divide it.

Of course, with good news, there will also be bad news.

"Who are you?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned for a moment when he saw the figure in front of him who looked exactly like him and even carried two big swords.

"Why do you look exactly like me?"

"I want to ask you."

In front of Du Chengfeng, another Du Chengfeng also frowned.

"Why do you look exactly like me?"



The two Du Chengfeng looked at each other, refusing to give in to each other.

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng knew what kind of bloody work the villagers had done during the month he left.

The first ten days were pretty good. Everyone just thought he was going sightseeing. Although he didn't go out much on weekdays, it was normal for him to occasionally need to travel - but in the second ten days, Everyone felt something was wrong. After all, Du Chengfeng was not the kind of person who liked to have fun. He rarely went out for so long.

Maybe something went wrong, something so powerful that even Du Chengfeng couldn't solve it.

So in the third ten days, they used some of their own methods to try to get Du Chengfeng back.

They used Ruan Shantao's ashes.

The ashes were scattered on the ground, and they prayed devoutly to Ruan Shantao, hoping that this kind old man could bless Du Chengfeng, who didn't know where he was, and let him return soon - fortunately, the old man's blessing was really useful, and the ashes were in the morning They dropped it at the door, and they saw Du Chengfeng walking in that day.

And then there is now.

Five days after Du Chengfeng returned to Wangyou Township, Du Chengfeng came back again.

"I have to kill you today."

Facing the fake pretending to be themselves, the two Du Chengfeng drew their knives at the same time.

No matter who Du Chengfeng is, he will never allow an impostor to stand beside him. There can only be one Du Chengfeng in this world, and that is himself.

However, people still persuaded the fight to end, mainly because the folks in Wangyou Township couldn't tell who was real and who was fake - if the two of them fought, the one who survived would be the real one. It's okay, but if the one who survived is not real...

Then this thing is a bit too scary.

So a fight won't work, at least not now. If there is no other way, they need to fight to find out who is the real Du Chengfeng.

What they have to do now is to come up with that "other way".

"I am the real one."

Du Chengfeng spoke decisively.

"If you don't believe it, I can expose all your old secrets. For example, Liu Bolun, you like to wear crotchless pants, and Brother Li, you and your sister-in-law were in the middle of the night..."

"What do you mean by crotchless pants? That's called elegance!"

Before Du Chengfeng could finish speaking, Liu Bolun and wooden man Li Carpenter came out and blocked his mouth.

"Forget it, let's beat him to death."

Although he said this, just looking at the close look, it was obvious that Du Chengfeng's words had an effect after all - being able to tell what everyone was secretly doing was something that Du Chengfeng could obviously do. things.

What Du Chengfeng didn't expect was that at this moment, another Du Chengfeng also spoke.

"What's the point? I am the real Du Chengfeng, how can I not know these things?"

Saying this, the other Du Chengfeng looked at the wooden man Li Carpenter.

"Brother, isn't my sister-in-law just saying that you have become a wooden person now, and your body and bones are too hard to be frightened? Is there anything that can't be said?"


The wooden man Li Carpenter flew up and was about to kick him over, but in the end his movement froze in mid-air.

On the one hand, it was naturally because the privacy between the couple was exposed, which made him a little embarrassed, and on the other hand, it was because he couldn't tell which one was Du Chengfeng.

Both of them can tell everyone's secrets, and they are exactly the same as the real Du Chengfeng, so how can they tell them apart?


Du Chengfeng also didn't expect that this counterfeit could actually have such a skill.

But right away, he realized the crux of the matter.

The other him appeared through the people's longing for him in Wangyou Township. It was a reality condensed by everyone's imagination. How could such an existence that concentrated people's wishes not know everyone's secrets?

In a sense, this Du Chengfeng is even more like a genuine product than himself, a genuine product.

After all, this Du Chengfeng is the Du Chengfeng that everyone dreams of, and he is the Du Chengfeng that the folks want to see.


What is fake is ultimately fake.

"If you say so, then I can only use some other method."

With that said, Du Chengfeng went to the academy in the village and took out some of Ruan Shantao's ashes.

"These are the ashes left by Master Ruan. He has been protecting us all along... We have really troubled Master Ruan too much. We have to live our own lives, and it's time to let Master Ruan rest."

"This... seems true."

After thinking for a while, everyone present nodded.

Using the ashes of old man Ruan was just an accident for them. After all, although Ruan Shantao's blessing is magical, after using it too much, they will always feel a little sorry for the deceased old man - and now since such unpredictable Dangerous situations have arisen, which means that some things should not be done after all.

As a result, everyone present agreed with Du Chengfeng's idea.

There was only another Du Chengfeng, whose expression changed drastically.

"What are you going to do! Are you going to destroy Master Ruan's blessing! Are you going to cut off the output of Wangyou Township and leave everyone without food or water? You fake! You are going to destroy this place !”

As he spoke, the other Du Chengfeng pushed away Carpenter Li and Liu Bolun in front of him, and was about to draw his sword and come out to fight Du Chengfeng.

But before the knife was drawn out, everyone's gaze pinned him to the spot.

"That's the difference between us."

Du Chengfeng sighed.

"Perhaps in everyone's imagination, I am the kind of person who will attack others in a hurry...but in fact, this matter depends on the situation."

Du Chengfeng stood up and patted his other self on the shoulder.

"I have never been irritated with my own people, nor have I ever done anything to my own people, nor have I ever been content with myself."

Obviously he just patted him casually, but the figure of the other Du Chengfeng gradually disappeared.

Along with the mines, crops, and even miscellaneous things in Wangyou Township, all the resources and products related to Ruan Shantao's ashes.

When they didn't need Old Man Ruan's blessing, this blessing naturally disappeared.

"If it's missing, it's missing. In fact, it's not a big deal. We have collected enough things anyway... Besides, haven't the things in the library been lost? Master Ruan's blessing is still there."

Looking at the villagers who were disappointed because of the disappearance of various specialties, Du Chengfeng offered words of comfort.

"No matter what, this is our home."

"It's also my home."

The second update was delivered. I went to have a meal, but why did I enter the hell of updating again?

Also: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support.

My hands are warm, good night everyone.

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