In the Blade

Chapter 324 Resurrection

In the mine outside Dengzhou City, the workers were very busy.

On the one hand, it was because Bai Wujiu, who managed Dengzhou City, did not regard these workers as human beings and planned to kill them. On the other hand, it was because of a rumor that was not sure whether it was true or not. It was said that a batch of military supplies received by the city suddenly disappeared. The people above were very angry and felt that they were deceived, but no one dared to retaliate, so they could only let the people below work overtime to make up for the deficit.

Of course, this kind of rumor was only circulated among the Chen people's workers, and they would not talk about these things with the Yi people.

After all, the Yi people would not care about these things. These foreign races were still fighting for their so-called beliefs. The two groups of people didn't know why they had to fight to the death. During this period, several people were even killed. However, the gods mentioned by these Yi people were a bit interesting. At least no one had heard of them. It was fun to listen to them as stories.

"It is said that the big devil is eight feet tall, with a waist of eight feet, holding two lightning flame knives, and no grass grows wherever he passes..."

One day, someone told the stories heard from the Yi people.

"What? You said such a person does not exist? How is it possible! You haven't seen those monsters? I tell you, I have seen them. I gave up my hunting life and came out from Jibei and went all the way south. I have seen and eaten..."

"You should tell me again about the time when your pants were stripped."

Hearing that this hunter-born laborer was bragging about his seniority again, the other laborers burst into laughter.

But laughing aside, at least the things the other party had said before, about the Yi people's gods and immortals, did sound very satisfying.

The reason why it is said to be a relief is, of course, because this Yi people's immortal is really cruel. Wherever he passes, no grass grows. No matter whether it is a landlord or a noble, he will kill them all. Killing people is like cutting wheat. It is so refreshing. However, this Yi people's immortal does not appear often. After all, immortals generally do not care about the affairs of the mortal world.

So how can we make the immortal come out?

That has to be said about the eldest disciple under the seat of the immortal.

Or in the words of the Yi people, it is called "prophet", anyway, it is almost the same meaning. The immortals are high in the sky, but the eldest disciple under the crotch of this immortal will live in the world like everyone else. If he sees any suffering of the people, the eldest disciple of this immortal will go to the stove to burn paper for the immortal, and this Yi people's immortal will come down to kill people.

So the question is, when will this eldest disciple who is sitting under the butt of the immortal appear?

"This is a matter of a lifetime. He has been dead for who knows how many years."

Hearing everyone's interest, the laborer who was born as a hunter continued to talk.

"But the Yi people's immortals are not as useless as our Chen people's immortals. They really have magical powers. Who knows one day, the eldest disciple under the crotch of this immortal will come back to life... What's the expression on your face? What's wrong with resurrecting the dead? The immortals have this ability! Otherwise, how can they say they have magical powers! This is because the immortals are kind! They can't bear to see us suffer!"

"That's true."

The laborers nodded in agreement.

Although some of them were arrested for committing crimes like this hunter, most of them were tricked into it by the managers of Dengzhou City. They were just ordinary people. Now they have fallen into such a slave-like situation. How can they not feel pain! How can they not hate!

It is precisely because of this hatred that they are more willing to believe what the hunter said.

Whether the stories about the Yi people's gods and immortals are true or false is not important. What is important is that this story sounds very satisfying, which is enough - even if this story is completely unrealistic, it doesn't matter. At least everyone is willing to believe it, and they all want such a demon lord to come down from the sky and kill those who bully them.

For a while, everyone was talking about it, as if they were going to eat vegetables and serve the devil.

This whispering scene made the still pious Yi people tremble with fear.

They all understood the Southern Chen language, and even more so, they understood the meaning of the story the other party just told - although the hunter's storytelling method was too outrageous, causing the whole story to become unrecognizable, but they still heard the source of the story.

Obviously, this was the work of those former companions. These heretics who worshipped the devil finally began to exert their strength.

"Why did they exert their strength?"

Some still pious Yi people were quite puzzled, and even several other pious Yi people were a little confused.

Indeed, they could see that it was the heretics who were spreading the devil's faith, but they were actually doing similar things, but the way they preached was not very acceptable to the locals, and the work in the mine was too heavy... In short, this didn't seem like a big deal, so why did their leader suddenly feel like he was facing a big enemy?

"Because... I've been studying the scriptures recently."

The leading Yi people looked solemn.

It was difficult for him to explain this to others, after all, others' research on the scriptures was not as deep as his.

Although everyone present was a devout believer, the duties of others were more about guarding and working. Most of them had only read the scriptures a few times, and being able to recite some passages was already a serious reflection - but at this level, they naturally couldn't peek into the secrets hidden in the scriptures.

Or, in other words, the secret hidden in history.

All along, they have been taught that if they find the saint, the promised land will naturally appear, but everyone's understanding of the saint seems to be a little biased - according to the scriptures, the saint who split the sea for the chosen people should have appeared before. The saint died for the chosen people, and then resurrected from the dead, which is why he possessed the miraculous power.

But everyone has always focused on the saint himself, but forgot the prerequisite of resurrection from the dead.

No, there are still people who haven't forgotten.

At least their elder has not forgotten.

The old man who is the leader is a person who really studies the scriptures deeply, and naturally knows the necessary condition of resurrection from the dead - but it is obvious that the elder has almost never mentioned this necessary thing to them.

"He deceived all of us."

The leading Yi people had a gloomy face.

"No wonder he turned to the devil's arms... His faith was shaken from the beginning."

Although it was true, the leading Yi people could understand why the elder would betray - after all, the road they had walked was too long, dozens or even hundreds of generations, migrating all the way, just to find the so-called promised land... Indeed, that was the fate of God's chosen people, and it was also the reward they deserved, but after spending such a huge price, what's the use of finding the promised land?

There will always be people who will waver, and these people will even think that they are very smart, that they have seen the truth, and that all this is fake.

"How can God be fake?"

The leading Yi people sneered, which was the contempt of the devout for the unbelievers.

But behind this contempt, there was deep fear.

Indeed, the elder who once acted the most pious may actually be far less pious than him, an ordinary guard, but this elder who became a heretic is really smart.

"But... wasn't the elder beaten to death?"

Another believer spoke up.

"I kicked him a few times, wasn't he dead? The body has been burned..."

"It's fake, it's all fake."

The leading Yi people looked solemn.

"It's fake, it's all acting... He may have been beaten to death, but this is part of his plan."

"You mean..."

One believer obviously thought of something.

And the leading Yi people nodded.

"Yes, he is imitating the deeds of saints, he wants to be resurrected from the dead through people's praise... This heretic wants to make himself a saint! Using this blasphemous method!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present broke out in cold sweats, listening to the discussion of the devil by the Nanchen laborers in the distance, and at this moment they have already felt the inexplicable chill.

But they can't do anything.

The people of Southern Chen did not believe them and would even beat them. As for those who spread the devil's faith and tried to revive the elders, they could not change their minds. If there was any way, it was physical annihilation. But they had fought several times before, but they could not kill many of the other side.

To put it bluntly, they could not win. Those who believed in the devil were much more ruthless than these devout and kind people.

"So, can we only watch?"

These devout believers had never been so helpless. They had no idea how to break such a situation.

Until the leading Yi people stood up.

"If it really can't be solved, then I will die, I will become a saint, and fight that heretic... As long as this is done, there will be no problem. Someone will always have to sacrifice."

Having said this, the leading Yi people wiped their necks with a stone in front of everyone.

The carotid artery was cut, but the person would not die immediately. From the fatal injury to death, it was a very painful period of time. After seeing the bravery of the new leader, the other believers, even if they had wavered, had now completely strengthened their faith.

The death of their companions brought the anger of hatred, and they decided to fight those heretics to the end.

Half a month later, the heretics began to hold the ceremony. It was obvious that they had spread enough faith in this labor camp. After enough people participated in the ceremony, the dead elder might really be resurrected.

But these devout believers were not without means. They had already attracted enough believers among the laborers, and because of their devout faith, they finally practiced some miracles recorded in the scriptures.

And now, it was time for the real miracle to appear.

When those heretics resurrected the traitor elders, they would also bring the real living saints back to life. Justice and evil, light and darkness, today will eventually decide a winner!

And now, the ceremony is about to begin.

"Do you believe in the resurrection of the dead?"


"Do you want our saint to stand up and lead us again?"


The same words were heard on both sides of the labor camp. At this moment, their resurrection mission had reached a critical juncture!

It was at this time that the foreman suddenly struck the gong.

"The weather is getting hot! The manager is kind! He is sending mung bean soup to everyone! Who wants some mung bean soup!"

"Huh? Is there really soup?"

"Count me in! Count me in!"

"Don't run so fast! Leave me a mouthful!"

Three gongs sounded, and the devout believers who were lured over immediately turned around and left.

Only the two groups of barbarians were left staring at each other in amazement.

The first update is here, and the number of words has been increased, so it's a bit late. I'll write the second update now.

In addition: Thank you all for your recommendation votes and monthly votes, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I'll continue to write, everyone go to sleep.

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