In the Blade

Chapter 331: Diary of a Refugee

In fact, even without any disguise, Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing are no different from refugees.

As for the reason, it was naturally a shortage of food. Since they failed to get supplies in Songzhou and were chased all the way by Songzhou people, they already didn't have much to eat and it was even worse. Although they finally got out of Songzhou, which was called a devil's cave, Escaped from the place, but also lost the last food supplies.

The things they were eating now were due to the kindness of the group of people they had just met, who were either rebels or officers and soldiers, and gave them some dry food they had with them.

Theoretically, they might be able to buy it with money, but that would require the people of Songzhou to vomit out the belongings they had left behind first, not to mention that the prices here are already terrifyingly high, especially for daily food. On the other hand, no matter how much money they have, how can they afford such expenses?

"It actually takes a process for people to become refugees."

After wandering outside Songzhou for a few days, Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing realized this firsthand.

No one is a refugee at the beginning, and people do not really regard themselves as refugees. They just feel that they have encountered some troubles by chance, whether it is losing money, losing relatives, or having their homes occupied by robbers—— It is true that their experiences cause them pain, but they actually believe that pain is always temporary.

As long as we get through this, everything will be fine again.

Lost money can be earned again, lost home can be rebuilt, lost relatives and friends, this is more troublesome, but time will eventually heal all scars.

"As long as we go somewhere, we can still have a home again."

Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing, who were mixed in the ranks of refugees, heard the refugees around them say this more than once.

As for what this place is like, different refugees have different opinions, but without exception, it is basically the most beautiful place in their imaginations - but unfortunately, this is just imagination after all, and the reality is that they I will never reach that dream place in my life.

As for the reason, it is also very simple.

Just because there is not enough food.

Just like what Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing originally thought, they just need to bring more money when going out. As for more food and water, they can always be bought with money along the way - one or two people think this way, the problem is Not big, but if a lot of refugees think so...

It actually takes a process for people to become refugees.

No one is a refugee at the beginning, and no one really regards himself as a refugee. Similarly, few people really leave their hometown with nothing. At that time, they still had some basic money and food in their hands, at least the most basic life. It's still possible - of course, these preparations may not be much, but as long as you suffer and endure it until a new life begins, it is always enough, right?

Unfortunately, not enough.

When they leave their hometown and embark on a journey, they have no source of income. The little food in their hands will always be eaten up. As for buying along the way... this is even more impossible. Nowadays, food is being harvested everywhere, and the price has reached a terrifying figure. What can they do with the little money they have?

"The more refugees there are, the more expensive food is. The more expensive food is, the more people can't afford it, and the more refugees there are."

Jiang Wenyuan and Shan Bing vaguely realized that a strange cycle was going on, and this cycle was somewhat unreasonable. The more expensive the food, the more people should farm. This is consistent with common sense. How? In the end, the number of people who increased in number turned out to be refugees?

"Because the land will be robbed."

This is the answer given by the refugees.

In fact, not every refugee knows how to farm. Only some of them are old farmers. There are more urban residents among them, but these people are worse at farming - but even if they know nothing about it, In fact, it can be trained. If everyone joins hands, they can always create a future for themselves.

However, this can only be regarded as a beautiful fantasy.

The fact is that once there is a harvest, bandits will come. They will select a few people to kill Liwei, and then when others are too scared to move, they will take away all the harvest, leaving only a little. There is not enough food to feed chickens to allow these people to continue planting.

Of course, if they want to be safe, they can also choose to take shelter from those Wubao commanders who have certain combat capabilities, but what the local wealthy families want is actually the same as bandits.

After all, they are outsiders and refugees. If they want to establish themselves locally, they will definitely be exploited by local people.

Of course, they still have visions at this time, and they still feel that they can live a normal life again. As long as they endure it a little longer, everything will be fine.

Just hold on a little longer.

Just hold on a little longer.

But people will eventually be unable to bear it.

After all, people get hungry.

If eating well and drinking enough can make people feel calm and radiant, then conversely, lack of food and clothing can make people haggard and uneasy - especially when the normal routine of dressing and eating suddenly becomes When it becomes something that requires risking your life to get, or even risking your life to get, this feeling of uneasiness will be infinitely amplified.

The beautiful visions I once had have gradually faded away, and no matter what grand goals I had, they have disappeared without a trace. Eating the next meal, or even eating this meal, has become the biggest problem.

As long as there is food, you can still live. If you want to live, you must eat something. As long as you are alive, everything will come back. As long as you can eat, everything else can be thrown away.

So, even if faced with high prices, as long as you can have this bite of food, people often accept it. However, they will eventually run out of money and food after losing their income. So the former merchants took out their old capital, the former scholars sold their pens and ink, the former craftsmen sold their tools, and even the old farmers sold their hoes and shovels.

As long as they can get a bite of food, these are acceptable.

"Why don't you sell this coffin board too."

Several refugees surrounded Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan. They had been staring at these two people for a long time.

"Although this thing is not valuable, it is still a wooden object after all. It can be used as firewood to warm people's bodies..."

"Get lost."

Shan Bing, who was resting on the big shield, only opened his eyes slightly, and the murderous ferocity scared away the refugees.

No matter how he fell, he would never sell this shield. The sword and shield in his hand are not only his weapons, but also his closest comrades-in-arms.

And the partner he trusts most.

"You are right, don't use weapons."

Jiang Wenyuan, who came back from going out to get information, agreed with Shan Bing's choice decisively after hearing about Shan Bing's situation.

"Although there is a risk of exposing our identities, we must not leave our weapons. We may go hungry on weekdays, but as long as we have weapons, we still have a last resort."

This so-called last resort is, of course, to rob the robbers. Since the local people are determined to give them face and raise the price, which makes them hungry, there is no need for them to indulge them. Yes, they were indeed beaten out in Songzhou, but if the two commanders who are ranked in the list of 100 soldiers are determined to rob, I am afraid that even the fortresses in Songzhou will not be able to gather people to stop them.

"The weapons in our hands are our last resort."

Jiang Wenyuan's face is quite unfriendly.

"At worst, we can kill people and see blood!"


Shan Bing nodded, but the look he gave Jiang Wenyuan was quite unexpected.

Originally, he thought that this head constable from the government would be a more decent person, but now it seems that the other party's ideas are not much different from his?

"Because I used to be a head of the police, I know that reason is something that people tell you."

Jiang Wenyuan noticed Shan Bing's strange look, but he didn't care.

"When you do things that meet their expectations and go along with their wishes, they will say that you are reasonable. If you don't go along with their wishes and don't meet their expectations, even if you have a lot of reason, it will only become unreasonable... So fuck the reason, I've been hungry for three days and I don't even have tree bark to chew. If I talk about reason with those profiteers, I'll starve to death."

"Yeah, what reason is there at this time? Is it reasonable for them to raise the price?"

Shan Bing also took out the dagger from under the big shield and found a piece of coarse cloth to wipe it slowly.

Since raising the price makes sense, then the weapons in their hands are even more reasonable. At least when they talk about reason with each other, those profiteers will not be able to say a word.

The dead will naturally shut up forever, and their so-called principles will be taken away by wild dogs along with their bodies.

Oh no, it seems that all the wild dogs nearby have been eaten by them.

"Anyway, next time we trade, if we still can't buy food, we will just rob that fortress."

Jiang Wenyuan's face was gloomy, and at this moment he was even more ferocious than the bandits.

This also made Shan Bing look at Jiang Wenyuan with more curiosity, and he didn't know what this head constable had experienced.

Maybe when they are starving, everyone is the same.

As long as they have a full meal, they can recover.

Since the strategy was set, the two of them slept peacefully. This time it was not a yearning for a better life, but the spoils in front of them - as long as they picked a local noble family to rob, they would have enough food to continue on the road. If these things were eaten up, they could just rob another one.

So what was their original mission?

I can't remember it clearly, but it is definitely not as important as eating.


Even in his sleep, Shan Bing vaguely heard such shouts.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat!"

"Huh? Is it time for dinner?"

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Shan Bing, who looked dazed, sat up reluctantly.

But before he could open his eyes, two slaps had already hit his face.

"Wake up! Don't sleep any more!"

The voice of Jiang Wenyuan rang in his ears.

"If you sleep any more, it will be time for dinner!"

"What do you mean by dinner?"

Shan Bing opened his eyes and saw a giant bear with three heads and feathers all over its body, eating like crazy in the crowd.


Looking at the giant bear's figure as strong as a mountain, Shan Bing took a breath of cold air.

It turned out that Jiang Wenyuan was talking about the time for dinner. Obviously, although their group of refugees was indeed hungry, there were always some things that were hungrier than them - especially when their number increased, those evil monsters that eat people came directly by smelling the smell.

And there were more than one of those evil monsters.

A bear with three heads, a chicken with a snake head, and a huge, stiff corpse with arrows all over its body, these three monsters are eating like crazy in the refugee team. These three monsters can only be regarded as the vanguard of the monster team.

In the distance, more monsters are visible to the naked eye, rushing towards them.

"This... run!"

Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan both have some experience in fighting evil monsters. They can see at a glance that this battle is not something they can handle.

If it was just one monster, they should be able to kill it together. Even if there were two monsters, they should be able to run away if they fight hard. But now just looking at the number, it is clear that there are more than a dozen monsters. Is this a battle that people can really handle?

"I should have thought of it a long time ago, I should have thought of it a long time ago..."

Shan Bing slapped his head hard.

Yes, he should have thought of it long ago. This place is not like the capital of Jiankang. The monsters cannot be killed by the military commander as soon as they show their heads. This means that many monsters are actually entrenched in the mountains and ridges that no one dares to approach, but many people don’t know it.

People need to eat when they are hungry, but what about monsters?

Monsters are hungry every day, and their appetites are huge, as if they can never be filled.

"Let's go!"

Picking up the big shield, Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan hurriedly ran away.

The monsters in the distance were getting faster and faster. Obviously, they had smelled the bloody smell here, and Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan finally understood why those local fortresses basically did not accept outsiders. Originally, they thought that this was to prevent bandits from sneaking in and cooperating with each other, but now it seems... It is very likely that they also have the idea of ​​controlling the population and avoiding attracting these evil monsters.

In the final analysis, the bandits only want money and food, but these evil monsters really eat people.

Fortunately, they finally survived after running all the way. After all, they were only two people, while there were many people in the refugee camp on the other side.

The monsters raged all night and did not disperse until dawn. When Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan returned to the refugee camp again, they still saw many living people.

Obviously, after being refugees for a long time, they also have some ways to make a living.

And avoiding the pursuit of monsters is part of this way of making a living.

I took a nap in the evening and started to update when I woke up. Everyone rest first, and I will continue to write at night.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, everyone rest first.

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