In the Blade

Chapter 332 Food Chain

"They may have used some less conventional methods."

When Jiang Wenyuan wanted to get close to the remaining refugees, Shan Bing grabbed him immediately.

If you still want to survive in a place where monsters are raging, the so-called conventional methods are nothing more than those methods to deal with beasts - whether it is smearing feces on the body or burying oneself in the soil, in short, there are two ideas, either Make yourself look unpalatable, or make yourself unable to be eaten by monsters.

But besides this, there is a third way.

"There's not enough soil on them, and there's not much feces or anything like that."

Shan Bing's face turned serious.

"They probably killed one of their own."

Yes, this is the third way. Before the monster attacks, kill your own people first, survive the madness caused by the evil spirit, and gain that new power - although this only allows them to let the evil spirit enter their body. level, but it can still greatly enhance their reactions and physical fitness.

What's more, they don't necessarily have to fight monsters, they just need to be able to run better than other refugees.

"Do you want to kill someone in exchange for evil spirit..."

After hearing what Shan Bing said, Jiang Wenyuan's face also turned a little gloomy.

Jiang Wenyuan, who had once been a predator, knew more about this aspect. It was precisely because of this that his face was so ugly-if the refugees in front of him really entered the evil spirit through killing people, body, and thus survived the attack and killing of monsters, this only shows that this northwest land far away from Jiankang is far more corrupt than imagined.

Just because the people here already understand the benefits of breaking the rules.

Killing for life is a matter of course. Therefore, those criminals who commit crimes among the people and prey on people have always been executed as soon as possible - indeed, a large part of this is to maintain the law. and the majesty of the government, but in the eyes of people like Jiang Wenyuan who are capable of catching heads, there is another, more important meaning.

That is, try your best to prevent people from being exposed to evil spirits.

Just think about this and you will know that if everyone could be exposed to evil spirits, then the world would have been in chaos. When people realize that they can become stronger by killing people, there will no longer be any order in the world. It can be said that everyone will be each other's prey, and no one will focus on life and production anymore. After all, in such an environment, everyone is in danger. As for production... Since we have enough force, How can you make more money by working and farming?

"If everyone in this world is exposed to evil spirits, sooner or later this world will be turned into a wasteland."

Although in other aspects, whether it is the powerful military leaders among the people, the local powerful, the civil and military officials in the court, or the royal family itself, everyone has different opinions, but only in this aspect, everyone has different opinions. Same consensus.

Such a dangerous thing must not be left alone, as it will cause extremely serious consequences.

Therefore, the imperial court has been consciously blocking the spread of evil spirits, using laws, violence, and all means to at least create the most basic thing that can be called order - of course, it is just that, definitely It's impossible to hide everything. There are always one or two talented masters who will slip through the net.

At this time, the court will choose to win over, choose to be gentle, and even state the interests very directly to let these emerging masters know that once the evil spirit spreads, it will not be of any benefit to everyone.

Facts have proved that doing something is better than not doing anything. Under the suppression of order, although there are still evil madmen who occasionally appear, at least on the whole, people can still carry out some normal production and life, which is commonly known as In a normal life, no one would kill innocent people indiscriminately or attack the ordinary people around them just to increase their own strength.

But now, life can no longer go on.

When life becomes unbearable, all so-called order becomes an illusion. As long as you can survive, you can do anything - if eating shit can prevent yourself from being eaten by monsters, then eat shit. Burying alive can prevent monsters from biting you, so bury you alive.

In the same way, if killing someone can give you the power to live, then kill someone.

It wasn't even something to think about, everything just fell into place.

"Otherwise, we'd better kill them all."

Jiang Wenyuan's hand instinctively touched the iron ruler at his waist. This was his habit when he was a head catcher.

They are just a group of evil-minded lunatics. They are no longer human beings. Even if they are all killed, no superior will blame them.

"But...can we kill them all?"

The iron ruler with half of it pulled out froze.

But he could still kill all the people in front of him. Even if it didn't work, he could call Shan Bing together, two famous masters in the military spectrum. It was more than enough to deal with a group of refugees who had just entered the body with evil spirit - but even if he killed these refugees , what’s the use?

There will always be new refugees popping up. After the villages and towns are destroyed, it will be Wubao's turn. There will always be monsters coming to eat people. After all, there are already so many evil madmen... As long as there are still people who can't survive. , then there will always be people who choose to kill people and touch the evil spirit. This kind of thing is forbidden no matter what.

So, why can’t people survive?

Jiang Wenyuan was suddenly confused.

As a head catcher, he is already well-informed, but he can't find any answer to this kind of question.

"Old Jiang, Old Jiang?"

Just when Jiang Wenyuan was wandering in the sky, a voice rang in his ears.

"Old Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

"'s okay."

Shaking his head vigorously, Jiang Wenyuan came back to his senses.

I don’t know what happened in the past few days. Shan Bing was suddenly stunned in the first two days, and then he started to lose focus again - and his situation was much more dangerous than Shan Bing’s before, even if he just faced a group of evil spirits entering his body. , but once you get close, you may die suddenly.

"No, it's not the evil spirit entering the body."

At this moment, Shan Bing continued to speak.

"It's not like they have evil spirits entering their bodies. I just looked at them and they don't have any evil spirits on them."


Jiang Wenyuan was stunned.

No evil spirit? That's understandable. No wonder he gets distracted. Those people opposite him are not even enemies at all - but that's the problem. How can these people not have evil spirits on them?

"There was no evil spirit, and no normal methods were used, so how did they survive?"

"You ask me, I want to ask too."

Saying this, Shan Bing actually stepped forward and asked the nearest remaining refugees.

As for the results of the inquiry...

That was a method that no one had thought of.

"Worship God?"

Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan were stunned when they heard the answers given by the refugees.

They didn't know whether they heard it wrong, or whether the refugees in front of them had gone crazy. The way to survive the ravages of monsters was to worship gods... Is this really something a person can say?

"Then...what kind of gods do you worship?"

Resisting the urge to curse, Shan Bing and Jiang Wenyuan continued to ask.

The results of the questioning were not ideal. Ten people gave ten answers. These refugees from all over the world naturally worshiped different gods on weekdays - but no matter which god they turned to for help at that critical moment of life or death, , but at least at that moment of life and death, a certain god really answered their prayers.

A god flew from the sky, and with just a wave of his hand, all the monsters on the ground died suddenly.

And these desperate people survived after all.

"Isn't it right?"

Jiang Wenyuan frowned.

"The monsters all died violently. What about the corpses of the monsters? Where have they gone? Why can't you see any traces?"

"The monster's corpses were all taken away by the gods."

This is how the remaining refugees responded.

The gods flying in the sky just waved their hands, and the corpses of the monsters flew up. After that, the gods flew away with the corpses of these monsters until they disappeared from their sight.

"Why does it sound like I'm dreaming...Have I been bitten to death by a monster?"

Shan Bing pulled at his face hard, trying to use the pain to wake himself up.

However, when Jiang Wenyuan slapped him on the head, the stinging feeling still made him realize that this was reality.

But this reality is a bit too outrageous.

"It's not...too outrageous."

Jiang Wenyuan thought for a moment before speaking.

"I have never seen gods, but I know about strong men flying in the sky. As for strong men flying with a lot of monster corpses... This is a bit exaggerated, but I have seen strong men flying with living people. Flying, this is not out of touch with reality.”


Hearing what Jiang Wenyuan said, Shan Bing became acutely aware of something.

"You mean..."

"Well, it's what you think."

Jiang Wenyuan slapped his head in frustration.

"We should probably stay, then our mission will be completed directly."

"Ah this..."

Shan Bing was speechless for a long time.

No way, it’s really no wonder they are doing this. No matter what kind of master he is, if he encounters a dozen evil monsters gathered together for a meal, his first reaction will definitely be to run as far as he can. That is simply not something that humans can deal with—— But obviously, in their panic, they forgot a very important point, that is, there are always some people in this world who possess tyrannical force that far exceeds that of so-called humans.

For example, the Grand Master Du they are looking for is too strong to be human...


Seeing that Shan Bing was about to say those two words, Jiang Wenyuan immediately corrected the other person's wording.

"He is a person who is too strong to be human. Be careful with your words. Experts have extremely sharp reactions. If he hears you talking about him behind his back, will you still be alive?"

"I...that's true."

Shan Bing took a deep breath and finally nodded in agreement.

Perhaps this is the sense of oppression brought by a real master. He has never even met him in person, and he doesn't know what Grand Master Du looks like. He must have been gone for a while, and it is most likely that he heard about it. There was no movement here, but he still didn't dare to say anything that would violate taboos, no matter how unruly he was.

You must know that even Eunuch Cao, who ranks first in Hundreds of Arms and can be called the best master in the world, dares to say something about the old eunuch behind his back, but this Grand Master Du is the only one...

He could only say that Jiang Wenyuan was really timely when he called him.

After all, even he himself had a vague feeling that the inappropriate word just spoken out might lead to consequences that were more terrifying than the monster.

"Then what do we do now?"

With a sigh, Shan Bing felt numb all over.

Just a deviation in decision made them miss the mission target. This kind of gap would make anyone feel numb for a while - even Jiang Wenyuan, who was standing by, looked quite discouraged. Obviously, everyone had a similar mentality.

However, Jiang Wenyuan had been a head of the police after all. After just a few breaths, his face had adjusted and he was no longer as depressed as before.

"It's a good thing. At least we have a general direction."

Seeing that Shan Bing was still a little puzzled, Jiang Wenyuan laughed.

"Let me ask you, what do you think is the most lacking when you practice martial arts to the level of masters like you and me?"

"...Is it an official position?"

Shan Bing asked tentatively.

"Or is it money? But there is no need to talk about money, right? Everyone knows that even if you have money, you may not be able to speak well..."

"Are you still not awake today?"

Jiang Wenyuan was stunned by Shan Bing's answer. He wanted to slap Shan Bing again.

"Why don't you think about what you are talking about?"

"You are not going to talk about opponents, are you?"

Shan Bing was also stunned.

"No, there are so many people on the Hundred Weapons Book, who would really lack opponents?"


Jiang Wenyuan suddenly felt a little dazed.

It seems that Shan Bing can't be blamed for this matter. After all, his understanding is really different from Shan Bing's-Shan Bing was imprisoned for a long time. When he was really released, the Hundred Weapons Book was already popular.

On the contrary, his understanding of strength came more from the impression brought by the time in Yizhou.

In his memory, masters rarely have opponents. Even if one or two opponents occasionally appear, they will be killed soon in a life-and-death struggle-masters are always lonely until they meet the enemy worthy of the master's sword. At least Jiang Wenyuan has always understood it this way.

But now, the times have changed.

The masters of Shan Bing's generation all speak with the Hundred Weapons Book. They may lack other things, but they basically will not lack opponents. After all, they must always be prepared to compete for the top rankings, and they must also always guard against the rising stars who suppress themselves. Compared with the loneliness of masters in Yizhou City, this is indeed a different look.

But this also directly led to the fact that Shan Bing didn't understand what he wanted to express.

"Then I'll change the way you can understand it."

Jiang Wenyuan thought about it and changed his words.

"You know the game of fighting beasts, right? Cats eat mice, dogs eat cats, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps."

"I understand this."

Shan Bing nodded.

"You mean..."

"Compared to real masters, monsters can only be considered small fish."

Jiang Wenyuan nodded.

"Just like when there are enough refugees, monsters will be attracted... As long as there are enough monsters, the masters we are looking for will naturally emerge."

Update sent, it really snowed in Nanjing today, and I had another mutton hot pot. It's true that it's time to have a hot pot when it snows. In addition, it's cold, so everyone should remember to drink a bowl of hot soup to warm up.

In addition: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

I will continue to write, good night everyone.

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