In the Blade

Chapter 361 Grand Master

"Are you serious?"

Looking at the little emperor in front of him, Du Chengfeng scratched his head.

"You want me to kneel down?"

"Yes, it's you."

The young emperor raised his neck and looked at the giant in front of him who was much taller than ordinary people.

"Kneel down."


Du Chengfeng was more and more confused.

Although he probably understood that in this imperial city, the emperor was the one who had the final say, according to the etiquette here, everyone who saw the emperor had to kneel down. This was a way to maintain the emperor's majesty and establish supremacy.

But the problem was...

Let him kneel down?

It didn't make sense, it really didn't make sense.

"Why don't you think about it again."

After a moment of doubt, Du Chengfeng lowered his head again.

There was no way, the child in front of him was too short, and he couldn't see him without lowering his head.

"Think about it again, your words..."

"Kneel down!"

At this moment, the old eunuch's voice suddenly came from afar.

"Quick! Kneel down!"


Du Chengfeng raised his head and looked at the old eunuch who was trotting over in surprise.

What does it mean to kneel down quickly? What does it mean? Is this old Deng talking about him?

"Why don't you think about it?"

Looking at the old eunuch getting closer and closer, Du Chengfeng's face began to look bad.

It's okay if the child is ignorant, but if he is still doing this to him at his age, then he will...

"Kneel down quickly!"

Just when Du Chengfeng didn't wait for any reaction and was about to slap him, the old eunuch had already walked up to him.

Then, he pressed the young emperor to the ground.

"Kneel down quickly! Quick!"

How could the young emperor's young body withstand the old eunuch's long-trained great strength? So with a plop, the little emperor's knees softened and he knelt in front of Du Chengfeng.

Until his head was pressed to the ground, the young emperor still couldn't come back to his senses. Although he could understand what his body was doing, it was because he could understand that he became more and more confused - this was completely different from the education he had received before.

Since he could remember, he had been taught that he was the supreme emperor. Although he was still young, no matter those ministers who looked majestic or those generals who looked ferocious, everyone had to kneel down to him. He was the most honorable one.

"If they don't bow, then the big companion will make them kneel down."

He still remembered that the old eunuch beside him had promised him this. This old big companion had served his grandfather and his father, and now, he was serving him. They were absolutely of the same mind.

So, shouldn't you come to help me?

The little emperor, whose head was pressed to the ground, turned his head with difficulty and looked at the old eunuch beside him in confusion.

"Big friend, you..."

Tears were about to burst out of the little emperor's eyes.

Aren't you here to help me? Shouldn't you let the giant kneel down for me? Why is it that the one kneeling on the ground now is...

"Du Zhuangshi."

The old eunuch saw the tears in the little emperor's eyes, but at this moment he had no intention of caring about this little thing. When he noticed that Du Chengfeng's right hand was about to rise, the old eunuch quickly pressed the little emperor's head again and knocked it on the ground twice.

"Your Majesty is still young, and he was just joking. You see, he knows he is wrong. How about today..."

"...Forget it?"

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head.

"You said forget it?"


The old eunuch choked on the spot.

He really wanted to let this matter go, which would be better for everyone - but the problem is, if he said forget it, can it really be let go?

It seems, not.

He also knew the temper of the Grand Tutor Du in front of him. When the late emperor was still alive, he was the number one rebel. Even after he was recruited as a Grand Tutor, he never knelt down to anyone. It was not even a question of kneeling or not, but the other party rode a horse and carried a knife into the Golden Palace, and did not dismount in front of the civil and military officials, but did not care about the etiquette at all.

So, the question is, facing this extremely usurpatory behavior, comparable to rebellion, what can the civil and military officials, the late emperor, and even the entire Dachen do?

It seems that there is no way.

There is indeed no way at all. Although the other party has seriously violated the law, he is a rebel and does not care about this at all. If it must be enforced... who can beat it?

If he couldn't beat him, or handle him, he could only accept it, no matter how unreasonable it was. In fact, if the late emperor hadn't been wise enough to give him the honor of a Grand Master and rationalize this usurpation, there would probably be no one alive in the Golden Throne Hall at that time.

"Absolute power is the absolute truth."

It was after this incident that the old eunuch had a new understanding of power, the royal family, and even the court.

So later, even when facing important officials of the court such as Sikong, he would never be at a disadvantage, just because he always had the absolute power to kill the other party and even the forces behind the other party.

But now...

"Please forgive him, he is still a child."

Saying this, the old eunuch himself knelt on the ground.

"He doesn't understand anything. It's because our family didn't teach him well..."

"What are you talking about?"

Before the old eunuch could kowtow a second time, a big hand directly lifted him up.

It's more like lifting than supporting. That hand is really too big, even twice as big as the old eunuch's head - just one open hand is already comparable to his entire chest. This made the old eunuch even more frightened.

When there was no such comparison before, the old eunuch didn't notice anything, but looking at it now...

The Du Zhuangshi in front of him is probably a lot bigger.

It seems that the other party has done nothing during this period of time, but just looking at this big hand, you can tell that the other party has become stronger.

This is simply...

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I look like the kind of person who would kill children?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head repeatedly, and then picked up the young emperor.

"And you, what did you just say?"

"Kneel down."

The little emperor, whose face was full of tears, raised his neck again.

"I want you to kneel down..."


Before he finished speaking, the little emperor was slapped on the head.

"His Majesty!!!"

The panicked old eunuch quickly tried to protect him, but was pushed away by Du Chengfeng.

"Don't make trouble, I'm busy... Again, what did you want me to do just now?"

"Kneel down!"

The little emperor cried hoarsely.

"I am the emperor..."


Another slap hit the little emperor on the head.

"Then what?"

Du Chengfeng looked at the little emperor in his hand with confusion.

"Yes, you are the emperor, what next?"


Then the little emperor didn't dare to speak.

He already knew this rule and would be slapped once he spoke, so no matter how much he wanted to continue speaking, he did not dare to continue speaking at this time.

But why?

He is the emperor, he is the Supreme Being, why is he being brought here, why is he...


Just when the little emperor was filled with anger, he slapped him on the head again.

"I'm asking you something! Speak!"


He was beaten even if he spoke, and he was beaten even if he didn't speak. The little emperor, whose head was overloaded, burst into tears on the spot.

This is the instinct after despair, the only action after the brain shuts down.

But Du Chengfeng would not stop crying just because of this.

"You are the emperor, and what next? Do you think that based on this, I will kneel down to you? What now?"


The little emperor cried for a long time, but couldn't figure out how to answer.

He is the emperor, shouldn't others kneel down to him? Why did this thing that was supposed to happen suddenly not work? Not only does it not work, but he also has to be beaten. As an emperor, he even has to be beaten. You know, no one has ever beaten him since he can remember. He is the emperor, how can he be beaten?

There is a sudden deviation between habits and reality, and the whole world suddenly becomes so strange.

What went wrong?

"I don't know who taught you, but you don't even have the most basic respect."

Along with these words, another slap was slapped on the little emperor's head.

"What's wrong with the emperor? Isn't the emperor a human being? He is a human being, and he must have the most basic respect for others... I am just basking in the sun at the door, and you ask me to kneel down for you. Do you know what respect is? Or are you no longer a human being?"


The little emperor's mind became increasingly confused.

It seems that, just, that's what happened. If you look at it this way, everything does make sense - one person opens his mouth and makes the other person kneel down, which does seem to lead to a fight. Even if he is the emperor, he is... No, he is obviously the emperor, how could he... But he...

What's going on? Is the emperor a human being?

"Okay, stand up straight, men have to face their mistakes."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng finally placed the little emperor on the ground.

"Tell me, where did you go wrong?"

"I, I, I, I..."

The little emperor hesitated for a long time before finally speaking.

"I shouldn't...make you kneel down."

"Then what?"

Du Chengfeng looked down at the young emperor.

"Go on."

"I...I'm sorry."

The little emperor finally lowered his head.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been like this..."

"Don't say you're sorry."

Another slap hit the little emperor on the head.

"I don't like hearing this word. If you can let things go by saying sorry once, then you will be sorry a second time, a third time... This kind of words is meaningless. If you really know that you are wrong, then you will have to do it in the future. Learn to respect others and don’t make others kneel down. Do you understand me?”


The little emperor nodded.

Although his head was already in a state of confusion, he still nodded instinctively.

"Okay, let's play."

After getting the affirmative answer, Du Chengfeng gave the little emperor a push.

The young emperor immediately hid behind the frightened old eunuch.

"A small tree will not grow straight unless it is pruned."

Du Chengfeng pointed at the little emperor behind the old eunuch.

"Your teaching method is not good enough. The child is really naughty. You should beat him. Otherwise, he won't learn his lesson."

"... The Grand Tutor is right."

The old eunuch forced out an extremely ugly smile.

"After all, our level is not as good as the Grand Tutor's teachings... Come on, Your Majesty, thank you Grand Tutor."


The young emperor just hid behind the old eunuch, his eyes were blank, but he hadn't come back to his senses yet.

Seeing the little emperor like this, Du Chengfeng began to think that he was a little too heavy-of course, he should be beaten, but his hands were different from those of ordinary people. Even if he deliberately controlled the strength, a few slaps would make ordinary people lie down for a long time, let alone a young child.

However, considering what happened just now, Du Chengfeng still felt that the strength was okay, just to make this kid learn a lesson.

After all, the old eunuch's teaching method is really...

"Wait... You actually taught this?"

Du Chengfeng slapped his head, and then he realized something was wrong.

"You told people to kneel down as soon as you opened your mouth, and you taught this to your child?"


The old eunuch choked on the spot.

He seemed to have just mentioned this matter, why did this Master Du only react now?

"Just now I was busy beating the child, not you."

Du Chengfeng grabbed the old eunuch.

"Don't I say that there is something wrong with your way of raising children... Have you ever thought about what kind of people will be raised like this?"

"Our family is training an emperor..."

The old eunuch thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out what was wrong with his way of education.

The emperor should be the supreme ruler, and he should be invaluable. Is there anything wrong with this?

"Of course there is a problem!"

Du Chengfeng patted the old eunuch's shoulder hard.

"How about this? I'm the Grand Master now, and I don't have much to do during this period. I won't eat your food for nothing... I'll take care of the child for a while. Of course, the time may not be long, but I will cure all the problems he has."


The old eunuch was overjoyed.

A master, a top master, is actually going to take an apprentice - although it may only be a few months, or even just a few days, but if he can learn a trick or two... Isn't this Da Chen directly impregnable?

"Of course... Wait?"

The old eunuch was about to agree, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Everything seemed to be good, but he always had a subtle intuition, as if something unspeakable would happen once he agreed.

But he was halfway through his words, and even if he didn't finish, he couldn't refuse.

"Then it's settled!"

With this, Du Chengfeng once again brought out the little emperor.

"I will be your Grand Master in the future."

Update sent, everyone should rest early.

Also: Thank you for your recommendation votes and monthly tickets, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Thank you to book friends 20230203118943, Si Zhui, for the reward, it really cost me a lot.

I'm going to cook too, good night everyone.

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