In the Blade

Chapter 362 Teaching by example

Du Chengfeng actually never knew what the title of Grand Master was.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter to him. After all, no one dares to accuse him of overstepping his authority. Of course, he also has his own things to do and has no time to do other things - he never asks for much, and some can be given to him. His personal hobbies that bring him pleasure, nutritious and satiating food, and most importantly, and most crucially, comfortable and stable sleep, are enough for him.

But he's not a freeloader either.

As the saying goes, eating people is short-tongued and soft-handed. Since the old eunuch entertained him warmly, he was naturally embarrassed to pat his butt and leave just like that. In fact, he also knew why the old eunuch entertained him. It was just because he liked him. With his strength, I want him to kill someone or fight some kind of battle, but how to say this kind of thing...

Du Chengfeng considers himself a pacifist.

He has refrained from killing for a long time. The last time he killed someone was probably a few days ago, and strictly speaking, it was not him who did it that time, but Huang Tian himself hit the sword.

After considering this unexpected situation, Du Chengfeng feels that he should be considered a good person. He has a healthy routine and diet, develops his own interests and hobbies, is mentally stable, and has a group of neighbors who get along well with each other. , Now he lives a very happy life, and there is no need to fight for life or death.

At least there is no need to fight to the death for these few meals of the old eunuch. His fighting ability is not that cheap.

During this time, he was also thinking about how to clear this debt, whether to design some martial arts skills for the old eunuch, or to build some magical weapons - just, with his current understanding of evil spirits and even mental strength. Understand that it is not impossible to create a magical weapon.

However, this kind of thing is just a thought. After all, no matter how advanced he is in terms of evil spirit and mental strength, his blacksmithing skills are still at the level of a prairie blacksmith. His low forging skills limit his performance, and he may not be able to fully What a good life.

However, at this time, the young emperor made trouble in front of him.

This actually provided him with a relatively good plan, and it was considered to be in line with his responsibilities as a grand master - grand master. After all, there is a word for master, which should mean teacher. It just so happens that the little emperor has a bit of a brain. The problem is, as long as he takes a few steps and corrects the child's brain, he should be worthy of the imperial dining room.

" should the emperor teach me?"

After taking over this matter, Du Chengfeng began to think about it.

Although he had the title of Grand Master, he actually didn’t know what to teach the emperor. Of course, the young emperor must have had lessons, but when he saw that it was bigger than a human head, After two rounds of slaps, the masters still chose to shut up in a tacit understanding.

The masters who originally taught the emperor did not dare to speak. They were afraid that if they said a word wrong, their heads would be smashed, but this also directly caused Du Chengfeng's eyes to darken.

Du Chengfeng actually knew nothing about education. He had no idea what to teach.

"But what I want to teach is not knowledge, what I want to teach is life."

Thinking of the twisted character of the little emperor, Du Chengfeng first established his teaching goals.

He didn't know how to teach people, but he had at least taught a dog, which was the big yellow dog that Wu Zhao kept in the yard. Thinking about it carefully, the little emperor's problem seemed to be similar to that of the yellow dog. They are all the kind who think this is their own place, so they can jump up and bite randomly. They don't understand the value of peace and the importance of respect.

"And from their own perspective, this idea is actually fine."

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Du Chengfeng actually touched his chin and started thinking.

That is indeed no problem. Whether it is for the yellow dog or the little emperor, he is the intruder. They are just maintaining their own territory and maintaining the rules in their territory - compared with rational judgment, this kind of behavior It is closer to primitive instinct, more similar to a beast's protection of its own territory, a kind of self-protection.

In response to this primitive instinct, it is meaningless to rely on preaching alone. Their logic has become its own, and they will not listen to any persuasion, and it is impossible to listen to it.

Therefore, if you want to change this primitive instinct, the best way is to use a more primitive method.

That is, a more direct approach to instinct.

"Yes, that's it, stand still and you can stop only when I tell you to stop."

At the entrance of the imperial dining room, Du Chengfeng directed the little emperor who was brought over by him.

"This is the most basic round pile. It should not put any burden on your body. Just stand for two quarters of an hour."


The little emperor wanted to say something, but at this moment he didn't even dare to move.

With his knees slightly bent and his arms hanging in the air, this is a reduced version of the structure of a horse stance, which means that if he wants to move, he must stand up straight first - but therein lies the problem. , a bright kitchen knife was hanging on top of his head. The blade of the kitchen knife was close to his scalp. If he dared to move, he would see blood on the spot.

Standing up straight doesn't work, so what about sitting down?

He couldn't even sit down. A sharp bone-picking knife was hanging under his crotch. As long as he dared to sit down, he could also be a companion.

What's more, it's not just these two knives against him, but a whole set of sixteen kitchen knives. At this moment, if he dares to move, he will be cut directly.

His proud identity as an emperor is meaningless at this moment.

"The emperor is also a human being. He will bleed when he is stabbed. This is what you have to learn today."

After saying this, Du Chengfeng threw the little emperor at the door and went back to make fried rice.

He hadn't eaten lunch yet, and he was hungry at the moment. Moreover, he was very interested in the special fried rice skills shown by those imperial chefs. Two large bowls of chicken soup were added to the pot, but there was only enough for one bowl of fried rice in the pot. God knows where the chicken soup went. Such a technique can be called a miracle.

So, because he had to learn such a technique, Du Chengfeng naturally delayed a little time.

And half an hour later, when he finally made a perfect fried rice, the little emperor outside the door naturally collapsed on the ground.

"Ah, this..."

Looking at the little emperor on the ground with blood all over his body, Du Chengfeng, who was holding the fried rice, was speechless for a long time.

At this moment, the little emperor on the ground suddenly turned over and climbed up, and pounced on the fried rice like a vicious dog pounced on food-although for a child of the little emperor's age, staple food is generally the least favorite, but at this moment, the little emperor suddenly felt that the fried rice in front of him, which he had once regarded as nothing, was so delicious and so tempting...

"Get lost."

Before the little emperor touched the plate, a big foot kicked it back to the original place.

"This is mine."

After instinctively kicking the little emperor away, Du Chengfeng realized that it seemed not good to kick a child.

So after thinking for a moment, he waved in the direction of the imperial kitchen.

Then a big bowl flew out of the imperial kitchen and fell into Du Chengfeng's hands.

After putting a large portion of fried rice into a bowl, Du Chengfeng handed the large bowl of fried rice to the little emperor - but when the little emperor was about to take the bowl and chopsticks, he took his hand back.

"What did I tell you before? Are you really going to take it directly?"

"I... thank you."

Taking a deep breath, the young emperor forced a smile and nodded to Du Chengfeng.

"Thank you for making fried rice. It's really hard work."

"Yes, being polite is a good child."

Du Chengfeng nodded and handed the fried rice to the little emperor.

"Eat it."

The young emperor hurriedly ate the rice. He had never eaten so seriously.

Looking at the little emperor's unrefined way of eating, Du Chengfeng nodded with satisfaction. Although this way of eating was not like the way an emperor eats, it was more like the way a human eats - or, in extreme fatigue, the child finally began to remove the etiquette and rules imposed on him and began to become like a normal child.

This is a good thing in Du Chengfeng's eyes. Only after the little emperor removes the outer disguise and exposes his true physiological instincts, can he prescribe the right medicine and fundamentally improve the child's temperament.

Although it sounds troublesome, it is actually very simple to operate. Just like he thought before, it is not much different from leashing a dog.

Anyway, he has nothing to do during this period of time. He can drive one sheep or two sheep. He only needs to use force to make the little emperor obedient, and then give rewards when the little emperor does the right thing. New habits can naturally be cultivated.

Of course, considering that the recent meals are really good, Du Chengfeng will not really use this rough way to graze.

He will also let the little emperor understand the purpose of doing so.

"Face is given to each other, and respect between people is also mutual."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng, who had finished making fried rice, squatted beside the little emperor and began to chant.

"Well, you've seen the results before, right? If you don't respect me, then I don't have to respect you. As for what will happen after I don't respect you, I think you should have experienced it..."


The little emperor was still eating rice.

That big bowl of fried rice was still too much for a child like him.

"But when you respect me, like just now, you know how to say thank you, and you know how to respect the fruits of my labor, then I will also share the fried rice with you, after all, it is made with your family's ingredients... Do you understand what I mean?"


The little emperor continued to eat rice.

This was the first time he tasted food that no one had tested for poison, and it was also the first time he knew that he could eat so much. This might be the most delicious bowl of fried rice he had ever eaten in his life, no, it might even be in this life...

"I'm talking to you! You're like this?"

Before the little emperor finished the last bite, the familiar slap hit his head again, almost making him spit out the rice.

Fortunately, he ate quickly enough and swallowed the fried rice.

"I'm listening, you're right."

The little emperor came to his senses and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, that's right, it's true, it's so true, such good advice..."

"Good advice, right?"

Du Chengfeng was so angry that he laughed.

"Return to me? Well, tell me, what good advice did I say just now?"


The little emperor choked on the spot.

Seeing the sixteen kitchen knives flying up again, the little emperor immediately broke into a sweat.

"Cheating is not a good thing, especially when it is something that can be seen through at a glance."

Under Du Chengfeng's control, under the pressure of the sixteen kitchen knives, the little emperor who had just finished his meal once again resumed his standing posture.

"Cheating comes at a price, stand still."

"I already..."

The little emperor obviously wanted to say something, but as soon as his eyes met, the words that were already on the tip of his tongue were directly held back.

Unlike just now, this is not a teaching, this is pure punishment.

This is the second thing the young little emperor learned on this first day of teaching.

"Don't lie, you will be punished."

Facing the sixteen kitchen knives that were close at hand, the little emperor clearly realized this.

"In other words, as long as you don't get caught cheating, you won't be punished... I'm still too stupid! I should have remembered two sentences just now!"

The young little emperor muttered in his heart, and he was so regretful at this moment.

However, this repentant attitude was extremely useful. At least after seeing the little emperor's regretful expression, Du Chengfeng felt a little more comfortable. After all, it was only the first day of teaching, and it was not surprising that the bad habits could not be corrected. Moreover, this child was able to correct his mistakes, which was at least much better than a dog.

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng found another good place to take a nap while basking in the sun.

When he saw the huge body lying on the equally huge wooden rocking chair without paying attention to others, the young emperor's eyes were full of envy.

Yes, if the understanding just now was the second thing he learned today, then this envy now was the first thing he learned today.

No, this can't even be considered as something he learned today, but something he learned a long time ago. It was only this time that he had a clear feeling about it.

That is...

"Strength is everything."

At this moment, the little emperor's eyes were so hot.

As long as you are strong enough, you can say whatever you want. As long as you are strong enough, all etiquette and laws must give way. As long as you are strong enough, even the emperor doesn't matter. As long as you are strong enough, you can just lie there like now.

You should know that this giant has offended him as the emperor, and he dares to lie in the palace to sleep. Isn't he afraid of being stabbed to death by soldiers in his sleep?

That giant is not afraid. That giant is not afraid of anything.

Just because that giant is really strong.

This is power.

This is everything.

The update is sent, everyone should rest early.

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See you tomorrow at the same time, good night everyone.

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