In the Blade

Chapter 408: Deep Sea of ​​Power

Strong people will attract each other in various ways.

A treasure, a magic weapon, a fight, or a grudge... As if there is some kind of attraction in the dark, the strong will always meet another strong.

"The answer is the vortex of power!"

This is how Jingtao Knife King Wenshun understood it.

Jingtao Knife King Wenshun, Pishui Knife King Wenlin, Polang Knife King Wenyuan, just looking at the nicknames of these brothers, it can be seen that the cultivation routes of these brothers are all related to water. It is said that the master of these brothers, Jiankang City Knife King Zhang Baolin, was fishing by the river. He was moved by the river and passed down the flowing water knife method. After these brothers achieved the knife method, the knife paths they showed were different.

"There is no constant situation for soldiers, and no constant shape for water. This is what I have learned!"

When someone asked about this matter, Zhang Baolin, who was already in his 80s, said this.

People don't quite understand why these apprentices learn different things from Zhang Baolin, and how can Zhang Baolin say that they have learned it. Only these brothers know that the master's words are the greatest recognition and the greatest guidance for them.

"The situation of the army is not constant, and the shape of water is not constant."

Under the moonlight, Wang Wenshun, the Jingtaodao, once again chanted this sentence.

Wang Wenshun was puzzled as to why the master used the concept of water to guide the sword moves. In his eyes, water and swords are completely different things - if water and swords must be connected, it will probably be like his two brothers, either the magic sword cuts off the water, draws the sword to stop the flow, or swings the sword to break the waves and move forward.

But Wang Wenshun always feels that his two brothers have gone astray.

If it is just to use the sword and water to fight, then their master Zhang Baolin would not have studied it for so long by the water. Although splitting the waves may look bluffing, it is not a difficult thing in essence.

There must be something he didn't expect, and there must be something he hasn't understood yet.

Faced with this difficult problem, Wang Wenshun once wanted to seek guidance from his master. However, the old man named Zhang Baolin never told him the secret until he died. He just took him to the river to fish again and again. Wang Wenshun even had some resentment towards his master for a while. He didn't understand why the old man would rather take the secret into the coffin than tell him.

So after thinking about it, he could only sit alone by the river, imitating the way his master used to watch the river water, watching the river water flow in front of him.

It was at that time that he suddenly understood the good intentions of his master.

It's not that his master didn't want to say it, but that this kind of thing can't be said at all. It's a feeling, a perception. Only after experiencing it can you understand what it means.

That time, Wang Wenshun jumped directly into the river.

In the cold river water, he understood everything.

His eldest brother fought with water, so he practiced the wave-breaking knife, and his second brother resisted the river water, so he practiced the water-repelling knife - as for himself, as the only one who took the initiative to jump into the river, he understood more than his two brothers.

Just because he personally felt the power from the water.

Soldiers have no constant situation? Soldiers actually have a constant situation. Soldiers often form formations and rush towards their enemies. Water has no constant shape? Water actually has a constant shape. Those surging undercurrents will gather into stormy waves and swallow everything in front of them.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe, a power from water, a power that can be held in the hands, a power that can make him surpass his brothers and even his master.

The more he studied, the deeper his understanding of everything in the world became.

He didn't even need to deliberately sharpen his spirit to be tough, he just needed to continue studying, and he could easily control those evil weapons.

"Because I am a vortex."

Wang Wenshun once taught his disciples like this.

However, unfortunately, his disciples did not understand what he was saying. This reminded Wang Wenshun of his own master. He was like this at the beginning. Although his master was telling the truth, he did not understand what the other party was saying at all.

We are all vortices.

Wang Wenshun wanted his disciples to understand this.

Everyone is a vortex, and so is every evil weapon. This means that either you are sucked into the evil vortex of the weapon, or you absorb the vortex of the weapon. This should be a very simple truth. He realized this when he just jumped into the river. Why didn't his disciples understand?

"Not everyone can see the truth of this world."

Wang Wenshun sighed for this.

Yes, after understanding everything, the world has changed in his eyes. The people and weapons in his eyes are no longer the original appearance, but one after another, large and small vortices.

When he walked among the crowd, the feeling was just like he jumped into the river.

He might have surpassed his master.

So, with this idea in mind, Wang Wenshun began his journey. He wanted to go further, find more cases, and make more attempts to verify his ideas. And the facts proved that his ideas might be correct. At least from his experience, this theory of water and vortex can really explain most of the problems.

Just like now.

"The reason why we came to Sanshan Town is not so much our own will, but rather a kind of attraction in the dark... There is a huge vortex hidden here, which is constantly attracting people."

Thinking of this, Wang Wenshun looked at the old post station in the distance.

He had already felt that the source of the vortex was in that direction.

And this feeling was so familiar that he would recognize it even if it turned into ashes. After all, when his eldest brother died, he saw it with his own eyes. The originally talented Breaking Wave Blade died at the bottom of the river because of this monster, and his body was gone.

"So, I want to kill you."

Under the night, Wang Wenshun drew his waist knife.

He wanted to do it.

Just because he was stronger than his brother.

Unlike the Breaking Wave Blade used by his eldest brother, which only relied on brute force, his Shocking Wave Blade was more delicate, more condensed, sharper, and closer to the principles of all things.

He didn't need to fight against anything, he himself was a living storm.

Those so-called masters of evil spirits could not possibly beat him, only because what he used had long since left the scope of evil spirits - it was something far superior to the evil spirits themselves, something beyond the evil spirits, the reward for his hard practice, and the power that only he could feel at this level.

That is, he did not look for the so-called "Hundred Weapons List", otherwise with his current strength...

"Maybe I can get the first place?"

Wang Wenshun has such confidence.

However, with his current situation, he no longer needs to rely on any list to recognize himself. He is a living natural disaster, a silent raging wave. He rarely takes action, and most of the time he does not need to take action. If he must take action... it is probably like now, killing his former enemies and seeing how strong he is now.

"Masters will attract each other..."

Thinking of this, Wang Wenshun smiled.

"Attracting me is the biggest mistake you made in this life."

"Don't do it again in the next life."

The blade swung down.

The other eight masters of evil spirits didn't even feel any evil spirit fluctuations, and the raging waves were already surging forward - they didn't even know where the waves came from. There was no river near Sanshan Town, so how could so much water suddenly appear?

But the water didn't wet their clothes, but rushed all the way to the distant post station. The surging waves were more like some kind of illusion, but this illusion was so real.

The power of the raging waves was so great that the horse-mounting stone at the entrance of the post station was completely smashed, and the carriages parked outside the post station were even smashed to pieces by the waves - this was by no means an illusory wave, but a real force, which was so turbulent that nothing could stop it.

"How... did you do it?"

The eight masters of evil spirits who came to help were dumbfounded. They couldn't understand everything in front of them. They didn't feel any evil spirit fluctuations, but the surging waves were so fierce - so how did they do it? Could it be that this Jingtao Knife really realized something in the mass grave?

"Do you want to know? We can communicate."

Facing the questions of the masters of evil spirits, Wang Wenshun smiled.

After realizing the mystery of Jingtao Knife, Wang Wenshun once wondered why the old man would accept them as apprentices if his master also realized such a thing. You should know that such a mysterious knife method would not be enough even if you spent your whole life to seek it. Why did his master spend precious time teaching them instead of using the rest of his time to study hard?

But as time went by, Wang Wenshun gradually understood the feelings of the old man at that time.

It is lonely at the top.

It is precisely because the understanding is too profound that it is too lonely. This is a lonely road. Only oneself can go on it. But people can't stand loneliness. They always want to communicate with others. What's more, if only oneself is moving forward, how can one know what is right and what is wrong?

After multiple discussions and multiple verifications, only the truth that everyone can use is the truth that can truly withstand verification.

"So, we still have to start with water."

Thinking of this, Wang Wenshun continued to talk to these evil spirit masters.

"You know the whirlpool, right? The spiraling water flow, the twisting force can draw everything around it, making the whirlpool itself stronger..."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

After hearing Wang Wenshun's explanation, several evil spirit masters have already understood.

Going around to find a suitable place to comprehend the realm shows that the accumulation of these evil spirit masters has reached a certain level. Now, the only thing left from truly breaking through the barrier is the final step - and under Wang Wenshun's reminder, these evil spirit masters have already realized that the truth of the world that was originally placed in front of them.

"So that's it, so that's it..."

Some evil spirit masters even clapped their hands in joy, and looked at Wang Wenshun with a sense of confidant.

This was very useful to Wang Wenshun.

Yes, that's what he wanted. If he really understood something, then this truth should not only be useful to him - everyone must be able to use it. After all, he has seen the vortexes on these people, which has verified his conjecture and proved his theory.

However, he still has a question.

Why hasn't he seen the vortex of the enemy yet?

It shouldn't be like this. You know, he has walked so close, even if there is a wall between him, he should be able to see the vortex - but he didn't see anything. The post station was like a pool of stagnant water, and he couldn't see any shadow of power fluctuations.

"It doesn't make sense..."

Wang Wenshun frowned.

"Did I find the wrong one?"

Yes, if there is any possibility, it is probably this one. The vortex of ordinary people is too weak, so small that it can be ignored, especially when there are evil masters next to them, the weak spiral force of ordinary people will be swept away by the evil masters almost instantly.

But he had clearly felt the whirlpool-like power before, so why couldn't he see it...

"Look! Look!"

It was at this moment that the evil masters around him suddenly shouted.

"The water is back!"

"What water... huh?"

Wang Wenshun looked up in astonishment, only to find that the raging waves he had swung out before had hit back again at some point.

More fierce, more intense, more...

"How is it possible?"

Amid the raging waves, Wang Wenshun's brain stopped working for a while.

How could the waves he had hit come back?

How could it be possible that after turning around...

"... Hey?"

Wang Wenshun, who was swept into the air, looked at the waves on the ground that had turned around and rolled back, and suddenly understood something.

It's not that he couldn't see the whirlpool.

But from the beginning, he had been swept into the huge whirlpool.

From the beginning, he shouldn't have come.

He shouldn't have...


Water splashed down, and Wang Wenshun completely lost consciousness.

It was not until dawn that the old post station reopened. However, when the old man in charge of the post station was about to open the door, he was stunned.

"What happened? Why is the sign broken?"

Looking at the scene outside the door, the old man was dumbfounded.

"And this river, where did it come from?"

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