In the Blade

Chapter 409 Backflow River

Sanshan Town originally had no river.

This is also the embarrassing part of Sanshan Town. Most villages and towns are built by the mountains and rivers. With water flowing through, it is more convenient for everyone to get water on weekdays. With mountains, people can go into the mountains in case of war. But Sanshan Town is an exception. There are indeed three mountains, but there is no water.

This is why Sanshan Town is still just a small town. The main reason is that the innate conditions are not very good. There is no river around, not to mention a proper stream. Fortunately, water can be obtained by digging a well, otherwise it would not be a place where people can live.

But now...

"We have our own river too?"

The front of the small river outside the post station is already crowded with local townspeople. These people holding pots and pans are crowded to the river. Everyone is obviously ready to scoop some water up to taste it.

The result of the tasting is that the water quality is actually quite good, not much worse than well water, at least it is at the level that can be drunk.

In addition, this small river itself has some stories.

Normal rivers flow from west to east, which is also basic common sense among the people. When you really can't find the direction, as long as you can find a stream or river, you can make a rough judgment of the direction by the direction of the water flow - but this common sense is a bit impractical for this small river in front of you.

Just because this small river flows from east to west.

Of course, this statement is not very rigorous. Strictly speaking, it is more like a river in the distance suddenly split into a fork, and the forked stream was originally going to go east, but it turned a corner at the side of this old post station, circled around, and went back to the original river - this fork that went back was the small river in front of the people of Sanshan Town. God knows how this thing came out, but the gurgling water in front of it is not fake.

"Is this... a good thing or a bad thing?"

The people of Sanshan Town don't know much about water conservancy, and they don't know whether this is a good thing or not.

But at least they know that there is one thing that must be done.

"Let's build a bridge first!"

This was the first reaction of the people after they drank the water.

Although it was a good thing to have running water, this new stream cut off the original road leading to Sanshan Town diagonally - of course, strictly speaking, it can't be considered a cut-off. With that little water depth, if someone wanted to cross, they could even wade through the water. But considering the traffic itself, everyone decided to build a bridge here.

What's more, it's more convenient to build a bridge now. After all, the old man in the post station next to him hired a tall man as a kitchen helper. Just look at the tall and strong man. He is taller than two people standing there. He is strong and powerful. He works more skillfully than a cow. With such a good helper, building a bridge is not easy.

After all, bridge building mainly depends on two aspects, one is materials and the other is labor. There are three mountains next to Sanshan Town, and there are stones and trees on the mountains. There is no shortage of materials. If there is any trouble, it is labor. A bridge is not a small project, and ordinary people can't handle it in a short time.

But it's different if there are extraordinary people?

"What? Bridge building?"

When everyone came to the door, the little giant looked like he hadn't woken up yet.

"It's just a small thing... Where to build it?"

That day, the people of Sanshan Town saw an unprecedented way of bridge building.

Originally, in the people's expectations, building a wooden bridge was almost enough. Find some wood to build it, and it is also convenient to transport the split materials-after all, whether it is Datang Mountain, Kangping Mountain, or Jubao Mountain where a mass grave was just buried, it is actually a bit far from here. The construction materials made are not so easy to transport, and the things that a carriage can carry at a time are also limited.

Of course, considering the durability, it is definitely better to build a stone bridge. Wood will rot if soaked in water for too long, but stone will not. In addition, compared with wood, a bridge built with stone is also stronger. If there is any problem, it is that it is more troublesome to cut the stone, and the cost of pulling it over is relatively high.

"But with this big guy, maybe building a stone bridge is not a big deal?"

Thinking about the strong body of the little giant, and then thinking about the stone slabs on the bridge that are like toys to the little giant, the people suddenly feel that it is not impossible to have more hope.

But what they didn't expect was that the little giant actually moved a stone bridge.

It was not a stone slab for building a bridge, but a whole stone bridge. The people who originally asked the little giant to help get stone materials from Kangping Mountain never thought that the little giant would bring back a bridge carved from a whole huge stone.

"Okay, it's done."

The wide and heavy stone bridge was rammed on the river by the little giant, but it was as easy as putting a piece of wood on the water.

After completing all this, the little giant even yawned.

It was at this time that the people realized that from the time the little giant was called up to the completion of the bridge, the entire project did not even take more than half an hour.

"So... wait, where did this river come from?"

Perhaps because of the cold water splashing on his body, the little giant finally woke up a little.

"How did this thing suddenly appear?"

No one could answer the little giant's question, after all, the people themselves didn't know how this river came out.

But no matter what, it is a good thing at the moment. A river flowing backwards, plus a bridge made of a whole stone, has formed a scene worth seeing. Originally, the people were going to call this bridge the Giant Bridge. After all, they saw that it took the little giant half an hour to build it. But under the little giant's strong refusal, everyone finally changed the name, hiding the existence of the little giant, and called the bridge "Yingye Bridge".

The name "Yingye" simply means that the river water came out overnight, and no one knows what happened.

However, the backward river and the overnight bridge have a poetic meaning.

Poetic meaning is a good thing. Although the people of Sanshan Town can't use it themselves, those outside can use it. So, after just a few days, the reputation of the overnight bridge and the backward river spread, attracting many literati and poets to come and watch, and even many pretentious Jianghu people were attracted to marvel at the bridge and the river.

Of course, not all the people in the martial arts world come here to show off their knowledge.

There are also some sharp-eyed people in the martial arts world who are keenly aware of the problem.

"This river water did not appear overnight."

On this day, a handsome young man with a folding fan in his hand walked on the bridge, looking at the river water flowing under his feet.

"Do you feel it? Someone once fought here, and they were definitely top masters... The aftermath of their fight was too fierce, causing the river water in the distance to change course, which led to the appearance of this reverse flow river."

"... What you said is nonsense, even a dog can see it."

Beside the handsome young man, a knight with a long sword on his waist was shaking his head.

"Such a strange phenomenon appeared overnight, it must be because of the fight between the strong, not to mention that the whereabouts of Jingtao Dao Wang Wenyuan are unknown recently. This is definitely him..."

"Wang Wenyuan is Polang Dao, right? I remember Jingtao Dao is Wang Wenshun?"

The handsome young man turned his head.

"You remembered it wrong, didn't you? You must have remembered it wrong, right?"

"... If you keep making noise, do you believe I will throw you into the river?"

Facing the repeated provocations of the handsome young man, the swordsman finally couldn't hold it anymore.

"Shut up, I have something serious to do."

"What serious things can you have..."

Halfway through his words, the handsome young man shut his mouth wisely.

It was only because he saw a rare serious look on the face of the swordsman.

This kind of look is not common. After all, with the swordsman's skills, there are very few people in the world who can make him serious-but at the moment, the swordsman is not only extremely serious, but he even leaned over and closed his eyes, carefully stroking the stone bridge under his feet.

"Is there anything wrong with this bridge...?"

The handsome young man also frowned slightly.

"This is obviously done by a master..."


The swordsman waved his hand, signaling the handsome young man to shut up.

It's nonsense indeed. A bridge carved from a whole piece of stone. Even a dog can tell that this is definitely done by a master. It's just because ordinary people can't do this. The transportation cost alone is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Only those masters of evil spirit can master such a huge power to blast a large piece of rock that doesn't belong here all the way here.

But, is it really blasted here?

"No, the technique should be more delicate."

The swordsman carefully sensed the stone bridge under his feet.

Yes, it is definitely a more delicate technique. After all, the force blasted by the masters of evil spirit is fierce enough, but it is too uncontrollable. It may be easy to destroy a piece of stone with that huge force, but it is almost impossible to move a piece of stone. The reason why it is almost is that there are still people who can do it, but this kind of thing is extremely difficult. Only the top masters of evil spirit can have such exquisite control.

"It's like being carried all the way here..."

The swordsman frowned more and more.

Such exquisite control is not something that the masters of evil spirit can do. This kind of force control is too delicate and its difficulty is almost inhuman.

Of course, there is another possibility.

"That is, the opponent is not using evil spirit."

Thinking of this, the swordsman couldn't help but raise his head and look at the river water under the bridge.

Speaking of the river water, we have to mention Wang Wenyuan, the Jingtao Knife - or Wang Wenshun, anyway, he has never remembered the names of these brothers. However, although he can't remember these difficult names, he has heard of the amazing skills.

It is said that this Jingtao Knife has walked a different path outside of evil spirit.

He once wondered how different this so-called different path could be, but now looking at this water and this bridge, the swordsman seems to understand something vaguely.

"That is indeed a completely different path from evil spirit... or in other words, the essence of evil spirit."

Thinking of this, the swordsman sighed softly.

He originally thought that he was the only one who saw through the essence of evil spirit.

But now it seems that he underestimated the heroes of the world!

"Amazing... Really amazing."

Thinking like this, the swordsman looked at the river water under his feet again, but his eyes had changed.

It was no longer the look of looking at the river water, but more like looking at a rising star!

"So who are you talking about as amazing?"

The handsome young man smiled embarrassedly.

"Oh, are you talking about me? This is really..."

"Shut your mouth."

The swordsman finally couldn't help it, and raised his hand to throw the handsome man into the river.

But who would have thought that although the handsome man was frivolous, his skills were not bad. With just a few twists, he got out of the swordsman's control, and then he hit the swordsman with a folding fan, and he was going to knock the swordsman into the bottom of the water!

"Come on!"

The swordsman also picked up the sheathed long sword in his arms, and the two of them immediately fought.

This may be the life of masters. Occasionally fighting is as common as eating and drinking for these masters-but for those passers-by, this is very troublesome.

Originally, when there was no river here, if someone really fought on the road, everyone could just go around and pass by, but now there is a river blocking the road, and the two jianghu are fighting on the bridge, which directly blocks the road for everyone to pass, making the people who pass by angry dare not speak.

They really dare not speak, if it were the ruffians in the town, they might dare to curse a few words on the street, but these jianghu, they really have weapons and will really kill people.

Let alone other things, just looking at the current situation, if someone goes up to say a few words and is killed by a sword, and the other party says after the fight, "The sword has no eyes, who asked you to come here by yourself", then the death will be considered in vain, and there will be no place to reason, what can be done?

"There must be some way!"

Thinking of this, the local people with smart brains simply plunged into the post station next to them.

After the bridge repair, the local people had some impression of the little giant. Now that there was trouble, the first person they thought of was the little giant. After all, the little giant was taller than two people standing there, and he looked like he could fight. There shouldn't be any problem if such a tough guy went to persuade them to stop fighting, right?

But what these people didn't expect was that the little giant actually shook his head.

"There's no need to persuade them to fight, just let them fight."

Facing the people's request, the little giant scratched his head.

"If you persuade them once, there will be a second time. If you ask me, I might as well find a place for them to fight... Well, I must solve it this time, right? Okay, I'll ask someone else to help."

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