In the Blade

Chapter 423 The Only Pen

The picture of polishing the bald pen continued, and Du Chengfeng continued to watch it.

However, there is no explanation for what follows. Basically, it is about the story of Yuan Zhixian. Yuan Zhixian was originally a painter. Since his family was quite wealthy, he also learned some martial arts, but his status as a painter was not suitable for holding a knife. Carrying a sword, Magistrate Yuan chose the Judge's Pen as his portable weapon - perhaps because painters often need to find inspiration. Magistrate Yuan has done a lot of research on those strange legends, so he knew that this The bald pen thing.

"This is the best judge's pen in the world, it must have incredible power!"

As someone who has seen all this, Du Chengfeng wants to say that this pen is actually not that outrageous. It is just a bald pen with a knife on the other end. If you bring a monkey over, the monkey can complete the assembly.

But the facts told him that it was not what he thought at all.

Yuan Zhixian, who was originally only a first-class master, immediately became a top master the moment he got this pen.

Unlike most swords and other weapons, this pen can perfectly adapt to Yuan Zhixian's exquisite painting skills - whenever Yuan Zhixian kills someone, the residual evil spirit will condense on the tip of the pen, and When Yuan Zhixian paints with this pen, the evil spirit will be poured into the painting, making the painting look lifelike and indistinguishable from the real thing.

"Isn't this just that, that, that..."

Du Chengfeng immediately remembered the Feiyan and paper figures he had seen before, and wondered how these strange things were made?

It is precisely because of this special ability that Yuan Zhixian's painting skills have been qualitatively improved. At the same time, because of the fame of his paintings, Yuan Zhixian's family has become richer - of course, well-off. It is also easy for people to worry about family wealth, but every time, Yuan Zhixian can use the bald pen in his hand to kill the enemy on the spot.

The more people he killed, the more he gained a reputation in martial arts. More and more people knew that this man named Yuan was good at fighting, which also led to more and more masters coming to him for advice.

As the saying goes, Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. Why are you the strongest?

But the facts have proved that this Yuan Zhixian is indeed the strongest one.

At least when Yuan Zhixian was young, he had never failed.

However, continuing to fight like this every day is not what Yuan Zhixian wants. He was originally just a painter, and all he wanted was to make progress in painting - that was far more interesting to Yuan Zhixian than killing people, but Now that he was fighting all day long, he had almost no time to paint.

Therefore, Yuan Zhixian wanted to remain anonymous.

"...Why does this experience look so familiar?"

Du Chengfeng suddenly felt a little embarrassed.


So similar.

Although he and Yuan Zhixian have different specific experiences, if you just look at each other's ideas, they are exactly the same.

However, precisely because of the different experiences, Yuan Zhixian's solution to the problem is also different from Du Chengfeng's - Du Chengfeng took the familiar villagers and forcibly created a tree in the barren mountains. After leaving the village, Yuan Zhixian suddenly became fond of this remote but peaceful and peaceful place after traveling to Sanshan Town.

Then Yuan Zhixian lived here.

Nearly a hundred years have passed since this time, and it was at this time that Du Chengfeng realized that Yuan Zhixian was far from being as young as he looked - if you include the years of fighting and fighting with others, this Magistrate Yuan is probably over 150 years old. However, perhaps because of his excessive strength, even though he is already a man of great age, Yuan Zhixian still looks like he did when he was young.

In these long years, Yuan Zhixian has changed dozens of different identities in order to cover up his abnormality. Sometimes he was a local farmer with a small fortune, and after a few years he became an outsider. The rich man who came here would sometimes travel as a student, and after that, he would come back here as a teacher... His identity may have been changing, but what remains unchanged is Yuan Zhixian The most outrageous thing about this man is that every time he changes his identity, the locals don't notice anything unusual.

In Yuan Zhixian's own opinion, this is because his disguise skills are superb enough and he can perfectly disguise himself as the identity he wants every time - but from Du Chengfeng's perspective, it is completely different. The most obvious example is pretending to be a local farmer, but not even a clue about his body. A white plain shirt may be considered down-to-earth in terms of tailoring, but this kind of unwashed clothes is really Can I wear it in daily life?

Although such a big flaw was exposed, no one noticed anything was wrong. This was not so much Yuan Zhixian's skill as it was the credit of this pen.

Yes, as the world's first judge pen, it naturally has the functions of other judge pens, such as being easy to carry and easy to disguise - and when the power of camouflage is extended, it can camouflage and even forger the entire person.

To put it simply, while Yuan Zhixian still holds this bald pen, as long as he does not take the initiative to die on his own, his sense of existence will be greatly weakened. Most of the time, no one will think of him, even if something happens to him. Things, people will only think that he is an innocent ordinary person.

"No wonder..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but think of his previous experiences.

Obviously, his judgment was correct. It was not because the yamen runners suddenly became stupid, nor was it because of his superb rhetoric. The reason why those people believed him was purely because of this bald pen. As the holder of the bald pen, he would only be regarded as an ordinary person even if he stood in front of those yamen runners.

Of course, if he showed his power, it would be another matter, but those yamen runners only saw the ruins after all, and did not see him at full power.

"This is an ordinary person with some ability."

For him, those yamen runners probably made such a judgment. After all, he showed the ability to enlarge his arms and exposed the existence of those paper figures - but compared with his previous giant height of two feet, this little thing is nothing.

It is precisely because of this that Du Chengfeng became more aware of the power of this pen.

Indeed, this pen cannot swing a fire blade, and it is not easy to use it to kill people, but in terms of practicality, this pen is simply more powerful than any evil weapon he has ever seen - and this pen is not really incapable of fighting. The fight yesterday was already very obvious. He drew two knives and was suppressed on the spot. In the end, he had to rely on his fists to win.

And this is the third use of the judge's pen besides disguise and painting.

Dip in ink.

If you just fight with this County Magistrate Yuan, it is difficult to notice this. Of course, there are indeed a few smart people who realized the problem during the battle, but that was their last memory before they died - only by observing from the main perspective like Du Chengfeng can you notice the abnormality of this judge's pen.

This bald pen can actually extract evil spirits like dipping in ink.

Only when there is evil spirit on the knife can it be called an evil spirit weapon. If the evil spirit is dipped away, what is left is just ordinary iron. This pen has been held by hundreds of people, but none of them can really play this function, just because most of them are people from the underworld and know nothing about calligraphy and painting.

Only County Magistrate Yuan, who is proficient in painting skills, can keenly perceive this most ferocious function and operate it freely.

"Perhaps this County Magistrate Yuan was born for this pen."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh.

After many years of twists and turns, this world's number one judge's pen finally met County Magistrate Yuan who was most suitable to use it, and County Magistrate Yuan finally got the weapon that was most suitable for him to use. This absolutely perfect cooperation has played a far more effective effect than one plus one is greater than two. It is precisely because of this perfect mutual adaptation that County Magistrate Yuan is so strong that he is almost invincible.

Of course, he is not necessarily invincible. After all, the world is so big, and there may be more hidden masters. But how can we say this? Those who dare to fight him cannot beat him, and those who can beat him are unwilling to come out to fight. After rounding it off, he is indeed invincible.

However, is invincibility really a good thing?

Perhaps it is a good thing for County Magistrate Yuan himself. He has no enemies, no opponents, and no one can stop him holding a pen. He can do whatever he wants. County Magistrate Yuan even thought about claiming to be an emperor, but this kind of thing is really boring after practice, so he regarded Sanshan Town as his own territory, and stayed here all day to indulge in poetry and painting, not caring about worldly affairs.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't care about worldly affairs. For example, the last magistrate of Sanshan Town was too greedy, causing the people to complain. Even Magistrate Yuan, who was not a magistrate at the time, couldn't paint properly. He couldn't even buy some paint. So Magistrate Yuan painted a swallow and killed the magistrate. Then he went to Jiankang to get a reputation and became the magistrate.


Seeing this, Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

Perhaps from the perspective of behavior, Magistrate Yuan did a good thing, but from the perspective of the matter itself, Magistrate Yuan was outrageous to a certain extent. Magistrate Yuan didn't think about punishing evil and eliminating evil at all. He just did whatever he wanted. Whether it was etiquette, law, or the most basic morality, it was meaningless to Magistrate Yuan. There was no rule that could restrain this invincible monster.

This can be clearly seen from the painting paper of County Magistrate Yuan. At the beginning, County Magistrate Yuan only used ordinary rice paper to paint. After he was over 50 years old, that is, after he became invincible, he only used the best paper. In the following 100 years of seclusion, County Magistrate Yuan tried various materials to improve his painting skills.

In the past ten years, most of the paper used by County Magistrate Yuan has turned into human skin.

Skinning for painting is an extremely cruel act for anyone, but for County Magistrate Yuan, it can only be regarded as a pastime in his spare time and a normal material preparation. In order to make the peeled skin more delicate and complete, County Magistrate Yuan even took the time to learn the skinning craft.

Such behavior is already crazy, but what can be done even if it is crazy? Who can punish this invincible man?

"Hey, I knew it."

At the end of the picture, Du Chengfeng saw his big face again.

The most suitable person met the most suitable weapon. This is indeed a perfect combination, and this perfect combination has indeed played its due ferocity - but perhaps because County Magistrate Yuan was really too reckless, this most perfect combination finally waited for the most suitable opponent.

Du Chengfeng, who had just compressed his body, just perfectly restrained the performance of the judge's pen. All attacks were completely useless. County Magistrate Yuan, who had never lost, finally suffered the first defeat in his life.

However, County Magistrate Yuan did not have a second chance to fail. Just after losing this time, he was beaten into a second dimension and embedded in the floor tiles.


After watching all this, Du Chengfeng held the bald pen in his hand and sighed.

The sinful life of County Magistrate Yuan was also a cruel warning for him.

Even if he is invincible, what can he do?

You must know that there are always people and heavens in this world.

"If County Magistrate Yuan had learned more of the latest popular techniques, he wouldn't have been so passive in the fight."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng sighed more and more.

That's true. If County Magistrate Yuan could fight him for two hours with a knife like Wu Zhao, or if he could kill him again and again like Huang Tian, ​​then he might really be forced into a panic. However, County Magistrate Yuan really relied too much on the power of this bald pen. He used this pen to fight all the time, but the tricks used by this bald pen had no effect on him now, and he could almost be said to be countered by nature.

Indeed, it was this bald pen that made County Magistrate Yuan invincible for a time, but it was also this bald pen that led to County Magistrate Yuan's death.

Of course, strictly speaking, this is actually a problem of County Magistrate Yuan himself.

If County Magistrate Yuan had a good character and had not done those crazy things, how could he need to hide his head and show his tail, or even be afraid of people coming to his door?

"But in the end, I still have to learn more. It's good to have more skills."

Thinking of the fight just now, Du Chengfeng was afraid. It was just that he was a natural nemesis of this bald pen at that time, otherwise he would be sent to the second dimension.

Maybe luck did help him win this battle, but he can't just leave his life to luck.

Fortunately, everything is finally over, and this pen has become his strength.

And the sun still rises as usual.

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