In the Blade

Chapter 424 The sun rises as usual

Even if the county magistrate was killed in Sanshan Town, the sun would still rise as usual.

It's just that a magistrate died, so it's not a big deal. It's not like magistrates haven't died in the past few years, and everyone hasn't had the same experience. It's just waiting for the new magistrate to come over. Everyone is already familiar with this process.

The death of a county magistrate does not have much impact on Sanshan Town itself. If there is any change, it is probably that the floor tiles of the county government cannot be repaired.

The dead Yuan Zhixian was shoveled up, but the mark left behind was still there. Because the power of the punch was too great, the floor tiles were crushed to death on the ground - the county government's ground repair was not good. Okay, this made all the government officials anxious and anxious, but no matter what they tried, these floor tiles with marks still couldn't be pried off.

"How about pouring some mortar in."

A craftsman who was called over came up with an idea.

Mortar is mainly used when building walls. When the bricks of large-scale city walls are stacked together, they need some mortar to smooth the cracks. Of course, Sanshan Town cannot afford to repair the city wall, and there is no need to repair it, but this mortar Now it is just right to use it to repair the dented marks on the floor tiles.

The only problem is that the craftsmen are not very good at their craftsmanship. The floor has been patched up, but the color is still a little different from the surrounding floor tiles. If you look down, you can still see a human figure lying there.

"Forget it, it's almost done."

Considering that it would be too troublesome to rework and even need to add some extra money, the government officials simply made do with it - anyway, they don't live in the county government, so it's cool, how can they really continue to add money just because of such a trivial matter?

"Let's just think of it as commemorating Yuan Zhixian. After all, he was indeed a good man... What? You said the person who died on the ground was not Yuan Zhixian? Didn't he look very similar to Yuan Zhixian? Doesn't it make any difference if he is rounded?"

In fact, there are some differences. For example, for the missing Yuan Zhixian, the government officials were grateful that he pointed out a way to make money-that is, the mass grave ticket business, so they all contributed some money to Yuan Zhixian at the gathering. A cenotaph was built over there in Baoshan.

As for the thief who was dug out... because the death situation was too horrible to watch, after the officials dug him out, they didn't know how to bury him for a while. But just during this hesitation, several wild dogs ran over, like He tore the thief into pieces like a painting, then ran away with it in his mouth.

Logically speaking, every wrongdoer has his own debtor. Even if the thief who pretended to be the county magistrate dies, his body must be handed over for questioning. But now that is the case, everyone can only make the big thing a trivial one.

Only the mortar marks in the county government office can still be regarded as traces left by the thief, and they can also be regarded as a new attraction in Sanshan Town.

It's a pity that this new attraction is inside the county government office, so it's not easy to collect tickets.

Of course, in addition to this scenic spot, there may be another insignificant impact, that is, the number of swallows that used to be on the beams of every household has been significantly reduced recently. Although the swallows' nests are still there, the swallows are no longer there. Fly back.

On the contrary, there is an extra swallow's nest on the beam of the inn outside the town.

"We have swallows too!"

The young man carrying the iron whip was extremely excited. He saw flying swallows coming in and out of the swallow's nest. He finally felt that this inn felt a bit like home.

Seeing the young man's excited look, Du Chengfeng, the back cook, scratched his head. After thinking for a moment, he finally decided not to tell the truth of the matter - although the swallows in the inn were not real at all, and It's what Yuan Zhixian didn't use up in the battle, but even if the swallows painted can make people happy, that's good.

And it was also a good thing for Du Chengfeng himself. He could use these swallows to familiarize himself with the use of the bald pen.

It's probably impossible to let him draw by himself. If he had to draw, he would most likely only be able to draw classic stick figures, or some strange deformed monsters - fortunately, when Yuan Zhixian was fighting him , instead of using up all his works, it also gave him the opportunity to experience this magical power.

This is indeed a magical power. Those swallows that are just paintings can actually be as flexible as normal swallows, and even know how to eat insects.

"Is it because... it's lifelike?"

Du Chengfeng, who already had some understanding of the power of will, quickly understood the operating logic of this thing.

Because the painting is so similar, everyone who sees it thinks it is real. When everyone thinks this thing is real, it can really become real - the good news is that this nonsense actually works It really works. The bad news is that his plan to make the stickman stand up is probably impossible.

"The painting must be lifelike... Do I need to start learning to paint?"

Shaking his head, Du Chengfeng immediately put the matter behind him.

It is true that he is keen on learning new things, but painting is not a new thing. He has no talent in this area. Learning hard will only torture himself. Of course, if he has time in the future, he may also find some free time to learn hard. Practice for a while, but now, he has no intention of making himself uncomfortable, not to mention that he has not met any famous teachers who can teach him.

Indeed, he saw all of Yuan Zhixian's painting techniques from Yuan Zhixian's memory, but what can I say about this kind of thing... If it were some martial arts moves, it might be relatively simple for him to learn them. After all, this thing belongs to human body mechanics and is ever-changing. If you don't deviate from your sect, no matter how poorly you practice, you're still just copying a cat.

But for things like painting, if you haven’t practiced it, you haven’t practiced it. It doesn’t mean that you can become a master after watching a master paint. The master’s understanding of space, light and shadow, composition, image, etc., he There is nothing at all. Even if you follow the gourd and draw the scoop, you won't be able to draw anything.

"There are a lot of things that you can't learn from just watching..."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng felt a little emotional. He thought that when he was just starting out, his knife-sharpening skills could allow him to perfectly inherit the original owner's skills. In his memory, things he couldn't learn actually began to appear.

Just like the big knife that has been with him for a long time.


Seeing that there was no one around, Du Chengfeng simply took out his two big knives again.

Looking at these two swords, Du Chengfeng felt a little sad. To be fair, these two swords did nothing wrong. They were already very powerful, especially Yang Sanlang, who could follow him from an ordinary man in the village to where he is now. The situation is really not easy. You have to know that he has thought several times that this knife will not be able to keep up with his fighting intensity, but this knife has never let him down.

The other sword, the gray-black fire phoenix who was once his defeated enemy, did not cause any trouble with him. Of course, this may be because the gray-black fire phoenix is ​​still tortured by the illusory sword, but no matter In other words, this knife also supplemented his combat power.


Du Chengfeng sighed again, which also made the two swords jump uneasily.

"Ah, it's okay, I just want to take a breath."

Saying this, Du Chengfeng pulled out the Huangtian Cervical Sword from his waist, raised his hand to open the hole, and stuffed the two swords back in.

The new equipment is more convenient. One is a portable storage warehouse, and the other is a natural camouflage. Although strictly speaking, these two things are not particularly convenient for fighting, but does he still need to draw a sword when fighting someone? ?

"Already, there is no need for weapons."

Du Chengfeng glanced at his palm.

Now he himself is the best weapon.

It is not a humanoid weapon like Nanchen Taizu who is theoretically humanoid, but in reality it still looks like a flesh and blood body. At present, his body is a weapon that has truly experienced the whole forging. Although he does not even understand the specific process, under the determined Under his will, his body has indeed become comparable to the ultra-high alloy powdered high-speed steel in his memory.

Considering the issue of productivity, this kind of top-notch material has never appeared in this world at all, and those ordinary evil swords, which are as high as the level of folded and forged pattern steel, are probably not qualified to touch his body. A touch.

"Unless... it's something like this."

Du Chengfeng looked at the bald pen hanging on his waist.

The small blade on this bald pen is not made of top-grade steel, but it is the world's first judge pen after all. It seems to contain all people's understanding of the judge pen - so when this pen stabbed him , it became a battle of will against will. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that the pen was able to make a hole in his palm.

"I still can't be too confident. There are still things in this world that can hurt me."

Du Chengfeng, who had suffered a loss, was keenly aware of this, and he quickly calmed down and stopped being complacent.

After all, Yuan Zhixian taught him as a lesson learned that if a person is too dissolute, he will die. When a person thinks he is invincible, that is when he is closest to death.

What's more, there may be other masters in Sanshan Town right now.

After all, judging from his previous battle with Yuan Zhixian, Yuan Zhixian's entire skill lies in pen and ink. He is a master of using the judge's pen, but not a master of using spiral power.

So the problem lies here.

It was not Yuan Zhixian who took action against the King of Jingtao Sword that night.

"Who is it?"

Du Chengfeng became increasingly puzzled.

This is also the reason why he has not left in a hurry until now. After all, he himself has tasted the benefits of turning the spiral. He is just a beginner and has gained so much, so how big will the masters lurking here be? Ability?

Without finding this person, it would be impossible to determine whether they were friends or foes, and Du Chengfeng would not be able to sleep well.

It's not appropriate for him to do it by himself. After all, he has already sort of called a roll call in Sanshan Town. It's easy to alert someone by making a sudden move. Since the other party chooses to lurk, they don't want him to know their identity. In this case, the more he takes the initiative to look for it, the deeper the person will hide.

Fortunately, now he doesn't need to go out and look for it himself.


Two swallows poked their heads out of the swallow's nest in the beam, then flapped their wings and flew out the door.

Holding the bald pen in his hand, Du Chengfeng could even vaguely see what the two swallows saw, and the sounds the two swallows heard would echo in his ears like sounds coming from afar - Although the fidelity is not that high, it is hidden enough, especially in Sanshan Town where almost every household has a swallow's nest. No one will find it strange that swallows come in and out of any house.

"Wait, every household has a swallow's nest?"

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng felt more and more that Yuan Zhixian was not authentic.

Fortunately, there was no swallow's nest here at the inn. Otherwise, if he had gone to the well to take a bath in the middle of the night, he might not have finished reading it all.

Fortunately, the Magistrate Yuan was killed by him, and most of the swallows were blown into ink, and the few remaining swallows also became his possessions - he did not think that the blown-up swallows were a waste, after all, he could not bear too many swallows, and now the two swallows were only separated by two perspectives, which was just within his comfortable range of seeing things.

The swallows flew over the stone bridge at the entrance. There were obviously fewer pedestrians on the stone bridge. Obviously, the series of murders had a little impact on Sanshan Town after all, not to mention that the popularity of the mass grave had passed. I heard from the young man that there were vacancies in the thatched cottages for rent in Jubao Mountain recently, which was enough to show that everyone had no interest in this artificial enlightenment place.

After flying around the mass grave, the two swallows flew back to Sanshan Town, landed on the treetops, and observed the pedestrians around.

In fact, there is nothing to observe. After all, the town is just like that. The sun rises as usual, and everyone works as usual. Now the sun is about to set, and everyone goes home to rest.

"But the sunset over the bell and drum tower is really nice..."

Through the eyes of the two swallows, Du Chengfeng also saw the setting sun.

If you think about it this way, these two swallows seem to be more suitable as aerial photography drones?

No wonder that County Magistrate Yuan is full of artistic cells. It turns out that he enjoys such beautiful scenery every day.

"In fact, if you are not a human, it is not bad to be a bird."

Du Chengfeng suddenly felt that this kind of free flying can also be regarded as a very enjoyable thing.

However, at this time, there was a bigger bird that filled his sight.

It was a terrifying bird that was three stories high.


Du Chengfeng tried to adjust at the fastest speed, but the huge bird still raised its claws.

Just by raising its claws, not even deliberately attacking, one of the two swallows had exploded into a ball of ink on the spot.


Du Chengfeng felt a sudden pain in his left eye, which made him furious.

"Dare to kill my bird?"

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