In the Blade

Chapter 425: Evil Monster

As we all know, there are many evil spirit masters in this world, but they are not the only evil spirit masters.

Only those who have successfully mastered evil spirit can be called evil spirit masters. So of course, there will be successes and failures - but for evil spirit masters, failure is no big deal. Trying to do it again, when they fail to defeat the evil spirit will bring When affected, the evil spirit will in turn take away their sanity.

If the amount of evil energy was not so large, it would be easier to deal with. Even if Madman Wu was able to fight, he would still be within the range of being quickly suppressed.

But if the evil spirit is strong enough...

"Give, give, give, give -"

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the big bird, which was three stories high, screamed strangely and spread its wings.

The flesh and blood on the wings had rotted, and the stinking thick water and the rotting flesh and blood were thrown out by the movement of spreading its wings - but even if the flesh and blood were separated from the body, this huge strange bird was still unconscious. Not only could there be no pain in his eyes, but there was also a bit of crazy joy in them.

"Run! Run!"

The local residents fled frantically, and their instinct for life made them desperately stay away from the big bird. Although they still don't know where the big bird came from, they at least know one thing. The thing is, this big bird will definitely kill them.

But how could two legs outrun nine wings?

"Quack! Huh——"

One of the three heads of the strange bird suddenly lowered, and bit a commoner who could not escape. Then the three heads tore, and actually tore the innocent man into three pieces!

Dazzling blood sprinkled from mid-air, which made people even more panicked.

" could this happen?"

Over at the county government office, the government officials who were just about to return home from get off work also saw this tragic scene. Although they were far apart, the big bird standing on the Bell and Drum Tower was really too conspicuous - that huge figure, With its twisted posture and the bloody rain that it sheds from time to time, this monster is already terrifying just standing there.

So why exactly is this happening? Why is it so unlucky? The death of a county magistrate is already troublesome enough, why does this one appear again?

"Quick... find the master quickly!"

No matter how panicked they were, the government officials still made the most correct decision as quickly as possible.

Although Sanshan Town has not experienced the invasion of evil monsters very much, if you have never eaten pork, you have at least seen pigs running away. Outside Sanshan Town, when encountering such a situation, everyone will go directly to the experts to deal with it. of.

This is a rare time when masters can be useful, not in meaningless battles, but to fight against these monsters that harm one party.

However, most masters are unwilling to take this kind of job. The reason is very simple. If the harm is not done to them, then why should they fight against the monsters? Of course, if the monsters attack the industries of these masters, then it will be a different matter. Never mind, if the matter falls on you, you still have to fight if you should, but in this situation...

"Heavy reward!"

The leader of the Yamen gritted his teeth and said this with tears in his eyes.

That is really a toothache. After all, there is no county magistrate in the county government at the moment. If they really want to pay out reward money, it will be their own money - I am afraid that not all the ticket money collected during these days will be spit out, or even It takes a lot to get in.

However, this kind of thing is not something they can just refuse to give if they want. When the money is spent, what they are buying is their own lives.

After all, as ordinary people, it is impossible for them to outrun this terrifying strange bird.

"It just so happens that there are not many Jianghu people in the town right now! I'm offering a huge reward! We must let them kill this bird!"

The rest of the government officials quickly took orders and left. Some went to the town, some started to rush out, and some simply rushed to Jubao Mountain - the mass grave on Jubao Mountain has the most martial arts masters in Sanshan Town at the moment. place, as long as we invite the people over there, we will definitely be able to...

"Kill that monster!"

While the government officials were busy looking for support, several Jianghu people with knives and swords were already rushing towards the monster.

In this situation, looking at the few Jianghu people charging towards the monster, even though the government officials did not have a good impression of the Jianghu people, they still wanted to clasp their fists and call them heroes at this moment!

"The great hero's kindness will be unforgettable in Sanshan Town!"

The government officials bowed their hands and saluted the knights passing by in mid-air. This was the only thing they could do at the moment.

But what they didn't see was that the knights had a bit of sneer on their faces in response to their courtesy.

"Look, they still have to thank us."

On the roof, a big man with a sword who was running fast couldn't help laughing.

"They may not know what they are encountering yet."

"They should say thank you. After all, we can help them get rid of the violence."

Another young man in green shirt with a long sword on his waist also laughed.

That should indeed be laughed at, after all, it was rare for them to catch up with a good thing - a huge monster may be called a moving natural disaster to ordinary people, but to them, masters of evil spirits, it is a rare treasure.

As we all know, evil spirit monsters were originally evil spirit masters who lost their minds. The out-of-control evil energy alienated their flesh and blood, turning them into monsters.

But even if they become monsters, they are still masters of evil spirits.

If they are masters of evil spirits, they must have some property and foundation. Even if they are really penniless, they must carry their own personal weapons. This is the source of their evil spirits and their power. Even if they become evil spirit monsters, they must carry a broken weapon with them.

This means that whoever can kill these evil spirit monsters can get the final legacy of these evil spirit masters.

This is why they rushed here in the first place. It is not to eliminate violence and protect the good, but to kill the monster in the first place and take away the magic weapon from the monster.

As for why it is a magic weapon, there is no need to ask about it. After all, the monster is so big and looks so fierce. As we all know, the more evil spirits there are, the bigger the evil spirit monsters will be. The bigger the monster is, the more powerful the treasures will be after killing the monster.

They don't kill monsters that are too small. After all, the benefits are too low. They only kill big guys, only those large monsters that may carry good things.

What kind of good stuff will this giant bird, which is three stories high, carry?

"Hurry up! We must do it before others come!"

"Don't give them the chance to call the military commander!"

"What are you thinking! This is not Jiankang! Where can we find a military commander here!"

"That's right! Wouldn't that be a waste for us brothers?"

Several knights flew over the roofs and eaves, looking at their relaxed and carefree appearance, and they didn't take the monster seriously at all.

It was indeed not taken seriously. After all, for these knights from Jiankang, they had killed countless similar monsters. With sufficient experience, how could they be afraid of these three big birds?

Now there are no military commanders following the eunuchs to snatch the monsters, it is a good time for them to show their skills!


The big man with a sword in the front has already chopped down with a sword.

The majestic sword energy was like a bolt from the blue, and the big bird that was hit immediately rolled all the way down the bell and drum tower!

But after the success, there was no joy on the face of the big man.


"Don't fight with me! This bird is mine!"

The young man in green with a sword laughed immediately, and his cheetah-like agile figure pounced on the falling bird.

"Brother! Thank you! Since you didn't win this time, I'll go first..."

As he said this, the young man in green had already drawn the sword from his waist and stabbed the bird.

At such a distance, the sword naturally couldn't stab it, but the sword shadow of the sword was enough to penetrate the bird completely - but it was only after the sword was stabbed that the young man in green realized that the feeling of the stab was completely different.

"It's so hard! How could it be!"

The young man in green was shocked. He didn't expect that his fatal stab couldn't even pierce the feathers of the monster.

But just when he was about to change his moves, one of the three heads of the monster suddenly stretched out.

The giant mouth bit down, and the young man in green shirt was immediately torn apart in half, but the remaining half of his body was already bitten by the other two monster heads.

Smart hunters often appear as prey.

"Have you awakened your wisdom..."

Seeing that his companion who was just chatting just now suddenly died tragically on the spot, the big man with a sword couldn't help but sweat.

Awakening wisdom, this is a specific term. After all, these monsters whose bodies have been alienated by evil spirits are impossible to regain their sanity - but some cunning monsters still have the possibility of accumulating wisdom, but this so-called wisdom is not the wisdom in the usual sense, not the wisdom used for reading and literacy, nor the wisdom of human relations.

These monsters will only awaken one kind of wisdom.

That is the wisdom of killing.

The monsters that awakened wisdom were more cunning and more brutal. Fighting again and again turned them from violent beasts into cunning beasts. Just like just now, the three big birds even knew how to show weakness to lure the encirclers to underestimate the enemy and advance rashly. This was no ordinary monster!

"We must kill this monster quickly!"

At this moment, the big man with the sword had made the most correct judgment.

However, it was just a judgment.

After swinging the first knife, he knew that this monster was definitely not something he could kill. When he just chopped it down, he knew that the real size of this monster was definitely more than five stories high. The most terrifying thing was that this three-headed bird was extremely smart. It even knew how to shrink itself to the size of a three-story building by dismantling its flesh and blood, so as to use people's misjudgment to kill it as quickly as possible!

Why is there such a monster in this small Sanshan Town?

Why haven't I heard of this cunning monster before?

"Gee, gee, gee, gee, gee--"

The three-headed strange bird shouted happily, which made several evil masters look pale.

Obviously, the reason why this strange bird made such a sound was simply because it found that their prey could no longer escape.

Even if two legs ran out of sparks, it was impossible to outrun nine wings.

Not to mention that after eating people, the nine wings of this monster had grown into twelve.

"Gaga! Huh--"

The three-headed strange bird just turned around, and all the masters from Jiankang had turned into corpses - the facts proved that no matter how gloomy their faces were, it was of no help to the battle itself, especially after they took the initiative to walk into the ambush circle of the strange bird. From the moment they rushed over, they could no longer survive.

"Give give give give give give give give -"

After swallowing the corpses of several evil masters in succession, the three-headed strange bird became bigger and bigger, and the rotten flesh on its body gradually began to heal and become shiny.

This three-headed strange bird has become stronger again.

"How could it be..."

In the county government, the yamen runners were almost crazy. They never thought that those confident knights not only did not cause any harm to the three-headed strange bird, but instead lined up one after another to serve as snacks for the three-headed strange bird.

This is simply...

Is there no one who can punish the three-headed strange bird?


The three-headed strange bird, which had grown bigger, actually flew directly.


The yamen runners felt colder in their hearts.

The people fleeing on the street even felt lucky to have escaped a disaster when they saw this scene - only these yamen runners could see that this was the beginning of a nightmare.

It is true that the three-headed strange bird left, but it is not dead. Now that it is full, it will fly away. Can it fly back when it is hungry?

How did Sanshan Town become a feeding ground for this monster?

But it is too late to say anything now. The three-headed strange bird has already taken off. Just looking at its lazy appearance, it is clear that it is very full - and this means that the three-headed strange bird will definitely come to eat people next time.

Faced with such a ferocious monster, how can ordinary people like them...

"Come down to me!"

At this time, a loud roar suddenly came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the two-story-high little giant smashed the three-headed strange bird that was almost four stories high.


Before the three-headed bird could make any sound, the three necks of the bird were all broken by the little giant.


The little giant cursed inwardly, and then shrank back to his height of less than six feet.

He knew very well that just killing a three-headed bird was not the end.

This was just the beginning.

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