In the Blade

Chapter 443 Firm and More Firm

When Mr. Feng Shui and his apprentice calculated that the inn was a dangerous place, they immediately wanted to escape.

But the escape naturally failed, after all, they hadn't paid for the meal.

Money is actually a trivial matter. A home-cooked meal is not worth much. Even if it is free, it doesn't really matter. But what puzzles Du Chengfeng the most is that he obviously cooks very seriously, but as a result, these people What does it mean to want to run away after eating?

Is his craft so unpalatable?

"No, it's really not a matter of craftsmanship."

Seeing three men, old and young, blocking the door, Mr. Feng Shui, who couldn't run away, could only try to communicate.

"It's not about money. Money still needs to be given. Not only food, but I can even pay for today's room."

Naturally, there was no way to convince the three men blocking the door with such a vague statement, so Mr. Feng Shui took a deep breath.

"Let's do this. I won't take any money from you. I'll treat this news as a gift to you for free... I just looked at the Feng Shui here and it turns out there's a big evil here!"


The three young and old people at the door looked at me, and I looked at you, but for a while no one reacted.

Du Chengfeng naturally doesn't believe this. In his eyes, Feng Shui masters are basically liars. These people may know some geology, architecture, and interior decoration, but these Feng Shui masters want to make profits through information differences. Instead, this knowledge related to people's living environment is packaged into a kind of mysticism.

Of course, if it was just ordinary bluffing, it would actually be okay, but now that it has been bluffed to his head, it doesn't make sense.

Couldn't he tell whether this town was dangerous or not?

But just because he didn't believe it didn't mean that others didn't believe it. At least the expressions of the unknown boy and the old man had gradually changed.

"Indeed, if you think about it that way, the mass grave before..."

The young man already seemed to understand something. As for how wet the mass grave was, he didn't mention a word at this moment.

As for the old man in charge of the inn, he suddenly burst into tears. He looked in the direction of the void and began to recall the past.

"No wonder, no wonder my son was killed. It turned out to be because...why did he want to sell this inn at that time?"

"No, you guys..."

Du Chengfeng was speechless for a long time.

It was obvious that everyone was blocking the door just now, so why were these two people already frightened by just one sentence?

Feng Shui definitely doesn’t exist, right? It's not like he doesn't understand this aspect - well, he really doesn't understand Feng Shui at the level of ordinary people, but now he can already detect the fluctuations in his mental power. In his opinion, this is the most powerful Feng Shui. , after all, in this idealistic world that has seen ghosts, a firm will can really change reality...


Du Chengfeng suddenly thought of something.

Damn this feng shui, it can't really be...

"You've actually killed someone here?"

Mr. Feng Shui slapped him in the face.

"That's right! It's all right! Let's just say this is a dangerous place!"

The two sides looked at each other. It was too late for Du Chengfeng to say anything. Even before he had time to speak, several people over there were already chatting.

On the contrary, because he did not understand Feng Shui, he was directly excluded and unable to participate in the current topic.


Du Chengfeng tried several times, but several people were chatting heatedly about Feng Shui, and he really couldn't get in the conversation. Occasionally, I barely managed to interject a few words, but because I couldn't keep up with the content of the topic, I was quickly thrown away.

After revealing his identity as a Feng Shui master, the elderly guest has become the focal point of everyone. He only looks at the other person's pointers and his impassioned appearance, as if he really knows a lot of things.

"This place is in a good situation. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides. As the saying goes, the three mountains surround the town. The town is like a cornucopia..."

The Feng Shui gentleman was very arrogant and looked like he knew a lot about this place.

But when these words fell into Du Chengfeng's ears, it was a completely different matter.

He had heard the saying of "The Three Cunning Rabbits in Three Caves" in Yuan Zhixian's memory. Now that he heard it again, he felt that it was just that - these Feng Shui masters were really incompetent. If you make them exactly the same, you won't be able to come up with any new words.

Even the person may not be new. At this moment, he has recognized it. The Feng Shui master in front of him is clearly the one he showed to Yuan Zhixian back then.

It's just that decades have passed, and the young people back then have become the old people they are now. It's hard to confirm at first glance.

But if Du Chengfeng remembers correctly, the Feng Shui master back then had no ability. The Yuan Zhixian was clearly hiding here in disguise, but the Feng Shui master didn't notice the slightest clue - even though Yuan Zhixian was good at disguise. Credit, but it also shows from the side that this Feng Shui master really doesn't have much ability. If the so-called Feng Shui qi-gaining technique really has a theory, how can the real person in front of him not know him?

However, even if he knew all this, it would be of little use now. Even if he could tell what happened to Yuan Zhixian back then, it would only be his side of the story. Maybe he could use this incident to awaken the memory of the Feng Shui master, but he couldn't. There is no way to deny the Feng Shui that the other party says using this method.

After all, after listening for a long time, Du Chengfeng gradually realized it.

This Feng Shui gentleman really believes in this.

"To talk about the general trend of the world, it is actually inseparable from the word Feng Shui."

It was at this time that the old Feng Shui master spoke again.

"It's like people from the northern grasslands moving south, and military disasters are everywhere. This doesn't seem to be a feng shui problem, but in fact? What happened before that? Before that, the imperial tomb in Dachen collapsed, and the ground was covered with rubble. There were countless casualties. This is Feng Shui. The dragon veins were damaged, so the dragons in the north..."

The more he kept talking, the more interested the Feng Shui master became, and the old man and the young man became more and more supportive - they were kicked from the sky to the ground, and they had never heard of what he was talking about, but they had never heard of it. But what the Feng Shui master said was so interesting and really appetizing.

What's more, this is a major event in the world. As the saying goes, you can't just walk with your head down, you must also learn to look up at the sky. If someone is willing to explain this major event in the world to them clearly, how can they not listen?

Only Du Chengfeng listened with increasing embarrassment.

After all, he was the party involved in that matter.

It was precisely because he was the person involved that he felt that it was even more outrageous - mainly because Mr. Feng Shui was really right. The imperial mausoleum did collapse, and the place was indeed filled with rubble. As for the casualties, Du Chengfeng No matter what, some people should have died. Everything this Feng Shui master said is true.

But why does the combination of these facts sound so awkward?

The reason why the grassland people went south was most likely because Nanchen Taizu, who was originally hiding in the imperial mausoleum, died. Nanchen lost his strongest force to rely on, so he would naturally be beaten - this was a purely combat-related issue. The problem has nothing to do with dragon veins or Feng Shui.

But people couldn't stand it and loved to hear it. For example, the old man and the young man in the inn had their eyes gleaming as if they knew some shocking secret.

"So that's it! No wonder my parents died violently!"

The young man holding the iron whip already had tears in his eyes, but there was almost no sadness in his tone.

Thinking about it, if one's personal grievances and hatreds are placed in such a huge historical context, and they belong to both dragon veins and imperial mausoleums, this matter of his will naturally seem unworthy of mention.

The young man has experienced enough sadness of the death of his loved ones. What he cares about now is this little-known information, these secrets that are related to the world's major events. Listening to the Feng Shui master's narration, he seems to have seen a It’s a great era when all the heroes come together and hundreds of rivalries compete for the throne!

In such an era, can he himself make a breakthrough?

The young man's eyes were filled with fire called ambition.

The young people were encouraged, and the old people were entertained. The old people in charge of the inn were already at this age. In fact, if you really count, they only have a few years to live. To be able to hear such a message at the last moment of life. A major event is really worth dying for.

Of course, it would be great if you could listen to it more before you die.

"Tell me! Tell me more! Just a few more words!"

At this moment, the old man seemed to be several dozen years younger. He was back to the time when he moved a bench and sat at the entrance of the village chatting with people. The strange stories and news he heard back then were also so mysterious. So intriguing—only this time things are even more eye-catching and head-scratching.

"Sir, do you think I can change this place?"

At this moment, even the old man's title changed, and the Feng Shui master in front of him truly became a knowledgeable and talented person.

"Just, if there is a problem with the feng shui of my place..."

"...I'll take a look first."

Mr. Feng Shui didn't say too much.

This also made Du Chengfeng look askance at him. He originally thought that the Feng Shui master was going to take over all the work - but now it seems that the other party really has his own logic for doing things.

Just like now, the Feng Shui gentleman first walked around each room, checked the furniture and furnishings, and then walked around the outside of the inn with a compass, carefully checking the outer walls and corridors. After that, Mr. Feng Shui even ran to the distance once and looked at the general scene of the inn from a distance, and then trotted all the way back to the inn.

This was another thing that surprised Du Chengfeng. This Feng Shui gentleman had quite a professional ethics. He was able to run away just now, but he was still willing to come back with the compass in hand.

"I've probably finished reading this inn."

Mr. Feng Shui said this with a frown on his face.

"I was wrong about what happened before. I won't charge you any money for this order. But if you don't charge money, you won't charge money. This matter is not that easy to handle..."

"Huh? It's difficult?"

The old man in charge of the inn was immediately stunned.

"How much money do you need? It's easy to say. I just made some money some time ago..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Du Chengfeng had already carried him to the back. Although he didn't have much of a relationship with this cheap master, he still couldn't bear to see the old man being defrauded of money. This kind of thing is not revealed. Anyone with common sense knows that this old man was so angry that he actually even talked about the fact that he had made more money.

But the Feng Shui gentleman shook his head.

"It's really not about the money, it's mainly about this... Do you still remember what I just said, the game about the cunning rabbit's three caves? This place was originally a cornucopia, but because a lid was added, it was suffocated inside..."

That Feng Shui gentleman is repeating the old tune again.

But immediately, the Feng Shui master said something new.

"The situation of your post station is actually closely related to the situation of Sanshan Town. As the saying goes, if the nest is overturned, no egg can be left intact. If Sanshan Town does not change, the post station will not be good either... There must have been a lot of murders here recently, right? In this post station."


At this point, the old man and the young man looked at each other.

Then, both of them shook their heads.

"No, this really hasn't happened."


The Feng Shui Master looked suspicious.

"It shouldn't be. I look at the Feng Shui here. No matter how I look at it, it seems like... How could no one have died here? Someone must have died, right?"

"Uh... It seems that someone did die."

The old man and the young man looked at each other again, but nodded again.

After this reminder, they remembered that someone did die here, and it happened some time ago - the wanted criminal of the government, the one called Song Yan, the golden knife man, was shot to death here.

Du Chengfeng killed him personally, they remembered it clearly.

As for after that, no one died at the post station. The two of them even counted on their fingers, and no one really died - of course, there were indeed many people who came to the post station to make trouble, but they were all defeated by Du Chengfeng. Du Chengfeng did not kill them, but threw those people to the backyard to work.

"There are indeed no deaths."

After counting, the old man and the young man nodded again.

If there were really deaths, they would have no reason not to know, after all, Sanshan Town is such a small place, if there was really something, it would only take one morning for everyone to know.

"No one really died? It shouldn't be..."

The old Feng Shui master frowned more and more, why did the situation differ from what he calculated?

In his eyes, in such a fierce place, several people must die every day. It is unreasonable that no one can be killed, even the elderly and children can't be killed - then what is fierce about this fierce place? It's impossible that all his Feng Shui is fake, right?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. He has studied Feng Shui for decades, how could there be a time when he is not accurate.

"It didn't happen before, but it will happen in the future."

As he said this, Mr. Feng Shui pointed to the ground.

"Today, someone will die in this post station!"

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