In the Blade

Chapter 444 Dead

Someone will definitely die at the inn tonight, the Feng Shui master from outside made this judgment.

Du Chengfeng naturally didn't believe it, but he couldn't stand it. The remaining two people in the station all believed in this - of course, it would be fine if it was just ordinary superstition, but that's where the problem lies. This is an opinion. The idealistic world of ghosts.

As the saying goes, if you believe it, there will be something, if you don’t believe it, there will be nothing. When everyone chooses to believe, this matter will...

"You're not really going to kill anyone, are you?"

Du Chengfeng thought for a while and decided not to sleep, intending to just stare at it all night.

After all, he is still kind-hearted and hates to see dead people.

The ones who are most likely to die are definitely the gangsters in the backyard. They have become accustomed to fighting each other every day. They really have no eyes for fists and kicks, and I'm afraid their brains will be knocked out - so Du Chengfeng is paying special attention here. Take a look.

But who would have thought that these gangsters would be like that during the day, but now when they fall asleep at night, they don't even have a single injury on their bodies.

"Ah this?"

Du Chengfeng looked at them a few more times. He thought for a while that there were some hidden injuries, but after observing them, he realized that these people really had no injuries.

Having no eyesight in fists and feet is often something that happens to people who are not good at learning. Although these evil spirit masters are not very good in Du Chengfeng's eyes, they can still be called masters after all. Being able to be called masters speaks for itself. With a certain understanding of power, it is easier to reach out to each other without hurting the harmony.

After all, at the end of the day, they are all still undergoing reform through labor. If they really want to beat people to death at this time, God knows what the outcome will be.

"That's okay..."

After looking at these people in the world a few more times, Du Chengfeng had to lament that sometimes the people who are closest to danger are actually the ones closest to safety.

It is precisely because they are close to danger that they have a sufficient understanding of danger. They know very well where hitting will seriously injure people, and they also know how much force can kill people, so when they choose not to touch these dangers time, naturally there will be no casualties.

On the contrary, those who have only a little knowledge of the dangers are more likely to die in some accidents.

For example, the nameless boy is doing something extremely dangerous right now - although for safety reasons, the iron whip Du Chengfeng gave the child has no tip or edge, and in his eyes it is just a toy for exercising strength. But after all, this toy is an iron rod weighing three and a half kilograms, and now, the boy is throwing the iron rod into the sky.

Obviously, this child must have seen some strange juggling recently, so he planned to imitate it with his own iron whip. Being able to use a heavy iron whip to juggle is also a way to show off his strength.

It can be seen that after these days of exercise and dietary adjustments, the child has indeed become a lot stronger.

But no matter how strong he is, it doesn't mean he won't die when his head is hit by an iron whip.

"I'll confiscate the things first. I'll give them to you when you learn to be safe."

The iron whip was just thrown into the air when it was snatched away by Du Chengfeng.

Seeing Du Chengfeng's serious face, the unknown boy shrank his neck and had no choice but to go back to sleep.

But even if the young man had already laid down, Du Chengfeng still paid attention to sensing the child's movements. After all, the young man was at his most curious and would always come up with some weird ideas. Of course, , it is a good thing to have ideas, but the problem is that God knows whether these ideas will bring any danger and kill this kid.

While staring at the unknown boy, Du Chengfeng even distractedly paid attention to his cheap master, the old man in charge of the inn.

Facts have proved that the old man is the most reassuring one. He is the earliest to get up and the earliest to sleep. As soon as he goes back to the room and lies down, he falls asleep soon - what makes Du Chengfeng most envious is that this old man He didn't even snore, which meant that the other party couldn't even be out of breath and suffocate himself to death at night.

"It's so healthy..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh. You know that he snores sometimes when sleeping, but this old man is actually healthier than him. He really maintains a good health.

But think about it, before he came here, the old man could maintain the operation of the entire inn by himself. There were a lot of big and small things every day. How could he handle it without a good body?

Time has not only brought aging to this old man, it has also brought corresponding experience. This experience may not enable the old man to achieve any glorious achievements such as becoming a general, but it is enough for this old man to understand what it means to be a general. lifestyle is more suitable for you.

"This...can't be the one who dies, right?"

Du Chengfeng started sweating immediately. This kind of thing made no sense.

Although this idea is a bit too unfounded, in Du Chengfeng's opinion, it is hard to say that it is completely impossible - after all, in this devilish idealistic world, any nonsense can happen.

Monkey Sun in the story is also very capable, wasn't he still seduced by the bull-headed horse face while sleeping?

"If you really dare to come, then I won't be polite!"

Although he didn't know what kind of danger he was about to face, Du Chengfeng immediately prepared his full set of dick moves. The Emperor's Cervical Sword, which can use various weapons, was inserted into his waist. The iron whip was at hand, and he held the world's first judge's pen in his arms. In addition, he now had a strong body that was comparable to ultra-high alloy powdered high-speed steel.

He wanted to see who could kill him in this situation.

"Wait, there are still two people in the post station."

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng remembered that there were two guests in the post station. If the two of them died, it would not be good - so Du Chengfeng simply paid attention to the guest room.

The other guest rooms were empty, only one was occupied, and there was no sound from inside, only the breathing of two people lying on the couch.

Fortunately, it was okay, everyone was alive and not dead yet.

"But we still have to hold on for one night..."

Du Chengfeng took a deep breath.

In the past, he would find the enemy and then chop him. He had never experienced such a battle. This time, he had no opponent in front of him. What brought death was the invisible and intangible mental power - he knew how to output this thing called mental power as evil spirit, but he really couldn't think of how to kill people with this illusory thing.

The unknown is always the most terrifying, and now, he is undoubtedly facing this most terrifying enemy.

But this aroused the fighting spirit in Du Chengfeng's heart.

How long has it been? How long has it been? How long has it been since the last time he fought an enemy of equal strength?

No more opponents, which made him empty and confused for a while, but now he finally found a suitable opponent, an opponent who can threaten him!

This opponent is even invisible and intangible.

"Come, let me see how you will attack!"

Putting the iron whip across his knees, Du Chengfeng closed his eyes and rested his mind while sensing everything around him.

It was a peaceful night, and everyone slept peacefully. When they woke up in the morning and counted the number of people, no one was missing.

"I said this thing is unreliable!"

Even though he hadn't slept all night, Du Chengfeng was still very energetic. Although he was a little tired after staring all night, he was more happy about victory at this moment.

He proved with facts that mental strength is not omnipotent. At least when the people around him believed in Feng Shui, the so-called great evil could not take anyone away.

"This is not a dangerous place! How can I not know whether it is dangerous or not?"


The Feng Shui master who woke up from a nap was speechless. He did not expect that his iron-clad prediction would not work.

This also made the Feng Shui master calculate again, and he was so anxious that he did not even have breakfast - mainly because he really did not believe it. It was obvious that this place was a very dangerous place, even a meat grinder, and countless people would die here. It was no less than a mass grave.

But no one died here, not a single one died, and everyone was alive and well.

"Did I calculate it wrong?"

Perhaps out of confidence in his skills, or unwilling to accept this fact, the Feng Shui master was like a demon, calculating over and over again - but no matter how he looked left and right, or up and down, this was still that dangerous place, and everyone here should have died.

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be..."

The Feng Shui master frowned.

"Did someone give you advice and help you change the Feng Shui here?"

This time, not only Du Chengfeng and the young man didn't believe it, but even the old man who believed it began to shake his head - what a joke, if the Feng Shui here was changed, it should not be evil, but if it was not evil, how did his dead son die?

So this place must be evil, there is no doubt about it.

"Right! You think so too!"

Seeing that the old man admitted his thoughts, Mr. Feng Shui was slightly relieved. After all, when you are in such a state of hesitation, someone thinks you are right, which is indeed a heartwarming support - but immediately, Mr. Feng Shui felt that something seemed to be wrong. The other party admitted that his idea was correct, but why did he see a little disgust on the other party's face from his expression?

"The old man is probably tired, or you should rest early."

In the end, it was Du Chengfeng who said a few words to smooth things over.

In fact, Du Chengfeng originally wanted to ask if the old Feng Shui master was insane, but considering the other party's age, Du Chengfeng still adopted a relatively gentle statement.

Even the young apprentice followed and helped him over. It was obvious that the apprentice could not stand his master's trouble. But even after being helped into the room, the old Feng Shui master still looked puzzled, calculating with his hands and muttering to himself.

The young apprentice came closer and heard that his master was still calculating the Feng Shui here.


The young apprentice sighed, and he didn't know what to say.

Although he knew that his master was capable, he was a little too obsessed at the moment. What if no one died in the fierce place? As the saying goes, there is nothing strange in the world. What if the people living here are lucky enough and will not be killed?

There is no need to let a living person hold his urine to death. Since the facts are different from the calculations, let it be. Just think of it as a new experience. There is nothing wrong with it.

"Anyway... Master, you should go to bed early."

It was already getting dark, and the old Feng Shui master was still sitting there with a mad look on his face. The young apprentice could only sigh and fall asleep early.

Du Chengfeng was still on guard that night. Although he didn't tell anyone, he was the only one who could keep watch in the post station at the moment. But this kind of thing was indeed a bit exhausting. Not only did he have to stay awake, but he also had to pay attention to the environment of the entire post station.

Du Chengfeng could still hold on for one night like this. If he held on for the second night, even he would have started yawning.

Of course, it was just yawning, not to the point where he would fall asleep while sitting. After all, in addition to being sleepy, another reason for yawning was boredom. Unlike those battles of wits and courage, or passionate sword-wielding clashes, this kind of sitting and waiting for things to happen was really meaningless.

"I should have asked someone else to keep watch earlier... The locals probably weren't very good. How about trying to get Xiao Cui over here?"

This was really a solution. After all, he didn't know how well Xiao Cui's swordsmanship had been practiced. If he had the chance, he would really have to seriously investigate it. But it was not good to ask someone to run all the way from such a long distance.

Besides, he himself was not really unable to bear it.

Do your own things by yourself, so that you can become stronger through experience and lessons, so most of the time, Du Chengfeng never handed things over to others - but now thinking about it, he did miss the environment of Wangyou Township. It should have been a while since he came out, maybe he should go back and take a look...

"Oh! I was distracted!"

Du Chengfeng slapped his head, quickly came back to his senses, and continued to pay attention to the rooms of the post station.

Those Jianghu people were fine, the nameless boy was still alive, the old man was still sleeping, and the young apprentice was still snoring - only the old Feng Shui master had completely stopped breathing at this moment!


Du Chengfeng rushed to the guest room as soon as possible and pushed open the door, which woke up the young apprentice on the spot, but he didn't know what happened for a while.

Until Du Chengfeng raised his hand and pointed at the Feng Shui master sitting on another couch, the young apprentice came back to his senses.

"This... Master is dead?"

The young apprentice was stunned.

The old Feng Shui master had a look of horror on his face and actually frightened himself to death.

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