In the Blade

Chapter 461 The sun still rises as usual

The next morning, the sun rose as usual.

Just like every morning, Sanshan Town still has no changes. People eat when they should eat, work when they should work, and buy some snacks and wine when they have free time. This is a beautiful day.

Occasionally, when you see some jianghu people fighting with knives, some people will complain. On the one hand, they complain that these jianghu people disturb the public order, and on the other hand, they complain that they don’t have that kind of ability.

However, after a brief complaint, they will no longer think about this kind of thing. After all, if they can become a master of evil spirits, they would have become one long ago. How could they live a mediocre life in this small town?

They were born here and died here, just like this old town, as if there would never be any changes.

But recently, there have been some changes in the town.

First, an old man died inexplicably in the bell and drum tower. He died in his own house. His body looked horrible. Because there was a huge hole on the roof of the old man's house, the people had different opinions for a while - the most reliable one was revenge killing. After all, the constable saw the traces of cutting in the house. Although it was very small, it still showed that it might be done by a gangster.

Common gangster revenge killings did not affect anyone. It was just that an old man who lived alone died. This kind of thing is too common.

However, it is precisely because it is too common that this statement has not been spread, but those gossips are widely circulated.

"The old man was killed by a meteor!"

The people who are curious swore and said it as if it were true.

"If you don't believe me, go and see the hole in the roof. Are there any signs of burning? I tell you, I saw it with my own eyes that day. That Taibai Star..."

"You started again."

Hearing this, the people who wanted to listen to it lost interest immediately. The reason was that it was really exaggerated. If it was just a meteorite that killed people, it would sound quite fresh, but the Taibai Star appeared, and it sounded like a made-up story.

Moreover, compared to such rumors, everyone is more concerned about things that are closer to their lives.

For example.

"Has the chef in your store left?"

Several people who were about to order food at the post station were dumbfounded. They originally wanted to taste the chef's good skills again, but who would have thought that the chef was not there?

"When will he come back?"

"I don't know..."

The boy with a new iron whip on his waist was blocked at the door by a crowd of people and sweated.

There is no point in asking him about this. He doesn't know. He is also confused. He originally thought that his life could continue like that. But who would have thought that on an ordinary morning, the elder brother Du who seemed to live here forever would suddenly disappear?


The boy wanted to cry but had no tears.

Having lost his parents, he thought he was dead. Even if he survived by chance, all he wanted was revenge. However, the appearance of the little giant not only took away his enemies, but also let him know that after the revenge, his life did not end there. There were other ways to go.

It was at that time that he really became interested in becoming a master of evil spirits. He wanted to become stronger and stronger. Of course, the little giant didn't like him to be in the rivers and lakes, nor did he want him to become a master of evil spirits. He was once depressed because of this.

But until now, the boy realized that what he wanted might not be a river and lake with bright clothes and angry horses.

Until this sudden separation, he realized that what he wanted might just be to become like that person.

Just like every man would experience, he always had to look at someone's back to know how to move forward. He had lost both his parents and was already confused by hatred, but the back that appeared in front of him was too generous and majestic. The two-story-high figure was already so tall that it could block out the sun for a young man.

And now, the existence that blocked out the sun has disappeared.

The sun was so dazzling.


I don't know when, the boy was already in tears.

The depression of separation lasted for seven or eight days. The boy locked himself in the room and didn't come out. He had experienced the separation of life and death, but he still didn't know how to deal with this separation.

Without the cook and the waiter, the post station that was once prosperous in Sanshan Town soon became depressed, and even the masters of evil spirits in the backyard all ran away - they should have run away a long time ago, but they were worried that the little giant would kill back at any time, so they didn't dare to move for the time being.

Seven days was enough for them to confirm that the little giant would never come back.

It was also enough for the young man to confirm.

Pushing the door open, the young man looked at the back kitchen of the post station. Now there were still some local people who patronized the post station occasionally, but to be frank, he still wanted to see if the cook would come back. Of course, he couldn't come for nothing, so he just sat down and ordered a few side dishes. Although they were not as amazing as the chef's skills at the beginning, they were at least edible with two taels of old wine.

In the end, the old man who managed the post station was really good at cooking, but because he was too old and there was only one person in charge, the speed of serving the food was really too slow.

"So... I'll do it."

Taking a deep breath, the young man walked into the back kitchen.

Please ask the old man to step aside, the boy stood in front of the stove, recalling the back figure, and began to work with his hands following the pictures in his memory.

He just cut some vegetables, and the boy felt that there was something wrong with this action.

So after thinking for a while, he took off the iron whip on his waist and threw it aside.

Perhaps humans have never changed. The so-called growth is nothing more than the instinct of young animals to imitate adults.

The boy picked up the kitchen knife again with bare hands and stood back in front of the chopping board. In the eyes of the old man next to him, this back figure that has not grown up has gradually overlapped with another too wide back figure.

The post station has a new cook, and the previous project can finally be opened again. Although the new cook's skills are much worse than the previous cook, at least it is considered to be in good shape - especially after seeing who the new cook is, the people who come to eat have nothing to say. At this age, he can have such skills, so what else can he choose?

Since he is young, it means that there is still room for development. If he practices for a few more years, there is always a bright future ahead.

However, everyone still misses the chef. After all, his cooking skills are too amazing. The taste, aroma, texture, and even the presentation are impeccable. Although they are all home-cooked dishes, the more you taste them, the more you can taste them.

"Perhaps only those who devote their whole body and mind to cooking can achieve this level."

Whenever the people of Sanshan Town think of the short-lived chef, they all sigh. The other party was born with a more powerful body than those heroes in the rivers and lakes, but he was very serious in cooking - this can be seen from the legends that came out of the vegetable market. The little giant even went to buy vegetables by himself every day, and he would carefully select every leaf of vegetables.

When the people thought of the fierce-looking man squatting in front of the vendor to pick leaves, they sighed.

"So, did the cook go into the mountains to look for wild vegetables?"

Someone made such a statement.

Of course, this is not so much a guess as a self-consolation. After all, going into the mountains to look for wild vegetables means that there will always be a time to come back from the mountains. To put it bluntly, everyone just found a reason and hoped that the cook would come back and stay for a while. Even if he didn't cook, but only made soup, it would be a good thing.

But like most rumors, this statement gradually changed as it spread.

Some people said that the cook went into the mountains to look for treasures. When he found the rare mushrooms hidden in the three mountains, he would come back to show everyone his skills. Some people also said that the cook went into the mountains to hunt. After all, he had tasted too many home-cooked dishes, so the cook began to move towards unprocessed game. Some people said that the cook simply returned to his hometown. Such people were naturally beaten in vain. After all, returning to his hometown meant that the cook would never come back.

If the cook didn't come back, what would everyone eat?

"If you ask me, the cook has actually been in the mountains all along."

In the post station, a curious citizen gathered everyone together, and then spoke mysteriously.

"I tell you, I saw it with my own eyes. Just a few days ago, when I went into the mountains to look for mushrooms, I really saw the cook..."


Everyone was immediately interested, and even the boy who was busy in the kitchen stopped his work and pricked up his ears.

"Then why don't you call him back? How dangerous is it to go to the mountains alone?"

"What you said, he is not an ordinary person. Can the little danger you are talking about be called dangerous?"

The curious citizen shook his head repeatedly.

"Don't you think about it, what kind of posture did he have when he first came? As tall as two floors! Isn't this more powerful than those evil masters! What danger can move him?"

"This... is indeed."

The people nodded in agreement.

It is true, but it is also nonsense. The little giant went to the vegetable market every day before. Who hasn't seen his appearance? Why does he need to do it again?

Even if the cook lives in the mountains, there will be no danger at all. How can they not know this? As for why they deliberately ask more questions even though they know it, of course it is because it is necessary to be polite. You can't just say "Because I miss the food you cook, so you hurry back to work", how bad is that?

"So you hurry up and tell me what's going on?"

After listening to a round of repetitive talk, everyone's face has become a little unfriendly, and the eyes looking at the good-hearted people have also added a few traces of danger, as if this kid keeps talking nonsense and exaggerating, he will be thrown into the backflow river.

Since you like to add water to the business so much, just throw it into the river to drink water, which can be regarded as the original soup and the original food.

"No, why are you looking at me like this?"

The good-hearted people also noticed the weird atmosphere at the moment, and immediately waved their hands.

"It's not that I don't want to call him back, it's just that... I don't even dare to approach him."


The people were choked on the spot.

People in the mountains, others dare not approach them, in this situation, the people who often see those people in the rivers and lakes immediately thought of a possibility.

"You mean... he has evil spirits in his brain?"

The young man in the kitchen rushed out suddenly and grabbed the collar of the nosy citizen.

Yes, this is the most likely scenario. People took the initiative to hide in the mountains to prevent themselves from killing people indiscriminately under the influence of evil spirits, and the people did not dare to approach because they probably felt the threat of death.

Come to think of it, the little giant looked like he had evil spirits in his body. He was two stories tall, so it was not an exaggeration to say that he was a monster. Although it was later said that he had practiced some kind of martial arts and his height shrank back, everyone knew that he was definitely the same as those evil spirit masters in the world.

It is even possible that he is more dangerous than those evil spirit masters.

This can be seen from the little giant's appearance and behavior. He is obviously brave, but he almost never kills people. The only dead person that everyone can remember is the bandit nicknamed the Golden Knife Man. Originally, everyone thought that the little giant did not kill people just because he was kind, but now it seems...

Maybe there is another hidden reason?

"Maybe before, the evil spirit in his body had accumulated to a certain extent."

Someone said his own speculation.

"That's why he didn't kill people. He wanted to keep his sanity, but it's obvious that he's starting to lose his sanity recently, so he took the initiative to go into the mountains... Alas."

When these words came out, everyone covered their faces and sighed, especially after comparing them with those masters of evil spirits who would draw their swords and fight at any time. This behavior of knowing that they were going to lose control and simply choosing to stay away from people was really too noble.

Even the boy was stunned in the same place. He never thought that the previous farewell had such a reason.

Unconsciously, the boy burst into tears again.

It was at this time that he realized more truly why the little giant didn't want him to be an evil spirit master.

Compared with this behavior, those so-called evil spirit masters were simply...

"What! How did you become evil spirit!"

The collar was loosened, which allowed the nosy people to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Where is the evil spirit? Can you let someone finish what he said? I haven't said anything yet, what are you guessing?"

"Ah? It's not evil spirit?"

The people who were sighing just now were immediately embarrassed, and even the boy who was half crying choked back.

If it's not evil spirit, then what could it be?

"It's Taibai Star!"

The nosy people swore.

"The cook was originally Taibai Star descended to the earth, and now he just restored his original appearance. I saw it with my own eyes. The cook is now less than three feet tall, covered with silver light, just like cast steel and iron... No, why are you leaving? I haven't finished talking! I really saw it!"

"You started it again."

Shaking their heads, everyone ate or went home, and even the boy returned to the kitchen and continued to busy himself with his own things.

All day long, Taibaixing, Taibaixing, there is a limit to spreading rumors. Last time, an old man died in his own home, and there was a hole in the roof, and it was said that Taibaixing did it. This time, Taibaixing was brought up again. When did Taibaixing become so cheap?

"No, you should listen to me, what I said is true..."

The nosy citizen continued to talk, but no one paid attention to him.

Only the metal figure in Datang Mountain in the distance suddenly sneezed.

"Maybe I caught a cold... No, I will catch a cold now?"

Shaking his head, Du Chengfeng continued to think of ways to try to polish the mountain under his feet.

To polish all three mountains, this is undoubtedly a complicated and large project.

But for Du Chengfeng, it is not yet unacceptable.

"One step further..."

Touching the land under his feet, Du Chengfeng's heart faintly rose with expectation.

He used to think that this world was just like this, but now it seems...

Mountains can already be used as weapons, what else is impossible?

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