In the Blade

Chapter 462 A higher level of scenery

Polishing a mountain is a time-consuming and laborious task.

Unlike ordinary weapons, the whetstone is not big, but it is enough to deal with ordinary weapons. However, for a whole mountain, the size of the whetstone is too small - even if Du Chengfeng wants to use the method of grinding blunt tools to wipe it, he can't wipe a whole mountain.

Moreover, how to grind a mountain? He can't polish a whole mountain, right?

So, in the first three days, Du Chengfeng faced three mountains and had no idea.

If someone else came, maybe he would just continue to think here, just like the common martial artists in seclusion, maybe after a long time of seclusion, he can always understand something - but Du Chengfeng is very self-aware in this regard. He knows very well that he is not the type who is good at thinking.

Moreover, a person's hard thinking is a bit too limited no matter how you look at it.

"So what do you have to do?"

In Wangyou Township, at his own home, Du Chengfeng expressed his doubts to the friends who were invited.

However, friends in Wangyou Township obviously didn't care about such a small matter. They were more concerned about Du Chengfeng's current state. You know, when Du Chengfeng went out before, he was as tall as a two-story building. As a result, after staying out for a few months, he became a three-foot dwarf when he came back, and his whole body was as strong as iron. Who has ever seen such a scene?

You know, although the people in Wangyou Township haven't been out for a while, they have seen and experienced it along the way. They can accept becoming bigger or smaller, but turning from a person into iron...

"Are you really Du Chengfeng?"

Liu Bolun was the first to express doubts.

"Or are you a new monster that came out of nowhere?"

"I remember that you will be incontinent after drinking too much."

Du Chengfeng decisively chose to tell the secret to verify his identity.

"Last time when I drank, I peed on my shoes..."

"Fake! That's not the case! This must be fake! Beat him!"

Liu Bolun was about to rush over and kick him, but was stopped by Cui Yuan, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed.

Swordsman Cui was quite curious about Du Chengfeng's current state. After all, this idea seemed to be applicable to swords. Of course, he had no way to confirm whether the silver-white figure was Du Chengfeng, so he adopted his own method.

That was to simply stab with a sword. The broken sword without a sword tip was much sharper than a sharp sword.

"How can your swordsmanship still decline? Have you not practiced with me for too long?"

Du Chengfeng casually slapped the oncoming sword energy to the ground.

"You use this to test me? Can't you give me a little surprise?"

"I lose."

Cui Yuan bowed his head and admitted defeat on the spot. After all, his surprise was over before it unfolded. The thirty-two sword energies were directly extinguished before they exploded. He could only think of one person who had this familiar method.

Although the appearance became outrageous, just this casual slap was enough to prove that what was in front of him was indeed the real thing.

"I told you he's not fake! How could I have mistaken him!"

The only person who recognized Du Chengfeng's identity from the beginning was the wooden man Li Mujiang.

Not only the wooden man Li Mujiang, but also the long stick with Li Mujiang's will said the same thing - although the long stick itself couldn't speak, it was precisely because it didn't even have a body that the perception became more acute.

"Even if I mistaken my wife, I can't mistake my brother."

As the only person who got the correct answer, the wooden man Li Mujiang was quite proud, and even a smile appeared on his wooden face.

It's no wonder that Li Mujiang was proud, mainly because no one guessed right about this kind of thing. Liu Bolun and Xiao Cui Jianshi were still lucky. Old Man Yang and the villagers outside had already started burning incense in front of the incense burner after seeing Du Chengfeng's appearance.

Well, although I don't know what kind of immortal flew into Wangyou Township, it's definitely right to worship it. What if the immortal shows up?

"These guys are really... I'll tell them later."

Du Chengfeng was helpless. It was not realistic to expect to explain the situation in a short time. Moreover, even if he said it, these people might not understand it. After all, let alone the effort, these folks didn't even understand the evil spirit.

"So, can you talk about something serious?"

After going around in circles, Du Chengfeng finally got back to the topic.

"How to grind the mountain? Who can give an explanation?"

"Did you drink too much? Or didn't drink enough?"

Liu Bolun gave his opinion.

"If you must ask...this doesn't need to be polished, right? A heavy rain will wash the mountain clean."

"Ask about the grinding method...Can the mountain be used as a weapon?"

Swordsman Cui frowned and spoke.

"In this case, a mountain can be used as a weapon... If you want to sharpen the mountain, why not just scrape it with sword energy?"

"Can't you say something reliable?"

Du Chengfeng was already a little annoyed. None of the methods these two people said were reasonable.

However, at this time, the wooden man Li Carpenter suddenly spoke.

"However, how about you try planting trees?"

"Planting trees?"

Du Chengfeng was stunned.

"This has nothing to do with sharpening a knife, right? How did you think of this?"

"Speaking of mountains, you must think of trees. After all, you are going to the south, not Mobei."

The wooden man Li Mujiang scratched his head.

"What's more, if you really want to polish the mountain like a weapon, it is basically equivalent to repairing it."


Du Chengfeng felt that he had grasped something vaguely.

"You mean, repair?"

"Yes, repair."

Li Mujiang nodded.

"Repair it to its original appearance, or repair it to a usable appearance. Isn't that what polishing is for? When I do carpentry work..."

"Yes! That's it!"

Before he finished speaking, Du Chengfeng had already hugged Li Mujiang.

"Good brother! This is what I want!"

Facts have proved that having a good brother who knows the business is indeed reliable. Just like this time, if he was left to ponder on his own without any clues, he might not be able to come up with a good idea in half a year - but when he came back and discussed it with everyone, he had already found the direction of doing things in less than an afternoon.

Now that he knew what to do, Du Chengfeng was no longer in a hurry. After deciding to plant trees in the three mountains, Du Chengfeng began to travel back and forth between the two places.

Most of the time, he would plant trees in the three mountains and repair the deep pits dug by the Jianghu people. Occasionally, when he was tired from working, he would simply fly back to Wangyou Township to rest. Anyway, with his current skills, it was not a problem to travel back and forth between the two places, and it was not a big deal for him.

And such days passed in half a year.

In the past six months, Du Chengfeng spent most of his time in the three mountains, restoring the vegetation of the three mountains and repairing the damage in the mountains. Of course, for a mountain, there is actually no such thing as damage. After all, whether it is cutting stones or cutting trees, as long as the things cut down have not left the mountain, it is just moving the things to another place.

Simply put, it's like taking something from the bedroom to the living room. As long as it's not out of the house, it doesn't count as a change. In fact, it doesn't matter if some odds and ends are out of the house. No matter how clean the house is, there will always be some garbage thrown away every day.

"No wonder that old man uses the mountain as a weapon..."

The more he cleaned up, the more Du Chengfeng sighed.

This thing is indeed much better than a knife.

Although swords are sharp, the edges and tips are more easily damaged, so many people will use blunt weapons such as whips and war hammers. Although they don't have sharp edges, the heavy smashing is enough to kill people. Of course, the most important thing is that these blunt weapons don't need to worry too much about maintenance, after all, they don't have edges that can be damaged.

Of course, you can't completely ignore maintenance, after all, blunt weapons will rust or the handles will rot.

But the mountain really doesn't need maintenance.

Although this matter sounds outrageous, these three mountains are indeed the most perfect weapons Du Chengfeng has ever seen - no maintenance, no care, and even no skills are required. After all, with the weight of these three mountains, you only need to throw them to kill the enemy.

Indeed, this may sound simple and crude, but it is also the most direct violence itself.

The so-called violence is the power that can be used to destroy the enemy.

Whether the process is complex or simple, fast or slow, the root principle is not much different.

"But is it really that simple?"

Du Chengfeng wiped a handful of non-existent sweat after planting another row of saplings.

With his current body, he will definitely not be tired, but this kind of fatigue is more on the psychological level - he has been busy in these three mountains for half a year, but he still doesn't feel the familiar reading memory. What went wrong?

Is it because his way of polishing is wrong?

It shouldn't be? Didn't we talk about it before? The so-called polishing is nothing more than repairing it to its original state, or repairing it to be usable. According to this idea, these three mountains should have been polished long ago - or in other words, these three mountains don't need to be polished at all, after all, these three mountains have never been broken.

"So what went wrong?"

Du Chengfeng began to scratch his head again.

Logically speaking, going back to ask might get some good ideas, but Du Chengfeng always felt that it was unnecessary. He had already got the right idea, and now he was just missing the final touch.

Only the final touch was missing, could he not think of it?

"Think about it, think about it..."

This time, Du Chengfeng did not choose to fly back, but tried to explore the clues himself.

Whether it was to restore it to its original state or to restore it to a usable state, he had already done it, but it was useless - in other words, Carpenter Li's ideas could only provide some guidance, there must be subtle differences in the middle, there must be something he didn't notice, Carpenter Li's statement...


Du Chengfeng suddenly slapped his forehead.

"Yes! He is a carpenter!"

Du Chengfeng suddenly realized.

Indeed, he remembered very clearly that Carpenter Li also said at the time that this was the idea he came up with when doing carpentry work - although it was indeed inspiring to him, the two sides were completely different in essence.

The repair and maintenance of carpenters is completely different from the polishing of weapons.

Polishing weapons has its own set of independent logic.

"First of all, it must be repaired. Whether it is repaired or repaired to be usable, this part is no problem."

Du Chengfeng continued to think.

"So the real problem lies in how to repair it."

How to repair it? This is the problem he is facing now. Facing the three heavy mountains, he can't think of how to start - but if it is changed to a weapon, the idea is very easy to organize. It is nothing more than to find out the designer or user's ideas first, and then repair the weapon...

"Right! This is it!"

Du Chengfeng felt that he had caught the key.

Before, he was busy wanting to polish these three mountains, but he forgot to feel the three mountains themselves, their origins, why they became weapons, what kind of processing they went through, and where their special features are... Only by fully understanding these three mountains, he knew what angle to start from and could truly polish them.

"To read the memory of these three mountains, you must first experience everything about these three mountains. After all, this is the source of memory."

Thinking of this, Du Chengfeng suddenly felt dazed.

It was at this time that he realized that he had really started to polish.

Or in other words, he really started to communicate with this mountain.

The process of communication is long. After all, the age of a mountain is many times older than that of a knife. Even though Du Chengfeng has had experience, he still watched it for seven consecutive days and nights before he finished it.

This is because the mountain gave him a discount, only counting the time after it was made into a weapon. Otherwise, if it was really calculated according to the lifespan of the stone, Du Chengfeng would probably be killed on the spot.

Fortunately, high risks can indeed get high returns.

Just like now, knowing that there will be dangers but still spending time and effort to do these things, Du Chengfeng has indeed gained a lot this time.

"Mountain Moving Technique...Is it actually called this name?"

Seven days later, Du Chengfeng opened his eyes with a tired face.

Although his face was full of fatigue, Du Chengfeng's eyes were shining - just because after a long time, he actually glimpsed a path to a higher level.

But this path was a bit too outrageous no matter how you looked at it.

"There really are immortals and gods..."

Du Chengfeng couldn't help but look up and look into the distance.

It was not a so-called immortal body, nor was it some inexplicable corpse immortal.

The old man he killed could already be called a real immortal god.

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