In the Blade

Chapter 463 Immortals and Gods

As we all know, someone who controls a knife is called a swordsman, someone who controls a sword is called a swordsman, someone who uses a spear is called a spearman, and someone who uses a bow and arrow is called an archer.

Of course, there are also many users of weapons who do not have their own exclusive titles, but people will still roughly classify them into a relatively easy-to-divide category.

For example, those who use heavy hammers and broadswords, or those who use boring sticks and hammers. Since they are battle weapons, they are generally called warriors or fierce generals.

Or those who use strange weapons such as the tiger-head double hook, the two-dragon sword, the mandarin duck axe, the rope dart, etc., will be treated as martial arts masters or knights.

So, the problem arises.

What should we call those who use mountains as weapons?

"If he controls three mountains, he can indeed be called a mountain god."

Du Chengfeng, who was cleaning up Kangping Mountain, sighed.

It is not easy to control a big mountain as a weapon. It is already extremely difficult to make a big mountain into a weapon in the first place - this is what Du Chengfeng saw when he was polishing the previous treasure mountain. This was the first time he knew that there could be such a way.

A long time ago, Jubao Mountain was not originally called Jubao Mountain. The top of the mountain was once an ancient battlefield. Two armies fought on the mountain, leaving corpses all over the ground.

Only one remnant soldier was lucky enough to escape the killing by pretending to be dead, but the enemy general, who was riding a thousand horses, had frightened him to death. The terrifying evil sword was so fierce, God knows how many people the general killed.

"Now that he has killed so many people, will that warrior become stronger again?"

The remnant soldier thought this, and just thinking of that terrifying figure made the remnant soldier tremble all over.

So he chose to pretend to be dead. He just wanted to live. He didn't want to die here.

"But, can I really survive?"

When the remnant soldier raised his head, he was left with deeper despair.

He did indeed survive, but how should he get out?

When he followed his comrades into the mountains before, the remnant soldier once thought that the hilltop was too small to cover their figures, but now he realized that this seemingly small hilltop was actually so deep.

Can he really get out of this dense forest? Can he really get out of this mountain alive?

"I might die here."

At this moment, the remaining soldiers completely lost hope.

It seems that he is really going to die here, starve to death, or be eaten by the wild dogs that come to tear the body apart - if he had known that he would end up like this, he might as well have let the general chop him down, at least he would have died. Consider it a pleasure.

If the evil spirit weapon kills him, he will probably become stronger, right?

If you think about it this way, he didn't die under that evil weapon, but died in the mountain, so it's still...

"If I die in the mountains, will the mountains become stronger?"

This idea suddenly appeared in Can Bing's mind.

This idea is so absurd. After all, mountains are mountains, and this thing is completely different from a weapon - but this idea lingers in his mind, and even takes root more and more.

After all, he had just experienced a life and death battle.

In a life-and-death battle, that is, a life-and-death war, in order to survive, everything at hand can be used as a weapon - if the knife is cut off, use a broken knife to cut it, if the spear is broken, you can use a broken spear to stab it, and if you don't have a weapon, you can use it as a weapon. Throwing stones, if there are no stones, just pick up the helmet and shoot the opponent. Everything at hand can be used to fight, as long as it can kill people.

Therefore, even stones, helmets, tree branches, and even trouser belts can kill people.

Why can't mountains kill people?

"Mountains can also be used as weapons!"

At this moment, Can Bing clenched his fists.

"And it will be the best weapon."

Perhaps it was the frenzy between life and death, or the urge to survive, that this timid remnant soldier even had the idea of ​​controlling the mountain.

This is not only ambition, but also means survival. After all, relying on himself alone, there is a high probability that he will not be able to get out of this mountain.

Controlling this mountain may be his only way to survive.

Living is his greatest motivation, and the moment of life and death stimulates his greatest potential. Although this remnant soldier still doesn't know how to control the mountains, he still imitates the appearance of the immortals in the novel, sitting cross-legged. In place.

"Leave it to me...Leave it to me!"

With his fists clenched and the remnant soldier sitting cross-legged, his eyes were bloodshot.

"I will lead you to kill more people, and I will become stronger with you...Leave it to me! Come with me!"

Should it be said that it was the absolute will between life and death, or that the mountain really heard the voice of this remnant soldier.

Or, when those soldiers died in the mountain, the mountain had become an ownerless weapon?

In short, under this crazy will, this mountain has really become a weapon for the remaining soldiers.

What should we call those who use mountains as weapons?

"It should be called Mountain God."

The old remnant soldier sighed like this.

At this time, the remnant soldier was no longer the same person who was struggling to survive in the past, and the mountains he controlled had also increased from one to three. He used his death to sacrifice these three mountains, and these three mountains fed him back. It also makes his life span as long as a mountain.

As for the once arrogant general, he had seen it before, and he later led troops to conquer - but this kind of thing no longer mattered to him, he was no longer the powerless person he used to be. The remnant soldiers.

He just waved his hand, and the general, and even the troops led by the general, were crushed to death at the foot of the mountain.

At that time, he was proud of this. He finally defeated the powerful enemy that he could only look up to in the past. The so-called evil weapon was as fragile as paper in front of the power of the mountain. At that moment, he really felt that he was the most powerful person in the world. God!

However, killing someone is always easy. The trouble usually comes after killing someone.

After a brief period of relief, the remnant soldier also faced his own troubles - because an entire army disappeared here, rumors spread around the world that there were monsters here, and people no longer came here, or even passed by. Pass again.

If people don't come over, no one will die. If no one dies, will he still have to carry the mountain and chase him out?

What's more, how many people can he kill if he is just chasing them?

"You have to find a way..."

Thinking like this, the remaining soldiers gradually gave up killing.

He changed his approach.

Just chasing wild boars blindly is meaningless. If he can chase them, people can run away, just like when hunting. You can't chase wild boars all over the mountains - so if you really want to eat meat, hunting is inefficient. means.

Breeding is more efficient than hunting.

Before he became a mountain god or even a soldier, he had also seen the butchers in his hometown. Some butchers specialized in killing pigs, but the big butchers usually had their own pig farms. After having their own pig farms, the butchers Their identities have changed. They only need to kill their own pigs and have meat to eat every day.

"Maybe I can also learn this method."

Thinking like this, he started his own operation.

This is a long job. He waited for nearly a hundred years before the reputation of this place became less bad. Then it took another hundred years to make this place peaceful and peaceful. After the third hundred years, , there is even a small town among these three mountains.

And he himself was hidden in this small town.

Although the town is small, it has all the necessary organs and the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere will attract more people to settle here. They are born here and die here, and after their death, that power will be refined into the mountains - if it is outside It would be even better if people from the Jianghu came over. No matter who these evil spirit masters came to fight life or death, the final beneficiaries would be these three mountains.

The remnant soldier back then and the old man later felt that he had accomplished everything. He even thought that days like this would continue forever.

Until a flash of silver light shone in his sight.

"I really couldn't help but feel embarrassed when I wrote it."

After reading the memories left on Kangping Mountain and recalling the scenes he saw when polishing Jubao Mountain, Du Chengfeng stretched hard.

Polishing a mountain is a time-consuming and labor-intensive matter. It took him nearly half a year to polish the first mountain. Although this allowed him to master the method, the second mountain still took him three months - Although there is a reason why he often flies back to rest, the matter itself is indeed troublesome.

But enough trouble also brings enough rewards.

Just like now, the two mountains of Jubao and Kangping are already at his disposal. Just like the old man before, he can also use these two mountains as weapons to operate at will, and even let them fly wherever he wants. place.

"But... forget it."

Du Chengfeng, who originally wanted to give it a try, decided not to take action after looking at Sanshan Town in the distance.

Although it is true that he can move the mountain away, the act itself may be a bit too shocking for the local people. Furthermore, if someone goes into the mountain to do something, if he moves the mountain away, people will be afraid. Wasn't it just taken away together - of course, it would be okay if it was just taken away, but if he did some acrobatics with these two mountains, and the people on the mountains fell down and died, who does it belong to?

Most of the time, Du Chengfeng is still very public-spirited. He will not do such things that benefit himself at the expense of others for no reason.

"But you still have to hold it in your hand."

Thinking like this, Du Chengfeng looked at the last hilltop.

As long as he polishes the last Datang Mountain, the three mountains will be under his control.


"I really don't want to move!"

Du Chengfeng lay down directly on the ground.

After polishing two mountains in a row, he was already quite exhausted. Before polishing the third mountain, he had to take a vacation first - it didn't even take much time, it only took two or three days. Okay, give him some time to eat a good meal, and then take a long nap to calm down.

"Then go back first. The mountain won't run away anyway."

Now that he decided to rest, Du Chengfeng simply flew into the air.

This is the benefit of mastering the power of the mind. Mastering the technology of flying makes his transportation faster - now he can fly back to Wangyou hometown thousands of miles away in half a day, so during this period he Running back and forth didn't cause too much trouble.

"So how come this so-called mountain god can't even fly?"

Du Chengfeng shook his head when he thought of the memories he had just seen.

Although this remnant soldier, who was later called the Mountain God, may indeed have mastered some special techniques due to some strange combination of circumstances, it is obvious that the remnant soldier's thoughts are still at the remnant soldier stage - still being manipulated by the earth. Being bound by gravity can only mean that the other party's imagination has not been fully developed.

"At least I haven't started pursuing the freedom of the sky yet."

Du Chengfeng sighed for his opponent.

Although this behavior of defeating Zai Ruiping is a bit too unqualified, but judging from the facts, his opponent, the so-called Mountain God, is indeed a bit bad.

What's more, this is not considered lack of quality. After all, the person involved, that is, the mountain god himself did not stand up and say anything.

"So the flying speed is a bit slow..."

After thinking about it for a while, Du Chengfeng, who was already halfway through the flight, suddenly felt that there seemed to be nothing commendable about his so-called flying - at this speed, it was just a train. The level is so high that even a normal plane might not be able to catch up. What is he so proud of?

"Hey, I can only say that compared to real technology, magical skills are really far behind."

Du Chengfeng sighed.

But when he thought about airplanes, Du Chengfeng regarded this boring flight as a trip. After flying back and forth countless times, he no longer feared heights, and he even lowered his head to look down.

The scenery above the sky is always fresh. From this perspective, everything on the ground seems to have turned into a miniature model. Those people have become the size of ants, and even the mountains and rivers have become smaller—— Du Chengfeng once thought he was watching a sand table, but the sand table was too finely made.

Especially among the mountains and rivers, there are even little ant-like people moving around. They look so naive carrying the sedan chair to the river. The ants seem to be chanting something. The ants carry the sedan chair containing the people. Throwed into the river...

"Throw it into the river?"

Du Chengfeng was startled and quickly flew down.

On the ground, people were beating gongs and drums, and in the river, the man tied to the sedan was struggling desperately - but no matter how hard he struggled, the river still submerged him, and he was about to die. On the spot!

It was at this time that Du Chengfeng waved his hand.

The river instantly split into two, and the sedan with the people tied to it fell into the mud at the bottom of the river.

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